Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

Dreams - Mood much better :)


This day was better than the last one. That isn't really hard. Yesterday was bad. I had a awesome dream and I woke up with an amazing mood and a good feeling. I don't know how but I did math and biology and what did the teacher? Changed the days. Math test is tomorrow and the worksheet in biology, too.
Okay that can happen. I have more time to learn and go over it. Good! I came back from school, translated biology, stalked my facebook page and wrote with an old friend. We went to elementry school together. It was really short. I added her on msn and did my homework and than I got a nice text message from Kim and Anny. I was so worried about it but they were just kidding. Yeah make fun of me when I worrie about you ;)
Next time: Paah xD
I fed the horses and practised guitar. I finished the mail with pictures and all this stuff for Patric and Regina! I wrote the mail one week ago but I forgot to print the photos! I'm not really tired. That was a better day and that makes me happy. Supper was okay. Maccaroni and Cheese with sausages and salad. It's really wierd that I eat everything with ranch dressing and just salad without... I hope I will dream again such an awesome and real dream. Sweet dreams ya'll!


P.S. Happy Anniversary, Paula!!! Wish you and Chris another 9 years and longer with luck, health and Gods bless.

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