Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010

Day off - Let's work x)


I was really suprised, I woke up myself today. I dressed up for church and went downstairs to drive with Sharon and Sam to church and Sharon told me that today is a church free day. We had to built up fences. We started in the morning. Building the new 60 feet roundpen for Top. It was pretty excitingand a lot of fun. We spend the whole day on that and that is the reason we didn't went to church. We had to pull all the fences out, unhook them and puuh, it was a lot of work. Move this stuff, figure out something else, dick a hole there and, and, and.
We ate the chicken for lunch and I couln't decide between cold or warm chicken. I ate both. One piece warm, one cold, some carotts, and bread.
After lunch we worked on the fence. It was a long evening but I enjoyed it so much. It was fun. I like to do that! The only bad thing was that everyone was kind of impatient and we got a little bit angry with each other. It was this normal be-angry-when-you-work-concentrated angriness. Top's wife came out and I talked to her. She is Sonne friendly. I really like her, and I like talking to her. The sun and time were working against us. We didn't finish to built the full roundpen but we did well. A good job for today. The meat and cravy with potatoes and green beans were hard earned.

I'm really tired but it was great to work and I had a lot of fun outside.

P.S. Max, Mäxchen, Mächselchen, Mäxchen, Mäxi, Mux Max, MäxxXx, Dösiger Du xP Do you see your name now? x)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Joooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


    find ich jut xDD

