Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

2 months over / Mäx ;)


another month is over. I arrived 2 months ago! Wow. To month away from my parents and friends. I really miss ya'll. I hope everything is okay and I'm glad if you write a comment about my blogg. I'll answer.
I'm specially thinking about sophomoric Mäxchen ;) I've to write a section about him. Okay let me see. Mhhm. Okay Mäx! I miss you. That's not really hard to translate. I'm glad to hear that you're still working with Polly and it's going better. I hope school is okay and your grades are better. I hope you remember your promise. ;) You wanted to try hard.
What else? Oh yeah, it's really wierd to clean a horse and there's none to talk with. No Mäx, no Doris, no Jerry, none. That's really hard and that are the moments I specially miss ya'll. I need someone to sit and talk on the hay bail. XD Best regards to your family and all the horses! I hope you like the words about you or to you and you can translate them easily.

My day wasn't that hard. It was an easy and really good Sunday. Sharon curled my hair for church and we drove to church. It was so cold. Inside and outside. My cold isn't better. It's worse... I was freezing the whole time but that was okay. I took some pictures with the people after church.
Back at home I played card games on my computer, answered E-Mails and talked a little bit with Jerry. None was online beside him. Mhhmm... I had time to talk =(
We ate a pasta soup and corn bread. The movie we watched today was silly. I thought the whole time: Okay, something must happen now. Something that changes the movie and than the movie was over. I thought the 'big change' was the beginning to explain the movie...
Whatever ;) It was a good day and I pray for a good school week.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Naa Sonja^^ =)

    Ich kann das schon Übersetzen^^
    ich wollte nur, dass du was ÜBER MICH schreibst xDDDDD und net für mich xD

    Das war der Witz dran xD
    Boah bin ich eingebildet xDDDDDD

    Naja passt schon^^
    Ist schön, dass du uns vermisst^^
    Wenn du dein Pferd mal putzt, kannst du ja mal bei mir anrufen, dann haste jemanden zum Talken ;P
    Das geht natürlich nur, wenn du die Telefonrechnung Ignorierst xDDDDDDD

    Naja, wünsch dir nen Schönen Tag!
    LG MäääääääxxXx

  2. anytime you need to talk my sweet girl Ill find a hay bale
