Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010

Auction, Cheering and Homework


I slept a little bit longer. Someone told me to wake up and I was awake for 2 minutes... I woke up later and got ready for the auction in less than half an hour. Breakfast and everything. Adrian drove with Sam and I drove with Sharon. We looked for some container houses. A friend of the family is searching for a house. We have taken some photos and joined Adrian and Sam. The first thing I did was raising my arm to show Sharon where Adrian is. Not a good idea if you're on an auction. Puuh, nothing happened. They had trucks, tools and a lot of other things there. The only interesting thing for me: two western saddles but I don't need one.

We went to a football game. The second and third grader played against each other and Haley cheered. That was sooo cute. The Buffaloes won against the Cowboys! Okay it was the first game. It's normal that the buffaloes win the first game and loose the following games. After the game was lunch time and we ate burger in a really small restaurant – grocery store. The french fries were really good. I ate a lot.
Sharon drove me back and I started my homework. I did English and a little part of bilogy but biology is a lot more than I have expected. I went out to run a little bit, jump rope and all this stuff. Sam, Sharon and Adrian ate chili on hamburger bread with french fries. I couln't eat that. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat french fries again. I don't like them sooo much and twice a day is too much. I ate a fruit bowl. That was the first time I didn't eat dinner.
What ever,
I'm sorry for the late posts. I've to do homework. I took a little bit to much time in the bathroom for my shower. I listened music and forgot the time.
But I wrote all the posts for the last three days. Ya'll know I'm alive. I talked to Max so I know that he's alive but what is with Marius, Hjördis and Doris?
I didn't hear something from them and I'm too busy to write an E-Mail but I will when I've time.
Okay ya'll sleep well.


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