Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

Church, Anny's Birthday, Church :D

It's Sunday,

and today was a really special Sunday for me. It was almost one of the best days here in Texas. I woke up in the morning, ate my breakfast. It was oatmeal with a banana, a green apple and a glass of water. We drove to church and made little 'charms' for the christmas tree. It were wood ornaments and we burned something in it. I burned „Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten“ in it. Yeah Merry Christmas in English and than in German. I love it. It's pretty cool. The only bad thing: I burned my hair, but it had a good side. I was able to smell the burned hoof / hair smell. I love it and kind of miss this smell. Crazy, isn't it? ;)
Church service was really touching. We had a country singer there, and she preached or told us her life story. She did it with such a passion. That was really amazing. Honestly I thought first someone dropped her as a baby too hard on the floor, but in her situation I had fought like she did. So I must admit that she isn't that crazy or I'm crazy too. The way she is worshipping God makes me feel a little bit small. I mean she lives her believe. Respect... Unfortunately she spoke to long and after her another guy said something. I wasn't listening. I was worried to come to late to Anny's birthday party, but we figured everything out and I met Sherry and Kim in Florence. They took me to the German restaurant, and Kim and I surprised Anny. Her look! It was so funny! We really surprised her. That was so great!
[The famous and poor waiter had to take a picture with us x)]

The food in the restaurant, or the buffet we ate, was really good. I ate Spätzle, a Weiswurscht xD, and Schnitzel and a lot of other stuff. After that we ate cake and cupcakes. The food was really good and the waiter really cute. Kim and I started talking about him. I couldn't speak German, but the other waiter was able to speak German. He was from Germany and he translated Anny's Shirt with the word „Infiziert“. That means „Infected“. Kim, I and the 'cute' waiter talked and someone from Annys host family asked him, if he would like to take a picture with us. He did.
We drove back to Anny's house. Kim decided to put make-up on my face. I mean I really don't care anymore, but I don't like to do it myself. I'm so bad. We had a lot of fun at Anny's house. The make up stuff, girls talks and we jumped on a trampolin with three persons. Kim had to leave and I stayed with Anny. We made a little foto shooting and talked until Sharon came to pick me up for the church party.
[Part of the shooting ;)]

We arrived there at 7pm and I met a few people from the youth group. We played billiard together. I think I never played billiard that bad than today. Okay maybe with four years. The food looked good. I didn't really eat something. I watched them. I met a woman, and she told me that her husband is from Germany. They're owner of a barbeque restaurant. That is so cool. I asked her if I can help them out in the resraurant one day. She said yes! I'm really happy if that woukd work. The preaching woman was there to sing. I got bored and made a few pictures and walked around. The boy, who showed me how to hold the billiard cue asked me for a dance. I'm a bad dancer, but I agreed and we finally danced the whole song and talked together. It was a wierd situation, but I got out of the situation without looking like a complete idiot. Later we went outside and he showed me some things on the guitar. He has a really pretty voice. He sang the song he wrote and it was really good. After that we sang „Knock, knock, knocking on heavens door together.“. Yeah I sang. I know that's not typical for me, but I think I got a lot more confidence in Texas. For me it sounded good. He has a really deep voice and I wasn't that high with mine. It was fun. The whole day was fun!
We drove home and I got ready and yeah right now I'm listening music and writing my blogg.

I missed you so bad today Folks. I'm thinking so much when I', bored and especially when I don't know where to go. I felt really displaced until I talked to him and the woman.
But I still miss y'all to all the christmas time.


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