Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

2 finals done - two left


today started good. I stood up and got ready for school. I was so nervous about the English test. I hate tests I can't learn for. Therefore, this test scared me. I arrived a little bit to early and went in the cafeteria. I hoped to find someone I know. I sat down with some band kids. Samual was my 'well known' face today. He is always so glad to see me. Seth joined us later this morning, and than we all had to go for our finals. I wished everyone good luck.
English wasn't that hard, but I better shut my mouth. I don't know what grade I've got. So I'm doing better if I don't say anything. I just have a good feeling about this.
U.S. History was really good. I was the 3rd person who gave the test back in the class. I hope I didn't make any mistakes on the scantron. I know all the answers, but I'm afraid to do something wrong. Scantrons are green papers with little quadrats on it. You have to line out A, B , C, D, or E to give your answer. The answers were standing vertical on the test, but orizontal on the paper. Sometimes that's really confusing me.
We got out early today. We were at home at 1pm, and Adrian and I watched 3 episodes NCIS together. Now, everyone knows how I wasted my time this afternoon. We checked E-Mails and everything on our notebooks beside watching it.
Haley arrived at four and we started playing with her. I ran a mile, and Adrian drilled me with some stuff he's doing in Athletics. He would be a great coach. I enjoyed the workout, and after that we kept playing with Haley.
The evening was very relaxed. We watched Burn Notice, and I have to say that I love this serie! Do you know that I can't pronounce the word 'serie'? Now you know ;)

Good Night,

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