Freitag, 31. Dezember 2010

Hunting Trip on New Year


it's Friday and it's New Years Eve. We started the day really slow. Sam, Adrian and I got up, ate breakfast, and packed all the stuff in the truck. I watched TV with my host brother until Sharon came back and we started our New Years vacation. We drove for almost two hours, and the landscape was beautiful. There're diffrent parts of Texas, but they all are really beautiful. You have the hills, the flat land, or the desert. Many, many diffrent types.
[We saw Eagles on our way! :)]
We arrived at the cabin, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was a nice cabine with a nice kitchen and a whole room for me. I had three beds in their. I slept on top of the bunk bed. We had two more men living and hunting with us.
Sam, Adrian and I went out to put Sams „night seeing camera“ in position, and we walked up to a field to hide and wait for a deer. As soon as we went around a corner, we saw a buck standing on a water hole. Sam got a shot on him, but he didn't get the deer and the buck had luck and ran away. We had to make sure taht he really missed the deer and so we searched for him. We couldn't find anything and got to our stand. We sat their until the sun came down, and the two men picked us up.
[Beautiful sunset]
Tomas or „Tom“ is a guitar player, who brought his Guitar up to the cabin. He's really nice and patient guy and he likes to explain things. He's doing really good as a teacher. Bill is a 74 year old man, and Sams oldest brother. He is really nice and funny. I like him, and his smile. It's just one of those smiles, which makes your day. He is the person, who invited us for dinner in a mexican restaurant. It was good, but the waiter was a little bit wierd. We had to complain a couple of times and their Taco Salad comes without the Taco salad shell. That was really wierd.
We had a great evening and when we drove back to the cabin Tom showed me some really interesting things on my guitar. He is a great mentor and a good teacher. He gave me tipps and just talked to me. That was fun! 
[Beautiful river]
I went to bed at 11pm. I think I missed the years change. Shit happens ;)
Therefore I will become a hunter, photograph and guitar player. That're all the things I did on New Years eve. :D


Donnerstag, 30. Dezember 2010

Package arrived ;)


it's the 30th. The New Year is ending pretty soon and 'Heey!' my package arrived. It was awesome. I never got that good stuff in a package from my parents. There was nothing in the package. Absolutly nothing. The package was ripped off, and Adrian gave it to me in a plastic bag. I must laugh so bad.
I watched TV with Sharon in the morning, and helped her ceaning up the house. I vacuumed the whole first floor. It was fuN! I loooove to vacuum. It's fun to me, and a thing I can do for hours. Actually I did it for hours.
I got a call from Marius today and fell asleep upstairs. I'm glad that I was awake when they called me for supper. Sharon made something in the Wok. I didn't eat, but it smelled good. I had a great day, and I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. We will go on our hunting trip, and stay their until the next year is here. There's no internet and that means no new Blogg posts. There's no electricity, a hole with the function as a toilet, and no shower. That are all things I can abandon on. Okay, just for a few days, but it should work.
My parents wrote me an E-Mail. They're gone for their cruse to Oslo. I hope they have a good time, and I wish eveerybody a Happy New Year, a good start in the year 2011. As I posted on Facebook:
Wish y'all a Happy New Year!
We'll see each other 2011.

...Had a great year 2010. Thanks to my family [ilyou ;)], and all my friends. To the German ones, and the American ones.
You're the best!“

Love, Sonja

Mittwoch, 29. Dezember 2010

A new way to live


this day was much better than yesterday. I worked with Sam and Adrian in the morning. We took a fence away and cleaned up a corner full of metal, fences, and other stuff you could use. We put it on the trailer. I ate chili for lunch and we all drove to a good friend of Sam. The way to her property was fun. A road or better a way without trees. Good that we had the truck. It was a little adventure. We crossed a little lake.
We arrived on her property and two Lamas came to say Hello to us. I never saw a Lama that near. I mean never without a fence between me and the animal. That are really gorgeaus animals, but they can look dangerous. The woman told us that they are dangerous. So if you live way out buy a dog and two Lamas and you will be safe. Good to know, isn't it?
We gave her the pipes and a satellite shell. It is hard to believe that she lives that far away from everyone. The woman got a little house with her bed in, a toilet outside with a shower. It seems crazy for me, but it's an interesting way to live. I couldn't live their by my own. I couldn't be stucked when the water level from the river is raising. I really need people around me. I havn't expected to see someone living like that. It amazes me.
We left a hour later and looked for some hale bales. We came back a couple of hours later, and Sharon drove to walmart with me. I needed my hair cut, and she needed to buy some goceries. We bought dinner. Chicken with white bread, and some kind of noodle salad. It took us a couple of hours. We ate supper at home and watched TV together.


Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010



I survived a day like yesterday again. Horrible, I sat another day in front of the TV. The only activity beside was running more than one mile, and taking all the Christmas stuff upstairs.I was bored to death and called Paula. She didn't have time. That was okay, but I really wanted to do something that has more sense.
There's nothing to do. It rained, I don't have a horse, and I don't have a car. There're so many things I want to do, and I'm not able to do them! I mean that's not fair. I don't want and can't bother other people.
Going to the movie theatre, Austin, a shopping mall, or an ice skating area would be the best ideas ever, wouldn't they?
The truth is sad. Watching whatever I watched, or looking things up on my notebook. I wanna do things.
Anyway, wish y'all a great week.


Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

Bored ;)


the Monday was really boring. I sat around and watched TV. That was all I did the whole day. I woke up, ate oatmeal for breakfast, ate some Christmas cookies between, watched TV, ate lunch, ate more cookies, gave water to the horses, watched TV, ran a mile, watched TV, went upstairs, checked my PC, went downstairs, watched TV, went upstairs and than I went to bed. So that was it. The only special thing was that the boys came back. The things I watched were okay. Two shows Sharon has watched for 45 years, NCIS, Ghost Whisperer, a baking show, or whatever comes up.
I'm not surviving a day like this again.


Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2010

The NCIS Day ;)


we went to church today. Sunday school was okay. We couldn't watch the movie and talked about the things we want to do for New Year. I didn't say that much. I just listened them. The church service was really sad. The woman who sings all the time started cryig in the middle, and the three men, which tried to help her finishing the song couldn't sing either. So all the people in the church helped them to finish the song. They were crying because of Johnny Bobs death on the 24th. It was a pretty sad service. I never experienced something like this before. I'm so sorry for his family and loved ones he left behind.
We drove home after church and watched the movie 27 dressed. Sharon and I ae alone at home. The boys went for a hunting trip. I will go hunting with Sam on Friday. So I will spend New Years Eve in a forrest without internet, a computer, and a nitendo DS. I will have my book, and thoughts. I'm pretty excited. I don't have to deal with fire crackers! :) Anyway, we ate Turkey for lunch, and I went upstairs. I talked with Mäxchen, Jerry, and Doris.
I fed the horses with Sharon at 6pm and we watched the NCIS marathon for 4-or 5 hours. We are both really sleepe. Doing nothing the whole day. Okay I ran one mile, but that isn't that hard. I think all the little naps, the warm chair, and the TV made me sleepy.

Have a great week,

[The Plätzchen, Sugar Cookies, I made :D Yummi]

Samstag, 25. Dezember 2010

25th! Merry Christmas! :D

Merry Christmas,

it's the 25th of December. It's Christmas day. It finally is! Sharon woke me up with 'Merry Christmas', and honestly I was a little bit upset when I stood up. I missed my family, didn't sleep that well. I didn't expect much from the day. I just couldn't imagine how it would be to spent Christmas somewhere else, and get presents from people you just know a few months. I ate my breakfast and helped to load the trunk. It was just crazy. The whole trunk was full of presents...
[Our trunk or Santas sleigh?!]

[2/3 of all the presents :)]

...but that was 1/10 of all the presents we had. At Suzie's house were a lot more presents. We put the presents around the tree, than around the presents under the tree, and the other presents around the presents around the other presents. Much, much, much presents for a small amount of people. 
Haley entertained us and opened her stocking. I didn't take a picture, but the stocking was taller than this 8 year old girl. She wrapped her presents. It was so cute to watch her. They also got presents for the dog. Casey has a really special job on Christmas. She has to unwrapp her own presents. It was so funny to watch this dog while she unwrapped her new basket and toys. Everyone arrived and Haley started to give out the presents. 
[Casey unwrapping her Turkey toy]
I didn't see one present before Haley gave them to me. Not one present. That isn't typicall for me. Normally I know almost all the presents so this day was full of surprises.
At about 10am we started to unwrapp the presents. I waited until I got a few beside me. Woa I got many presents. A lot more than I expected. I got perfume, make up, a horseshoe necklet and earrings from Sharon and Sam, a faith necklet from Shannon, slippers from Adrian, a big box of Popcorn from Rickey's parents, an awesome Longhorn T-Shirt from Paula, Chris, Celine, and Alexis, a belt from Suzie, and a BELT BUCKLE WITH MY NAME ON IT from Sharon and Sam to. Someone should have filmed my reaction. I jumped up and hugged Sharon. I was so, so happy, and I almost started crying. I really didn't expect this present. Not after Sharon said to me that that will not gonna happen. There's no way for me to get a buckle with my name on it. I believed her. She seemed really serious, and than I saw the Silversmith package. Oh my goooosh! That is a greeeat present!
[My wondeful Belt Buckle and the Belt :D]

Adrian and I played wii for a couple of hours. The dinner was ready and we ate all together. It was sooo good. Suzie is a really good cook. The Turkey was great and the bread. Just everything was really, really good. I ate a bunch. Two plates and dessert. It was just so, so good. I continued playing on the wii after eating. I played alone. So I started Resident Evil.
We left the house, and a happy Haley with her 31 presents from Santa, in the late afternoon. We got back and I wrote my parents a E-Mail. We started watching the movie with the yellow minions. Adrian got this movie from me to Christmas. I had a lot to laugh. It's a little bit embarrassing to be the only laughing person. :)
[Me standing with the buckle :D]

Anyway, I had a wonderful Christmas with my host family. A lot of presents and so much more than I expected. I also have to keep in mind that the Class Ring and my Letter Jacket, and the Snuggie are Christmas presents to myself. ;)
I'm so happy and thankful for this day. The belt buckle and the belt were awesome gifts. I enjoyed the time today over Suzies. It was a good, good Christmas!
Thank y'all so much. I didn't even had time to think about my family in Germany.


[Merry Christmas y'all! xD]

Freitag, 24. Dezember 2010

Christmas Eve :)


Kim, Chris and some other people texted me. Seth wrote a text message with perfect German Christmas greeting. There wasn't one little spelling mistake. That was really cute! I'm missing y'all so much. Today, my thoughts are in Germany. Celebrating Christmas in my mind. I can't be with y'all, but I made German sugar cookies or better called Plätzchen. I will eat them for y'all. Isn't that a good deal?
I spend the day in the kitchen after I ran in the morning. Sharon made the icing on the cake. Sharon made the candy canes on the cake, she put the snowmen Adrian and I made on the cake. Sharon made the flowers on the cake, and Sharon put powder sugar as snow on the cake. I watched her.
[Our chocolate snowmen candyland cake. Made of sugar, sugar and sugar!]

She made the sugar cookie dough, but I made all the other stuff. Outdo the figures, and decorate them. I forgot to take pictures, but I like a lot of my decoration stuff. I did very well. We have a lot of sheep and bunny cookies. And yeah both have something to do with christmas. Shepherds and sheeps visited baby Jesus, and there are snow bunnies on this world! :)
Adrian and I started playing horse Monopoly at 4pm. It looked really bad for me after two hours. Finally, I won the game. It took us four full hours to bring it to an end. I'm happy that I won. It looked so, so bad for me. I was living from mortages.
I went to the office to make Sam's Christmas present. I forgot about it doing all the baking stuff. Adrian decorated Gingerbread men. Sharon made the dough. The men look really cute, and Adrian did some funny things. He wrote „Smile, you are eating the last one“ on one gingerbread men. Like it! :)
I'm pretty excited about tomorrow. I got all presents for my host family. The dinner tomorrow will be great, and honestly I'm excited about my presents.
Of couse I want to spend Christmas with my real family, but on the other hand. I'm spending christmas with my family. It's good to have them. They take care of me. I'm glad I can experience Christmas with my host family.


I don't want to interrupt the happy Christmas atmosphere, but we got the message that Johnny Bob died. He passed away surrounded by his family. He fought a good fight, but finally he lost. I feel so sorry for his family. Something like that shouldn't happen on Christmas Eve. I remeber when I talked to him about the patches on the trail ride. It seems like yesterday.
If you read that and you believe. I ask you to keep him and his family in your prayers. I havn't known him very long, but he was a good man and had so much joy to live. RIP Johnny Bob. We will miss you.

Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010

Stressful Christmas Time :) [3X]

Why is Christmas time that stressful?

I have holidays. Normally you should lay down, read a good book and relax. Away from all the school stress, homework, and worries. No! No, no! Not if you live with the Blayney's. We went to the grocery store in the morning to buy a few things and the last Christmas presents. I found a Snuggie for 10 bucks. What the heck a snuggie is? A snuggie is wonderful, amazing, warm, and a genius invention! It is, it is... a blanket and it has sleeves to put your hands trough. I had to buy a Texas A&M blanket. There were no Longhorn blankets for 10 bucks. Life is so hard. I'm so happy with that blanket. A really good thing.
Tomorrow is christmas in Germany, and I got a E-Mail from my parents and the amount of Christmas money. It was so much more than I have expected. TANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!
We designed candy canes and snowmen out of a sugar paste. It took us the whole afternoon to do that. I just love the snowmen. I made most of the little details. The hats, noses, some of the buttons, and scarfs. We want to use them to decorate a cake. I'm so excited how the cake will look like.
[Our little snowmen! The're so cute!]
We left the house at 6pm. Okay, we were supposed to leave the house at 6pm. We wanted to go to a musical. You didn't have to pay for it. It was a musical from a church. Anyway, we couldn't find our place reservations. The good thing was: We were able to reprint it. It took just a little bit more time. We had Haley with us and arrived in time.
The musical was awesome! It was really cool, and they made it really good. It was a new version of the nativity scene. They made it really good. A lot of acrobatic acts. I was impressed. It was a beautiful experience. 
[The shepherds around baby Jesus and Mary]
We drove to Wendy's after the musical. The food is so good. I love the salad there. Wendy's has really good burger. They have the size you order. ;)
It was just a great evening. Thanks to Sharon and Sam that they took us with them. I didn't want to miss that. I had a great time!


Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Time to say Goodbye! :)


I didn't run and ride yesterday. Today was the opposite. I had a great, great day. I got up early, and ran a mile. I went inside, and finally decided to go out earlier to saddle Shiner. As soon as I finished, Top arrived at the ranch. That was timing! I didn't expect him to come, but he had some people come, looking for a horse. Can you think about a handsome little boy with an amazing attitude? I can. Unfortunately, for me, this horse is Shiner. So I took him out and I rode him while Top was watching me and giving advices. Shiner did so well today. His head was so soft. He had a great canter. Everything was just fine with him today! The first people came to visit, and I showed him. That reminded me about Jerry. The only diffrence is that I wasn't showing my riding skills. I was presenting the horse. 
[Happy Place: I will miss you! :)]

Shiner did well when the people rode him. I'm really prous about this little guy. They wanted to call back later. I unsaddled him, and got me some leftovers to eat.
Top went somewhere else to eat. He wanted to invite me, but I feel bad if he buys me my food. He came back and told me someone else wants to look at the horse. We waited for them and when they arrived I saddled him again, got on him, rode him until they rode him. The bad news They bought him. The good news: He'll have a good home. I'm glad for that. I really have to learn how to deal with that. I mean this will be my life. 
[Two Sillyheads working as a Team!]
We fed the horses in the evening, and Adrian made a lot of photos with Shiner and me. I had my athletics clothes on. I ran a mile before, and Adrian and I worked out. He's doing so well playing my coach. There's his talent! We got some cute pictures of me and Shiner. It's just to dark, and his eyes are white from the flash. He's just lovley. Enough crying! Top will bring a new horse for me to train on. Yeahha! A new adventure!


Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2010

26-28°C - pretty 'cool' shopping day ;)


I think we got luck with the weather. We had 83°F today. That are 26 – 28°C! I mean: How crazy is that? We have the 22nd of December. It's so, so wierd for me. I think the wather is the only reason I'm not in a christmas mood. Don't understand me wrong. I like the warm weather, but I remember last year very well. I just loved the cold and all the snow.
Enough about weather. Paula picked me up with Celine and Alexis. We drove to their home, and Chris jumped in the truck. He wanted to go shopping with us, and without Paula. We drove all the way to Austin. He did me a big favor and drove to Cavender's. That's a huge western store. I looked for some things, and found a little christmas present for Top. On the way back we searched for a place to eat. It took a long time to know where we want to go, and noone knew until Chris stopped at Golden Corral. Thank you so, so much, Chris!
Golden Corral is just awesome! They got so much diffrent food. Asian, Italian, American, just everything. It's a huge buffet, and I liked the food. It was really good. The highlight of this restaurant is a big chocolate fontain. You could make Marshmellows, Apples, or Pineapple pieces on it and cover them with chocolate. Wow! It was sooooo good. All the other desserts were so good. I didn't want to eat, but I had to. Thank you again Chris!
He dropped us off at the shopping mall in Round Rock. I bought some presents and a levis jeans for me. Paula picked us up a few hours later. She drove to hobby lobby for me. That was really, really nice! Now I got all my christmas presents. I'm so happy and a little bit sad. Christmas is comming. Without my German family. That's the first time.
Anyway; I'm looking forward for Christmas. We'll bake cookies, and a cake the next days.


Montag, 20. Dezember 2010

Behind the Scenes! :)


this day was awesome! I had so much fun! I stood up at 9am and got ready. I ate a green apple and my oatmeal with banana for breakfast. I'm wondering taht I still live it. I'm eating it every single morning. Anyway, everyone beside me left the house. I waited one more hour for Top to pick me up. We loaded Shiner and Cassy. I was really stupid and cut myself off on the trailer. I know! I know, but hey that's me. ´We drove for about one a hour to a Ranch. It was really pretty there. It was a breeding stable with German jumping and dressage horses. They had a jumping pacour. It was really nice. I felt home there. It was a really good feeling.
We unloaded the horses, I brushed them and we waited for the other people. The photographer, the english riding girl, and a second western rider. I got a white Stetson from Top. A really nice hat. I'm thinking to buy one Statson like this. 
[White Statson Hat and Shiner, 151cm high, in the back x)]
We started with some groundwork thinks Top showed us, and we videotaped it. It was a really interesting experience, and I liked the way that he didn't fake it. He acted like normal and explained it to us. He showed us one time, and we did the exercises. I saddled Shiner and got on him. I just softened his neck and shoulder a little bit. Top put the friends from the english riding girl on him. He did very well. He didn't try to do something. He may just thought about it. The beginner did very well do. It was a great day. We had wonderful weather. I mean it felt like cool 20°C. :D :D
[Behind the Scenes]
We were finished at ca. 4pm, and Top drove to Wendy's with me. That's a good fast foot restaurant. I love the salads. He bought me a salad. Driving with him today, and holding to eat something at Wendy's, was a déjà – vu for me. It reminded me on my Trip with Jerry almost half a year ago. Time is passing so fast!
Paula texted me if I want to go shopping with Chris, Alexis, and Celine. Of course I want! It's perfect timing to ask me for a shopping trip. It takes a little bit stress from Sharon. So I will go shopping tomorrow. I'm so glad about this day, and that Top took me with him. I had a great day, a lot of fun, and a few new experiences.


Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2010

4 - 5 Days until Christmas [2X]


another week is over and Christmas is comming. We went to church today. I enjoyed Sunday school. We had a warm room today.That was so cute. I complained about the wall with the hole. I asked if we could get something in front of it, and they put a door in it. Isn't that cute and crazy?! I mean I never thought they would do it. I love this church community.
We brought Sharons friend back after church and I Top and Sahra, his wife, were at home. I went straight to them, and watched them a little bit until I saddled Shiner. I warmed him up and we worked on his neck, and on his shoulder. He's getting softer in his neck, and it's going better with his shoulders. I was really surprised. He's a great horse! Learning so fast. I'm so happy for his next owner. I wish I could be his next owner.
Anyway, I'm excited about tomorrow. I will go with Top and Sahra. They want to make a video for their horse training website. I think it will be professional. I'm getting a little bit nervous. I have no idea what's going on tomorrow. I can just say taht I trust them.
I ran my mile in the afternoon, and watched TV with Sam. I fell asleep until Sharon and Adrian arrived. They went to a church performance from the kids. I ate with them. Horrible! I ate 3 slices of pizza for lunch, and something warm for supper and Sharon gave me a huge piece of a brownie. Gosh! That was way to much. [2X]
Right now I'm texting with Seth and I'm waiting for something and I'm listening gto Linkin Park. Best regards to MARIUS! :D :D I don't know for what I'm waiting. That the time passes? Probably. For Christmas? Possible.


[My classring: Barrel Racing Side :D]

Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010

Seths Birthday



That was a really, really good day. I woke up at 9am by myself. I ran a mile. That is one of the things that has really changed. I mean I never did that before. Running, I? Never! In the morning? Never ever! Now, I'm doing it and I have fun. After running I ate my oatmeal, and a green apple for breakfast and wrapped Seth present. I visited my browser games. Top came today, and so I saddled Shiner, and we trained with him. Top said I did very, very well. Of couse taht is a compliment for Jerry. He teached me everything. So I shouldn't get all the compliments. It's Jerry who did that. ;)
I was really happy to hear that, and now Shiner and I have some more stuff to train for. I enjoyed the time. I had so much fun riding today, and I'm so glad to see the things I'm doing are good, and they are working. I can't tell how happy I'm. It reminds me why the horse or the barrel racer is on one side of my class ring. It belongs to me. Enough. I'm getting emotional.
Seth and Cody picked me up at 2:30pm and we drove to Seth's house. It's so beautiful out there!! We met the other boys and ran to the hay bales. It was a field with this big, round hay bales, and in the middle of them was a hole. We played tack on them. First I was afraid to jump them. I had my boots, and they're really, really slippery on grass. I got used to it, but I fall a lot of times. We had so much fun! The blue wires, which hold the wire brought me to fall. They're horrible!
We went inside after a hour and started playing video games for a few hours. We ate barbeque at 5pm. Turkey, sausages, pork, and a lot of beans. There was a lot more stuff. It wasn't just Seth's birthday party. It was also his brothers graduation party. I talked to Seth's wonderful sister. She's really nice, and has a great personality. She learned riding from Sharon and Suzie. She was really friendly. After we all ate, we went out again to the hay bales. It was really dark. Just the moon was shining and fortunately the moon was shining really bright. We could see enough. I fell down and Cody land on my. What for a great Hollywood film szene. After another hour jumping from bale to bale we went inside, and ate birthday cake. We started playing on the x-box again, played poker, watched a movie, played on the wii and talked. It was just funny.
I had such a great day. The boys were so funny. It reminded me really bad on Germany. I mean. I was the only girl between 6 or 8 boys. Now I'm tired and want to go to bed. I have to be fit for church.


Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

Finals done - Classring :D


that was a pretty awesome day. I got three of four test resukts and..., and..., and..., I MADE THE 100 in AP – Bio :D I got my teacher! Yeaha! I wrote with an other girl in the classroom and I was like: I'm almost done. She jsut lokked at me and asked me how many questions I answered and I told her 98. She looked really surprised and told me that she got 8 questions. I didn't have to use my review. It was all in my head. I'm so proud. I also made a 100 in U.S. History, and I already wrote that I made a 96 in Algebra 2. The only thing I couldn't be that good is English, but I'm not sure. I haven't taht bad feeling. I wished all my teachers and a few students Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Sharon picked us up at 10:30 and we drove to Walmart. I had to buy a present for Seths birthday party tomorrow and I also bought Adrians christmas present. Woa, it was expensive, but I don't want to share the price with Sharon. I wanted to buy me something, but I didn't find it. I was so pissed off!
We picked Haley up, I ate lunch, and we started a round horse monopoly. I lost after 3 hours of playing. Adrian won the game. I'm glad for the fun we had. Sharon walked in in the middle of the game and had two packages behind her. Our class rings came in!!! Both of us got a really nice ring. I love my ring and try to take some good pictures, but it's hard to photograph the ring. 
[The Buffalo Prideside]

After playing I rode Tops text massage. He brought the saddle for me, and I went out to do groundwork and ride Shiner. He did good, but he has a lot to remember. A lot of the riding stuff is gone. Okay, not really gone, but he's testing me.


Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

3 finals done - one left


I wrote my Algebra 2 test today, and I made a 96. I missed two questions out of 50. I'm really prous. I mean we are talking about me and math. That wasn't the best combination the last 5 years. We played poker after the test. Oh ,y gosh. They're so bad. We played without money and they just acted stupid. I mean they really didn't know how to play. I wanted to play with real money and put out my two dollar. Noone wanted to join me. Bad for me good for them. I would have won so many times. After Math. I had to go to the band hall for the attendance periode. They checked if we're all there or not, and I passed the time playing 'four in a row' with Paige. Did I wrote in the blogg that I gave her the flying penguin with pink hair? I won that with the chocolate bar and the gummi bears, and gave it to her. She wanted to have the penguin so bad.
I was really happy when we got out of school. I got out at 10:30, and Adrian had to stay two hours longer. I drove home with Sharon and talked with Marius. It was just fun. Later I talked with Doris. That has been the first time since I arrived.
I ran my one mile after talking, worked out a little bit, and Adrian and I played with Haley until she started crying that we didn't want to play with her for the rest of the day. We fed the horses and cows with Sam and he showed us pictures and videos of the cows. I fed a Longhorn out of my hand! Isn't that awesome? Their tongues are just amazing long really moveable.
We watched the burn notice season final for 2 hours and I can just say: I love this serie! Wanna see more! That was one of the highlights in the week! I went upstairs, and learned for biology. That are a lot of questions to go over. I can do it and make my 100. I have this goal. I want to do a 100 before my teacher leaves.

Sunny :D

Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

2 finals done - two left


today started good. I stood up and got ready for school. I was so nervous about the English test. I hate tests I can't learn for. Therefore, this test scared me. I arrived a little bit to early and went in the cafeteria. I hoped to find someone I know. I sat down with some band kids. Samual was my 'well known' face today. He is always so glad to see me. Seth joined us later this morning, and than we all had to go for our finals. I wished everyone good luck.
English wasn't that hard, but I better shut my mouth. I don't know what grade I've got. So I'm doing better if I don't say anything. I just have a good feeling about this.
U.S. History was really good. I was the 3rd person who gave the test back in the class. I hope I didn't make any mistakes on the scantron. I know all the answers, but I'm afraid to do something wrong. Scantrons are green papers with little quadrats on it. You have to line out A, B , C, D, or E to give your answer. The answers were standing vertical on the test, but orizontal on the paper. Sometimes that's really confusing me.
We got out early today. We were at home at 1pm, and Adrian and I watched 3 episodes NCIS together. Now, everyone knows how I wasted my time this afternoon. We checked E-Mails and everything on our notebooks beside watching it.
Haley arrived at four and we started playing with her. I ran a mile, and Adrian drilled me with some stuff he's doing in Athletics. He would be a great coach. I enjoyed the workout, and after that we kept playing with Haley.
The evening was very relaxed. We watched Burn Notice, and I have to say that I love this serie! Do you know that I can't pronounce the word 'serie'? Now you know ;)

Good Night,

Dienstag, 14. Dezember 2010

Learning for the first 2 Finals


today was a funny day. It's so much more fun since I have changed the lunch table. I mean the cheerleaders are really nice, and I like to talk to them, but we never really spoke together. Most of the lunch time, or all of it, we spoke German. They share their lunch and it's just making me feel good.
My classring didn't come in and so Seth borought me his classring. That was really cute! He gave it to me in Guitar, but I gave him the ring back soon. The ring is way to big but I like his ring. I ahve to take a picture. I got my English essay back, and made a 94. That's really good, but I still want to improve myself. We got our U.S. History review, and as soon as we got home I started learning the 100 questions. I wanted to feed the horses myself and I did. After all the learning I needed to work with my hands. I hope I'm doing good on the finals tomorrow. I have to write English and History. It shouldn't be that hard.

Wish me luck,

P.S. I'm so happy about the short chat with Doris :DD
Love yaa Tweety!!

Montag, 13. Dezember 2010

No Classring today :(


that was a busy school day. Busy is the wrong word. We have a lot of free time in some subjects, but I have to do all the assignments for the finals. It keeps me busy. Lunch was great, and I'm really, really happy that Anny, Kim and I had this quarrel. I sat with the band kids today, and it was fun. It was so, so great. We had a lot to laugh. I would probably never tried to sit with them until we got this really stupid argumentation. It was a good lunch, and I was so happy when we watched a christmas movie in English. It is this movie with the spirits of christmas and this old rich man. I just had to remember my family in Germany sitting in front of the TV, and watching this movie. How much my father loves the Mickey Mouse version. It felt really good and warm.
My class ring didn't come in today, and that made me a little bit sad. I told Seth about that and said to him that he has to give me his ring until my ring comes in. I was really surprised when he agreed. Honestly, it's better if I stay away from his ring. I don't want to loose his ring. He got a nice class ring. I have to think about a birthday present for him. Damned! I have to think about many presents.

I better get busy. Oh not with thinking. I have to finish the assignments. I got the tests a lot earlier than Adrian.


Sonntag, 12. Dezember 2010

Church - Riding - Jake :)


I got up at 9am and had a rarely enough time to get dressed and make my breakfast. We drove to church and Sunday school. I ate my oatmeal in the car. We arrived in Maxdale, and watched a movie in our Sunday school lesson. It was so, so, so cold. I mean they made us a small room outsode, but we had no door and the wind came in. That was horrible. The movie was pretty good and of couse about the nativity scene. Dough preeched today. Pastor Joe is in the hospital. I hope he will be better soon. The craziest thing happened today. I walked around a corner, and stopped. I thought I saw Jerry standing at church. It's the same story with a boy at my school. The boy looks exactly like Marius from behind. Those hallucinations are scaring me.
We met Jake after church and he drove with us home. We ate Hot Dogs for lunch and he played on my guitar. I showed him the ranch and we talked together. He is a really nice boy, 19 years old and going to the Army. He flies helicopters and is a really good guitar player from California. His fiancé is still living there.
Jake, Adrian and I went out to catch the horses and after half a hour everyone of us had a horse. Wow! I catched Kimmey, brushed her and put the saddle on her. Adrian got chance and Jake should try to ride DG. On the end: Jake and I switched horses. I got along so well with DG, and Sharon seemed happy with that. That's great. I'm glad if shes happy what I'm doing.
We finished with the horses, and everyone went inside, Jake left to go to the evening church service, and I decided to annoy Shiner. ;) I did some ground-, and roundpen work with him.
I fet the horses with Adrian, and went inside to write my blogg and do my review homework. I think we'll write a math test tomorrow and I have to keep up in US History.

Much work for me to do. Wish y'all a great evening. Today is the 12th of december. There're 12 more days until christmas.


Samstag, 11. Dezember 2010

With an old train to Bethlehem ;)


I woke up early in the morning and had my really quick oatmeal breakfast. We watched some short scary movies. Each movie half a hour. I got dressed and we left the house at 11am to drive to Georgetown. We met Suizie, Haley, Rickey, and Rickey's parents at a mexican restaurant. I ate a Tacco Salad. It was good, Not the best Tacco Salad I had but still really good. Anyway, it took us more than a hour to eat and drive to the train station. Yeah, there's a train station in Texas. A station for an old train with old wagons, and we got tickets to ride with that train. 
[The train :)]
Shannon, Sharons other daughter joined our group and after a few hourse of waiting they led us go into the train. I got a window place, but the seats were really small. It was small on the legs in the seats for four people. Sharon and Sam sat with Adrian and me. It was nice. We met a Sheriff, actually an actor, who offered Adrian and me that we could play with his show fight group and get a little role. That would be really cool, wouldn't it? 
[The Sheriff and I]
We arrived two hours later in Burnet, and went straight to the Bethlehem city. It's Bethlehem 2000 years ago at the time Jesus was born. The church earns more than two city bloggs and build the city on the ground. It's surrounded by a wall with wooden gates, and it's just amazing. Everything was so real. The buildings all made out off real stones. You could really live in it. The church member were dressed up so real and acted really professional. 
[Church member dressed like 2000 years ago]

You could here some shepherds talking about Jesus and others gossiping about the shepherds. They really cooked, ate and lived it. It was better and more real than every medieval market we went to in Germany. That was really amazing. We should have something like that in Germany, or a medieval market like that. I swear that would be so, so awesome! :D
We got to try the sweet bethlehem bread. It's really good. Fire roasted bread with cinnamon or sugar on it. Yummi! It was awesome. I wished we had had more timw to explore everything. They had camels, donkeys, and geese. I patted my first goose, got a photo with a camel, and tasted this great bread. 
[A picture with a camel ;) Love it! Do you see the man smiling? ;)]
After we went trough the city we started going over a christmas market. It wasn't a real christmas market, but kind of. It had a lot of country style items, and I saw some really nice belts. They're so, so expensive, but Sharon and I agreed that they were really cool. That's a funny thing about her and me. We almost got the same taste with the Cowgirl things. I met a 40 year old woman and her mother. They were both from Germany, and it felt so good to talk to them. The older lady spoke like my Grandmother, and it was just like a little bit of Germany standing in front of me. We talked just a few minutes, but I enjoyed those five minutes so much. She told me how deep the snow in Germany was when she flow. She arrived one day ago to visit her daughter. I gave both of them a hug, and we went back to the train.
[Be careful! Railroad Crossing]
On the ride back I went to buy a water for Shannon, and the train guard asked me about my accent. We talked a little bit, and he gave me a christmas present. He gave me a little train treassure, with train earrings, a train pin and a necklace. I fell asleep on the way back, and woke up when we arrived. We all went to the car and drove to iHop. It was a really late dinner at 10pm, but also a great ending for the day.
[He gave me the present. Really nice man. Love his hat :D]
I'm so, so thankful for this experience, and so so happy that I saw that. Just wished my mom in Germany were able to see that. I know how much she would have loved it. Thank you for the food, the train ride, the bethlehem visit and everything else on this great day. I had an amazing time!!!


Freitag, 10. Dezember 2010

Keep up at school ;)


I was so busy with Biology yesterday that I forgot to learn Spanish and make U.S. History homework. I really had to keep up. I did History in my first period and kept up with Spanish in Guitar. I also finished the last Bio test in guitar, or better I tried to.
I have a good feeling about Spanish, but my feeling about English is really bad. I still didn't get it. I hate poetry. It's really, really hard. I mean I got everything, but my answers are not under the multiple choice answers. Whatever, lunch was okay. I sat with Shawnee, and after we finished eating we went to the basketball game. We have a Basketball tournament going on. Yesterday and today.
It's fun to watch the boys. They play so much harder than the girls. You can tell the difference. I talked with a really nice junior, and corrected my Biology tests beside talking. I got really mad with me. I missed 8 questions out of 125 questions. There was a girl out of my athletic class and she wanted to do her tarot card stuff with me. I agreed and got a little tarot session.
I worked ran one mile and trained with Shiner in the evening. I'm so glad. The week is over and one more left! Than: Christmas break!!! I'm really looking toward to it.


Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2010

Thursday - Short Report


that was a really long day for me, but it will be a really short text to describe this day. I went to school and got my review sheets for the finals. The biology review includes five tests and that was pretty much my day. Come home, do ground work with Shiner, and go over all this sheets. I have no idea how to keep up with all the finals. I'm not feeling the effort from the beginning, and that's really bad for me.
What else? Oh yeah, I sat with Shawnee for lunch and didn't talk to the other German girls. Yeah that's pretty much all I did today.


Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

16 Days until Christmas :D


that was a normal day and I don't have that much to write. The teachers try to prepare us for our final exams. I have to write English, Math, Biology and U.S. History. I don't want to learn for all of them, but I think I have to. I wrote my open ended response, for the English test tomorrow, yesterday. I had a lot of time to do the extra credit for math. I'm still not finished, but it's better than working home.
Yeah... What else happened? Oh yeah Anny and I had a quarrel today. About something really stupid. I think she likes the drama. Honestly I don't care. I said my opinion and she can say what ever she wants. It's fine with me when she decides to quit talking with me for a while. Same for Kim.
My lunch was good. Mac and Cheese, beans and I think the meat was pork. I liked the pasta, but not the pork. My school day moved on. Working on Math in English, and correcting a work sheet in Biology. I made a 99. I can live with that. Later the Girls Athletics team was in the weight room. The girl I'm working out with. I think she really dislikes me. She's not talking at all to me. Maybe she needs time, but I can't do more than keep asking her and being nice.
[Haley, 12-08-2010, singing at a school concert]
I came out early and I was in the car before Adrian. The coaches led us go earlier. It was usefull today, do to the fact that we went to Haleys singing concert at elementary school. It was so cute. All the little kids dressed up like reindeers, angels or snowmen. Okay their singing was a little bit out of tune, but it was soooo... cute. It was half a hour and pretty funny.
We drove home and I went upstairs to answer some E-Mails. Sharon made cornbread and cooked a soup. It smells really good and I tried a piece of cornbread for supper. Anyway, I'm still excited about the soup tomorrow. ;)

[All the cute little reindeers singing: "Rudolph the red nose reindeer":D]

Wednesday, half of the week is passed, 16 more days until Christmas in Germany, and I hope the time is going faster.


Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010

Mood inceases ;)


I'm really tired, and I really want to go to bed. I went to school today and had a better day than yesterday. My mood is on a normal happy level and that makes me feel even better. I think I will get a cold. We ran a bleecher mile today and I worked with Shiner after school. He was a little bit spooky today, but that was great. I had to fix something and stuff to work on. I was so busy on the weekend that I didn't work with him, but I want to continue it and try to have enough time for a groundwork and riding session.
I have to figure something out.


Montag, 6. Dezember 2010

Happy Saint Nicks! :D


this day was a really bad day. Anny's real birthday is today and it's Saint Nicks day. Wish y'all a happy Saint Nicks day in Germany! Maybe that was the resason for my bad mood. None knows that it is and they were not really interested when I tried to explain it. I don't know I just felt wierd and I wasn't happy. I gave candy away. German gummi bears and gingerbread, but none really cared about that. Some did, and that made me feel a little bit better.
That changed a little bit in the last periode. I got a phone call from Mrs. Mosby, she is my guitar class teacher, and she told me that I won the 5 lbs Hersheys bar, 5 lbs gummi bears and a shooting penguin. I was really surprised that I won the fun raiser stuff. :)
After school I got ready for the guitar concert. Sharon made my hair and drove me to the school. We had to sit on stage for 45 minutes and I think we just played 5 or 10 minutes. I didn't screw up. I did very well. Honestly, that wasn't as bad as I expected it. We had a lot of fun on the stage and later backstage.
So far a great Nikolaus.


[That's for you Mommy and Daddy. I missed you at my first concert! A little picture for you! :)]

Church, Anny's Birthday, Church :D

It's Sunday,

and today was a really special Sunday for me. It was almost one of the best days here in Texas. I woke up in the morning, ate my breakfast. It was oatmeal with a banana, a green apple and a glass of water. We drove to church and made little 'charms' for the christmas tree. It were wood ornaments and we burned something in it. I burned „Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten“ in it. Yeah Merry Christmas in English and than in German. I love it. It's pretty cool. The only bad thing: I burned my hair, but it had a good side. I was able to smell the burned hoof / hair smell. I love it and kind of miss this smell. Crazy, isn't it? ;)
Church service was really touching. We had a country singer there, and she preached or told us her life story. She did it with such a passion. That was really amazing. Honestly I thought first someone dropped her as a baby too hard on the floor, but in her situation I had fought like she did. So I must admit that she isn't that crazy or I'm crazy too. The way she is worshipping God makes me feel a little bit small. I mean she lives her believe. Respect... Unfortunately she spoke to long and after her another guy said something. I wasn't listening. I was worried to come to late to Anny's birthday party, but we figured everything out and I met Sherry and Kim in Florence. They took me to the German restaurant, and Kim and I surprised Anny. Her look! It was so funny! We really surprised her. That was so great!
[The famous and poor waiter had to take a picture with us x)]

The food in the restaurant, or the buffet we ate, was really good. I ate Spätzle, a Weiswurscht xD, and Schnitzel and a lot of other stuff. After that we ate cake and cupcakes. The food was really good and the waiter really cute. Kim and I started talking about him. I couldn't speak German, but the other waiter was able to speak German. He was from Germany and he translated Anny's Shirt with the word „Infiziert“. That means „Infected“. Kim, I and the 'cute' waiter talked and someone from Annys host family asked him, if he would like to take a picture with us. He did.
We drove back to Anny's house. Kim decided to put make-up on my face. I mean I really don't care anymore, but I don't like to do it myself. I'm so bad. We had a lot of fun at Anny's house. The make up stuff, girls talks and we jumped on a trampolin with three persons. Kim had to leave and I stayed with Anny. We made a little foto shooting and talked until Sharon came to pick me up for the church party.
[Part of the shooting ;)]

We arrived there at 7pm and I met a few people from the youth group. We played billiard together. I think I never played billiard that bad than today. Okay maybe with four years. The food looked good. I didn't really eat something. I watched them. I met a woman, and she told me that her husband is from Germany. They're owner of a barbeque restaurant. That is so cool. I asked her if I can help them out in the resraurant one day. She said yes! I'm really happy if that woukd work. The preaching woman was there to sing. I got bored and made a few pictures and walked around. The boy, who showed me how to hold the billiard cue asked me for a dance. I'm a bad dancer, but I agreed and we finally danced the whole song and talked together. It was a wierd situation, but I got out of the situation without looking like a complete idiot. Later we went outside and he showed me some things on the guitar. He has a really pretty voice. He sang the song he wrote and it was really good. After that we sang „Knock, knock, knocking on heavens door together.“. Yeah I sang. I know that's not typical for me, but I think I got a lot more confidence in Texas. For me it sounded good. He has a really deep voice and I wasn't that high with mine. It was fun. The whole day was fun!
We drove home and I got ready and yeah right now I'm listening music and writing my blogg.

I missed you so bad today Folks. I'm thinking so much when I', bored and especially when I don't know where to go. I felt really displaced until I talked to him and the woman.
But I still miss y'all to all the christmas time.
