Mittwoch, 11. August 2010

Coincidences :)


this was a really cunfusing day. So many feelings came over me. I thought about my childhood and how often I have been mean to my mother. I feel sorry about that Mommy! :D
The day was okay. I didn't feel that great. Maybe it was the heat. Sharon, Adrian and I went to the doctor because Adrian needed a lot of papers. He got his papers and now he can play football. I'm really happy about that. That's the thing he wants to do and I think he can do it! The doctor is nice. I like him and his wife. There'are so friendly and the office is beautiful. All the bullriding pictures and the cowboy stuff.

He have seen that I'm really interested in all that 'cowboy-stuff' and asked me if I want to help him. Oh I must explain: He's a doctor for bullriders. That is amazing! I want to see an bull riding compatition and now I have the chance.

After the doctor I stayed at home on my computer. Talking to my friends in Germany and writing an E-Mail to my mother. I got swimming with Haley for one and an half hour, played some p
I thought a lot about having my own horse. I want to have one but I think it will takes a long time if I get one. Mhhm, dreaming about that and my future must be enough. It makes me happy. Just dream about these. I'm glad that I'm in Texas. Having these great experiences! That's one dream, which comes true.

I'm really tired.
Nighty night,

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