Samstag, 28. August 2010

Remember: Riding comes first! ;)


I'm so tired. I did a lot of homework. I needed a lot of time but I got help. Thank you sooo much! I did my math, biology and english homework. Tomorrow we'll go to church.
Today was great. We rode and trained the playday patterns. I must train a lot for Flag Racing. It isn't my favourite discipline but I'll try to do my best. It's easier to train with Kimmey than to do my homework and it's a lot more fun.
I'm really excited about my second school week. I think everything is going better and easier. It's still hard but I began to enjoy it.
I really missed riding. I was a little bit confused. What should I do? Join girls athletics, change classes? Can I ride anymore if I join girls athletics? I don't know a answer for these questions but I remembered one thing: horseback riding comes first! Yehaaa! ;D

Lets see what life brings,

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