Freitag, 19. November 2010

Anny slept over


I went to school and wrote my biology test about organic chemistry. U.S. History was good. We did nothing. We went to the gym and watched the basketball tournament. I thought this day would never pass and than the bell rang and school was over. Anny was sleeping over from Friday to Saturday. We rode together. She rode Chance and I rode Top's horse Shiner. Shiner is awsome! I love this horse. Now, I have fun riding. It's been almost a month since I rode last. I'm so glad that I can ride him. Noone can believe how thankful I am. Top watched me and Anny. He said I did very well with Shiner and I think so too, but Anny did very well for her first ride. She got on the horse, stayed there with a good body position and came down without any broken arms or legs. She did really well!

After riding we fed the horses and drove to Manos, the mexican restaurant. I wanted to go there so bad and when we arrived I didn't know what I wanted to eat. The awesome chicken or a Tacco salad. Anny took the salad and I took the chicken and then we shared. That was a great and smart solution! ;)
After dinner at Manos and back home we went upstairs. We took a shower and went to bed and talked the whole evening about a lot of stuff. Nothing special – just girls-talk!


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