Dienstag, 30. November 2010

Happy Birthday Mommy!! :D


the school becomes really pretty with all the christmas decorations. A christmas tree with purple and white decoration on it in the main hall and a 'blow up' Santa with a snowman. It's really pretty. Kim and I decorated the christmas tree from our Spanish teacher and I hope she liked it. We ran the indian run for one and a half mile. It wasn't that bad. Actually I felt good after the running and made half an extra round for a weaker person. She's nice but she needs the drill. So I helped her.
Back at home I continued helping. Adrian and I helped Sharon to wrap all those presents in. It was funny. I like all the christmas thinks, and I really have to buy the other presents. My packet didn't arrive so far and that pisses me off. I tried to call my parents today but I guess it was too late. So I just left them a message.
Sharon made home made french fries, rice, chicken sticks and broccoli with cheese for supper or for lunch tomorrow.

Onother important announcement: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! I love you so much and miss you. Hope you had two wonderful birthday days. All good blessings for you and I'm sorry that my presents will be really late. I love you! :)
Kisses and hugs.

P.S. Best greetings and congradulations from Sharon and Sam. :)

 Do you remember our trip to New York? I love this picture. You're both looking so happy and blessed.

Montag, 29. November 2010

Happy Birthday Papa!! :D


I was so, so, so busy and now it's really late. I had a normal day at school. We wrote no tests, but I screwed up playing guitar. That was really frustrating. Hopefully just a bad day. Seth, a good friend of mine, picked Adrian and me up after school. Sharon wasn't able to pick us up. She had to buy the saddle club presents for the party. Every rider is going to get a buckle and a lot of other presents. Honestly, if I would write a wishlist to Santa place number one would be the buckle. With my name and a barrel racer or reining rider. Anyway, I worked with Shiner and we did good. All the stuff we were supposed to train. I think he will get a break for tomorrow and I will make ground work and some riding stuff in two days. Sharon came back when Adrian and I fed the horses. We helped her to unload all the things she bought and put them on our table. There're a lot of presents. She cooked gravie, rice, pies and butter bisquites for supper. It will be my lunch tomorrow.

But now to a really, really important announcement: HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!!

I love you so much! Have a wonderful day and enjoy Omas cake! :)
I'm thinking about you on your special day. ;)
 Daddy has the baby and baby has the rabbit ;)

Sonntag, 28. November 2010

First Advent :D


so much stuff is going on. I heard it's already snowing in Germany. I miss the snow and the cold a little bit. Of couse not that much, but it's better to get a christmas feeling. We have cool temperatures in the morning and evening, but it's warm in the afternoon. I could walk outside in a T-Shirt. The only thing that bothers me is the strong wind. The wind makes it really cold. Anyway, it's the first Advent! So Happy first Advent y'all. It's kind of scary that they don't do the advence wreath and St. Nicolaus on the 6th of December. That's the reason we don't have an advence wreath. The Amiricans don't do it but I made this picture for y'all.

Danita, a horse owner, she gave me an advence calender. So I have my own adence calender for christmas with German chocolate! I'm soooo happy. She also gave me a package of Bahlsen Lebkuchen. That is so nice from her.
I had a great day going to church and making some groundwork stuff with Shiner. Top showed me some things to train. I'm pretty excited about christmas and a little bit mad at me. I will sent the package in one or two weeks. It won't arrive early enough in Germany. SO folks, all the presents will arrive later. I'm glad that I'm through with writing all those christmas cards.
Tomorrow I've to go to school. Yeah... I think we will get a bunch of tests just because of the end of the school year.


Samstag, 27. November 2010

Christmas Tree


I woke uo myself and cleaned up me room. My room was a mess and now it's nice and clean. I didn't really do anything. I watched a movie in the morning. Adrian wanted to see a mvie with killer insects. Wah, I think my fear for spiders is back.
We spend the whole day with the christmas tree. Bringing it up, make it look nice, decorate it and figure out how the toy train under the tree works. We did a good job. We have a nice christmas tree and had a lot of fun with the dancing snowman and santa.
Adrian and I ran a mile and fed the horses. Sharn made orange chicken, spaghetti and butter bisquites. After that we got cookies.
Tomorrow we will go to church and Sunday school. I'm pretty excited if I can stay away from the donuts.



Black Friday


I woke up at 4am and it was really cold. We fed the horses and drove to Gorgetown. Today is Black Friday and that means: Stand up early for some really good offers. We started at Kohles and I found a bunch of christmas presents. I bought me a Texas Longhorn hoody!!! I got it 30 bucks cheeper. I'm so happy! Our next station was iHoop. That is an American restaurant, but it's famous for its breakfast. I ate a plate with eggs, sausages, bacon stripes and potatoes and a cinnamon, aplle crepe. It was really good and the chocolate Adrian and I drunk was really sweet. Thank you Sharon for this awesome breakfast!
We drove to a lot of other stores. Stores for clothes, outdoor things, books, and christmas trees. We bought a new unreal christmas tree for 99 bucks. The original price was 299. We made a good deal! :)
I bought a lot of presents, but I'm still not done, and that freaks me out. Noone will get an early christmas present. I think they will all be late. I'm sorry! :(

I had a great day. Going up at 4am for a shopping trip and riding in the afternoon was a great experience. I'm really tired after the chicken lasagne. To much food in the evening. Need some sleep.

Sunny :D

Donnerstag, 25. November 2010

Happy Turkey Day!! :D

Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!!

I woke up in the morning and we drove to Shannon's house. Shannon is Sharons daughter and she had to make the turkey this year. I also met Rickey's brother. He brought some computer games. One of them was the new Call of Duty and so he became Adrians new best friend. :) We ate cheese crackers and all of us eat a lot of cheese crackers.

I ate so much that I didn't eat the turkey or much of the turkey. The food was good. The typical turkey, pies, mash potatoes and sweet potatoes with marshmallow sauce. It was too sweet!!! :)
I didn't eat that much but I enoyed the dinner. I couldn't even eat a piece of the cake. I was jsut full. We watched an old Disney movie together and than I watched the boys playing x-box. I miss playing computer games! :)

Shannon has a turkey hat and Adrian put the hat on my head. We took a few pictures. That was funny!
We drove back in the afternoon and looked some Black Friday cataloges. excited. We'll get up at 4am and it's cooled off in Texas. It's freaking cold here.
Back at home started Sam to pack his things and I ran 1 mile in the cold. Sam left and Adrian, Sharon and I watched a scary movie. It was pretty funny. I went upstairs and sometimes my door doesn't lock right and opens sometimes alone. It happened and scared me to death!!! :)

I had a great first Thanksgiving with good food and I'm really happy about that. Shannon and her husband did a great cooking job!


Mittwoch, 24. November 2010

Shopping, Riding, Baking :D


I woke up at 9am and got ready for a little trip to Killeen. I ate a banana toast with nutella and an orange for breakfast. Sharon had some stuff to do for the saddle club and Adrian and I waited for her at walmart. I bought new shampoo, body wash, a top and a shirt.I know that Friday is shopping day, but that are things I had to buy.
Sharon picked us up and we drove to Wendy's. Thats another fast food restaurant and I was pretty surprised that the burger almost looked like the picture burger. I ate a salad and I must say. It was good. Adrian ate a burger and he agrees with me. Wendy's isn't a bad fast food restaurant.
Back at home we started to make the top and the bottom of our Oreo cake and Adrian and I watched Hancock and than I went outside to ride. Shiner did well today. He's getting really good and I'm kind of proud about that. I washed him after riding. Sam came and talked to me...
...and then I went inside to help Sharon with the Oreo cake. I made the icing and the pieces on it and she helped me a little bit. I like the cake. It looks good and the best thing: We had some cookie dough and oreo cake pieces left. I ate them :)
I changed clothes and ran a mile and did some other stuff. Sharon cooked t-bone steak with beans and baked potatoes. I didn't eat with them but we all wtched Crocodile Dundee together. The Los Angeles one. I love this movie. I love the scenes in Australia and the accent is so funny and great. Just lovely! It reminded me so bad and made me sooo happy. The marriage was great! :D Yeah a really funny movie and great for sweet dreams. ;)
I practised guitar and yeah that was my day.


Dienstag, 23. November 2010

Short Holidays :DD


what for a day. Today was a really long day. The last day before my first Ameican holidays. Yeah right! We have holidays. 3 full days + weekend. My friends in Germany had 2 weeks in october but hey I have 5 days in November.
I wrote my U.S. History test and got a 100. I think that the Spanish test was okay. Luch was really good. I took the chicken, mash potatoes, pies and butter bisquites to school. It was way too much! Believe me. I thought the package is so small but there's a bunch of food going in. We just got homework in math. I want to do it now and than I have free days and no worries about school.
I sold some of my fun raiser cards today but I still have to sell a bunch. Gorgetown people – it's a REALLY good offer for ya'll.
I got more than 3 big mosquito bites. Aaah! Just because I rode in my T-Shirt in the evening. It was dark and I couldn't see the mosquitos. Most of the bites are on my back. That's horrible!
I rode today and it's really going better. Shiner is an awesome horse and learning really fast. We're almost got with the basics but it will take another while. He's not a rushing character.
My free days are already planned. The day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm so, so excited about the food and everything. After Thanksgiving is Black Friday. First I thought it's something like Karfreitag, but that's in spring. I was really confused for a while. Anyway, Black Friday is a shopping day. The stores open at 2am in the night and have really special offers. I will probably go with Shannon. I hope so!! Melanie said I should do it just for the experience.


Montag, 22. November 2010

Fun Raiser Start ;)


I went to school today. We will write a Spanish vocab test and an U.S. History test tomorrow. I got my biology test back and missed one damned question! That freaks me out. I could need a 100. I had to stay after school for the softball girls athletics funraiser. I practised my guitar in the classroom from Dr. Holder. That was pretty cool of her. She led me stay in her room.
Sharon picked Adrian and me up and we drove home. I rode Shiner and we did okay. Now the patient part starts. Mhm, we have to go through it.
We all watched Chuck and The Event together and then I went upstairs to take a shower and Oh, what surprise: To do my homework!


Sonntag, 21. November 2010

Church on Sunday :D


we went to church today! I missed all the people there so bad and soem of them seemed like they missed us too. They had a cake fun raiser after school. You take the cakes you want and give them ehat ever you want to pay for it. You can give one dollar or 30. What ever you want. We drove home and Sharon made lunch. We ate toasts with butter and cheese, nachos with cheessouce and the some pieces of the lemon cake and the pumpkin roll. It was good.
I went upstairs to make some homework. I wrote my spanish vocabularie and talked to some friends. Greetings to Max! :)
I went out to ride Shiner. Top joined us later and he showed me some things to practise and we talked together. That took the whole evening.
Back in the house, Sharon had cooked dinner and I put it in the fridge. I want to eat the things for supper at school on the next day. It's better for me to eat something at lunch and less in the evening.


Samstag, 20. November 2010

Alexis B-Day Party :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY


I'm feeling so, so good!! The morning was great. Anny and I woke up at 8am and fixed some breakfast for us. I ate a banana toast with nutella and a little tiny piece of Suzies banana bread. We brushed and saddled the horses and rode on the hay field. I rode Kimmey this morning and Anny Chance. I was wondering about usnot having any problems catching the horses. The riding and talking was fun. Anny jogged a little bit with Chance. The second riding lesson was good, too. She looked really happy on Chance. I think she is trusting him and not scared anymore. We rode until 11am on the field.

Sharon drove Anny back to her home and with me to the H.E.B store to buy the present for Alexis. Alexis Birthday party was today!!!! Happy Birthday little Pumpkin!!! :D

We bought her a pillow pet. An elephant and this thing can snorr like an elephant. We arrived at Paulaus house and it was just amazing. Everything was in pink and rodeo or cowgirl style. I think I'm getting used to this color. ;) The garage was really nicely decorated and her cake looked awesome. Alexis got a barrel racer cake and like Haley a bunch of presents. Many, many presents. The birthday party was funny. The children played some games and we all ate together. The food was good and I had a really good time.

We drove back and I saddled Shiner and rode him. We did very well today. I'm so, so happy about that and I start to love riding as I did before. It's so hard to describe what happened. It doesn't really mattter. The only thing that matters: It's going better. My mood. Everything! I'm happier and I hope I can keep it like that!


Freitag, 19. November 2010

Anny slept over


I went to school and wrote my biology test about organic chemistry. U.S. History was good. We did nothing. We went to the gym and watched the basketball tournament. I thought this day would never pass and than the bell rang and school was over. Anny was sleeping over from Friday to Saturday. We rode together. She rode Chance and I rode Top's horse Shiner. Shiner is awsome! I love this horse. Now, I have fun riding. It's been almost a month since I rode last. I'm so glad that I can ride him. Noone can believe how thankful I am. Top watched me and Anny. He said I did very well with Shiner and I think so too, but Anny did very well for her first ride. She got on the horse, stayed there with a good body position and came down without any broken arms or legs. She did really well!

After riding we fed the horses and drove to Manos, the mexican restaurant. I wanted to go there so bad and when we arrived I didn't know what I wanted to eat. The awesome chicken or a Tacco salad. Anny took the salad and I took the chicken and then we shared. That was a great and smart solution! ;)
After dinner at Manos and back home we went upstairs. We took a shower and went to bed and talked the whole evening about a lot of stuff. Nothing special – just girls-talk!


Donnerstag, 18. November 2010

Dream: University


the first night back in 'my bed' was good. I slept very well but it felt really short. I went to school. We had collage day today and the Texas Universities came with some information stands. We got material with us and honestly I want to go to a Texan or American collage. I want to do it really bad, but I'm not sure whether I'm strong enough or not. Oh, don't worry folks that isn't gonna happen. There're other obligations, but I like to dream from a scholarship. I'm not even sure what I want to study. So I'm really dreaming. I met a substitute teacher and we talked about that. He thinks I should go and he also thinks they would give me a scholarship. Mhm I don't know. I'm just happy about my new Texas A&M pen and the Army T-Shirt. We didn't have girls athletics today because of a basketball tournament. Our varsity girls won!! I watched two other girls in my eighth period.
After school I met Top and I took one of his horses out to train with him. I had a lot of fun. Danita was with me and showed me the groundwork basics. I had fun and trained a little bit longer with the palomino when she left. Horses! I worked with a horse!!! The last time 1 month ago. I'm soooo happy! I didn't know how much I missed it and how much fun it is!

I had a great and dreamy day,

P.S. I uploeaded some pictures from the last week.
P.P.S Mommy?! I need a new book! We have to figure something out!

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

Stand up if you want to switch the light off! xP


oh man, that day was kind of wierd. We went to school like every day. The only really good thing was the off-campus lunch. Seth gave me and two other boys, Josh and Caleb, a ride. I should have remembered Caleb. I was on his birthday party. The Halloween one. That cake was his birthday cake. We drove to the Florence diner. I ate a Cheeseburger and a piece of homemade pie. I swear; I love American pies. They're so good. After that we went to the store in Florence downtown. Bye the way: Florence downtown is excisting because of 3 stores, a small library, 2 restaurants and a barbeer. But it's just cool. The owner of the store don't know how to speak English. Even my English is better than theirs. I bought a candy and gum. We went out and drove back to school. We were there pretty early and talked a little bit. The boys are really funny! I like to hang out with them. They are just nice to me and talk about normal stuff – okay sometimes! ;)
I went back to my class and met the substitute teacher. She is really interested to become a host mom and she seemed really nice. I think she will do a great job. I took her number to give it to Sharon.
Sharon and Sam weren't here until late evening. I met Top. His back is much better. We talked a little bit and than I talked a long time with Nox owner. I love to talk to her. I really like her and it was so nice when we joked around and she just hugged me. That felt so good. I love to be hugged. People shpuld do taht mlore often and she understands me and does it all the time. She's my hugging person. ;)
Sharon and Sam arrived late. I think it was 9pm or later. Adrian and I already ate the soup. Honestly it wasn't good. No flavor and it wasn't cooked that well. It was okay for the evening. I was hungry. Adrian and I had a great evening. We watched Americas Funniest Videos and talked beside. I had a good time and I was glad to see Sharon and Sam. They're okay and it seems like they had a good time and enjoyed Greece. It's just a beautiful country: I can understand that they're fastzinated.
I was really fastzinated about the open ending of my book. Grr. I read it! I'm done and I need the next book. I want to know what's going on.

Now I have to figure out how I can buy the next one,


Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Tuesday at Suzies

I woke up and ate a banana toast with cinnamon cereals on it. It sounds wierd but it's good. I ate it yesterday, too. School was pretty normal. We didn't get our math test from yesterday back but we wrote a Spanish test and I think I didn't mess up. It was easier than expected. Lunch was diffrent. I normally eat a banana and an apple but our bananas are old and messed up. I brought one to school but it opened in my bag. Glad that I had plastic around it. Anyway it messed my corn bread 'muffin' up. Suzie mad the cornbread Muffins and they're really good for a little lunch snack. I got a formula to go out for off-campus lunch tomorrow and Seth asked me if I want to go with him.His plan was the Florence Diner and I'm waitig the whole month that I can go back and eat there. It'll be sooo good.
Supper was good. We had the Hamurger Helper again. Today with Lasagne flavor. It was good. I liked it. I'll get a problem in a few days or maybe tomorrow. I'm almost finished with my book and there's a 6th book of this series. I have to buy another one! Wäääh! I could cry. I want to know the end. I have to read.

Good Night,

                                                            [The living room]

Montag, 15. November 2010

Monday at Suzies


I woke up early in the morning and got ready for school. Oh my. I miss the weekend so bad. It was great just to play with Haley. I went to school. Verything was normal. We had supstitudes in U.S History and Guitar. I took a lot of notes in U.S. History. I'm always taking notes. We went to the weightroom and yes that was all about my schoolday. Suzie picked us up and we fed the horses together and drove with Haley to her trambolin class. She learns there how to make carwheels and handstands and all this stuff. It was pretty funny to watch her.
Back at home I made my homework and played Super Mario Galaxy with Haley. It was so much fun. We ate supper. Hamburger Helper with flavor. Hamburger helper is always Pasta with flavor. It's actually really good. You just have to put the beef in it. I liked it, but it's pasta. I love all kind of pasta :D


Sonntag, 14. November 2010

Sunday at Suzies


I woke up again at 10am. I didn't get that much sleep. I woke up several times. The Sunday was pretty much like the Saturday. Adrian and Haley were awake and playing Wii. I joined them again and we played Cooking Mama and Super Mario Card. We ate breakfast. Butter toast, scrumbled eggs and bacon. The butter toast is too good. I don't know why. I just ate one buttertoast and made me a banana toast. I have my banana toast phase. ;)
We continued playing Wi, but we switched games and played Super Mario Smash Brothers and Super Mario Glaxy. It was so much fun! Haley had those games but she never played them before. We ate hot dogs for lunch or everyone beside me ate a Hot Dog. I made me a.... right! Banana toast xD
Adrian stayed with Suzie in the living room. They puzzled together and I played Super Mario Galaxy with Haley. We cleared a lot of the levels.
Supper were a lot of leftovers. Suzie made chicken stripes too it. Woah, her chicken is so good! The only thing I don't like is eating everything mixed up.
Haley was so cute today. She said that she can't believe that Grammy and Papa are gone until next Wednesday. She said exactly what I thought. Grammy and Papa we miss you so much and I hope you have a great time in Greece. I'm pretty sure you enjoy the time there.


Samstag, 13. November 2010

Saturday at Suzies


honestly, I have no clue what to write. Mhm, I will start with the morning. I stood up at 10am. I slept pretty long but no so good. I don't know why. Haley and Adrian were awake. They played Wii and I joined them. We started with Super Mario Card, played Cooking Mama and ended with Mario Card. We all played the whole day and had a lot of fun. We ate scrambled eggs and toast in the morning and I made me a banana toast. We went back and played Wii. I don't know why we played these games. We didn't get bored so we continued playing. We had some barbeque leftovers for lunch and I ate my second banana toast. I don't know why I love banana toasts so much xD
I'm scaring myself.
I started to think about my essay and wrote some things down. I looked for my E-Mails and went online at skype. The result: I talked to my parents, wrote with 10 friends and tried to tell everyone how great it is, but multitasking isn't something I can do very well.
Supper was okay. We ate Frido pie. That are chips with chilli and cheese, sour cream and ketchup. Actually its good but I'm not a chili and chips fan. It's a supper with a LOT of calories.
Adrian, Haley and I played in the evening hiding games and with a plastic weapon. We had so much to laugh. Adrian and I wanted to scare Haley. I was hiding in the bathroom and scared Adrian the first time. He decided to help me and Haley was going to search for me. I went out of my hideaway and Adrian pointed on her wardrobe. I thought I should hide their until Haley comes back and I did. Than I heard a 'Buuh' and jumped out of the warfrobe. I didn't mean I should hide there. She WAS there. I laughted so much about this misunderstanding.
I just wrote my essay in the evening and finished it. I have no idea how good it is. Maybe not really good....


Freitag, 12. November 2010

Friday at Suzies


this was a normal Friday. I woke up in the morning, ate my banana and we drove to school with Suzie. School was okay. Nothing important happened. Anny wasn't at school today. She is ill. I hope she'll be better soon. My last period, girls athletics, was funny today. We played kick ball. It's like Softball or Baseball just with a huge ball and you have to kick the ball. It was good to get the rules.I needed a little time to understand it, but than it was fun.
Doris, Sharons best friend, picked us up after school and brought us to the home. She bought something of my fun raiser stuff. I have sold 18 items. Yeah! That's cool and hopefully enough.
We fed the horses, got our stuff ready and Suzie picked us up. Back at her house we waited for Rickey and ate supper. We had Butterbisquits, rice and chicken. It was gooood!
I practised guitar and did all the other stuff... I slept so well and i'm excited about the next night.


Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Who cares about pink?!


who cares about pink rooms? I swear that is my favorite color! Haleys room is amazing. She got kind of an automatic light. You can change it 10 times from really bright to off and a lot of steps between that. Her room is shall proofed. I could watch TV the whole night. It's just amazing how big and nice her room is. First I thought she was kidding when she allowed me to sleep in her room and bed. It is tradition that the child sleeps on the couch if they get a guest. I didn't know that and said all the time that Haley musn't go in her play room. I just felt uncomfortable about that.
Today is Haleys real birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! e drove to school with Sharon and she gave us the last explanations. School was really normal. Shannon picked us up after school and we drove home to feed the horses, get our stuff and all the things out of the fridge. I packed all this stuff.
Suzies and Rickys house is amazing. I love it! The kitchen is so beautiful. They got a thing to run on in the living room and I tried it. It's so much fun to run on this thing. We ate Taccos all together and after that we ate a piece of an Oreo ice cake. That was so, so, so exciting. I wanted to try this cake so bad and Haley got one today. It was good. There're better ones but it was good. The whole meal was good.
Anyway, it's just cool in this house. I love the light, the fast internet, the food, the family, and this room. I really don't care about pink anymore. I needed a positive pink experience xD
Mhm. I did math at home and I'm done with all the other homework. Good for me!

I think I will sleep very well. Oh and I got a neigbor. Haleys rabbit is with me in the room and her cat.


Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

Tennis Practise :D


that was a pretty funny day. I went to school and I must say I'm a selling tallent. We got a catalog for guitar class and have to sell the items. I started today and sold more than 8 items and that is really good. I'm excited if I can reach more than 15 people. I hope so. Let's see. By the way: PAULA pease call me. I think you will love some of the articles. It's little stuff: For example salt and pepper pots as christmas presents or raisins with chocolate around. I'm thinking about ya'll too!!
We have a diffrent sitting order in my English class. All the 'annoying' people are sitting around me. To my right, to my left and behind me. They're not annoying me, but the teacher. Oh, and we had a fire alarm today at school. Someone pushed the handle. So it wasn't a real fire. Better so. My guitar was inside!!
After school I stayed for tennis practise and it was just fun to play and talk with them. I'm so bad. It's unbelievable. Glad that we can order the varsity jackets without being in a varsity team. Yeah, we talked a lot, played tennis, tennis games and one of the main things was having fun. Seth, known as Pooh Bear, gave me a ride home.
At home I took a shower and read my book. I'm so tired I couldn't read anymore. Sharon is packing all the stuff for their journey. They're leaving tomorrow. It's kind of sarcastic. Adrian and I came to the United States and they're leaving to Europe.
We ate Lasagne and Cinnamon roles together. I will take some to school tomorrow. I wish Sharon a great journey and the best experiences in Greece!!!


Dienstag, 9. November 2010

1 1/2 miles run


what for a horrible day. I went to school and everything was normal. It was not one of my best days but I'm really proud because of girls athletics. I ran the 1 ½ miles. That was really good! Good pain. ;)
We went to Kims church for lunch. We ate frido pies with chili. It was not the best lunch but still okay.
I had a lot of homework. Every subject... that is so annoying. I had to do everything. The homework today was really important. I'm so tired now. I want to read but it's a ittle bit to late for that and my eyes wouldn't agree with this idea. Practised guitar, made journalism, math, U.S. History and biology. Oh and I printed the pictures for Reginas and Patricks letter. That's enough! I'm done.
Supper was okay. Rice with beans and meat, salad and a spicy bread.


Montag, 8. November 2010

At Anny's house :)


I really enjoyed this day! We had an half day. Means that we only went to school until half past 12 and not 4pm. We didn't do anything in class. Just sitting around or do some little work. Anny asked me if I want to come to her house after school. I asked Sharon and she gave me the okay.
The house Anny is living in is beautiful. There're a lot of pictures of the family. It's big and you can see the toys of the three girls. Kim joined us for a few hours. We watched a funny movie together and cooked lunch. We ate pasta, beans, chicken nuggets and sweet potatoe fries. Oh my! Sweet potatoe fries are soooo.... good. I love them!! Kim had to leave for basketball training and Anny and I made some cookies. Actually her host dad made the cookies and we watched him. The cookie dought was delicious. I love dought. x) It's better than the cookies.
Anny, I and the girls watched Barbie and the three musketeer. 10 minutes before the film ends we had to stop and eat supper. It was good. Shelly and her husband are really good cooker. I'm not a taco person but the Tacos and the chicken and fish and everything else was just good.
Sharon picked me up and I missed the end of the barbie movie. Damned! ;)
I'm so, so thankful for this great day with Anny. We had a lot of fun and greeeat cookies with milk. Hot cookies with milk are so, so good and have so much calories. xD


Sonntag, 7. November 2010

Haley's Birthday Party


we didn't go to church today and I start missing church service. We went to Haley's virthday party. It was really funny. I read the whole time or played with Haley and her friends. We arrived there at 10am and there were no guest. Adrian and I had to play with her and we had fun. The party itself started at 1pm and I got a lot of time to read. The kinds played outside. We ate hamburger, Hot Dogs, chips with dip and a lot more unhealthy but good stuff.
Haley's birthday cake was awesome. She got grassland with horses on it and a hill. It looked amazing. Suzie made and decorated the cake. I haven't seen that before. They served ice with the cake and it was good. Really sweet but I didn't care. I think I was too impressed to care about the sweet stuff. ;)

Haley got a lot of presents. Hoestly I was a little bit jealously. She got so much presents. I think I collect this number of presents in one year and not just on my birthday. Adrian and I bought her a Pillow Pet, and, guess what, someone else bought her the same Pillow Pet.

I jumped trampolin and it was fun. I'm getting to old. My knees can't do taht anymore. :) That was so much fun. I forgot how much fun it can be! That was a great day and I hope Haley had fun. Her birthday is the 11th of November but that's the adte Sharon and Sam will leave to Greece.


Samstag, 6. November 2010

Indian PowWow


I woke up a little bit later, Anny and Kim came in the morning and we picked Lena up. We all drove with Sharon and Adrian to an Indian PowWow. We ate breakfast at McDonalds. It wasn't the best breakfast but I needed a hot chocolate from McDonalds. I missed hot chocolate so bad. We drove a few times the wrong way but finally we arrived at the PowWow.

I'm impressed. I'm really impressed about the indian culture. Native Americans are really really polite and respectful people. Their deep respect for animals, or the nature in general is just amazing. How they believe and how they dance. A PowWow is a competition for native american tribes. They dance 'against' and with each other. You can hear drums, indian flutes and the bells on the costumes. The costumes are so beautiful. It's just fastzinating to see them. The only thing that confused me were all the diffrent and really neon colored costums. I mean it's for sure that life is going on and we aren't living in the past but it didn't look like typical Native American dresses. I liked their dances and all the outside tents. They sold a lot of indian stuff. From dolls, T-Shirts and dream catcher to jewelry and knifes.

They had a lot of pretty and really expensive things. On the other side were all the food things. They had Buffaloe burger, Turkey legs, corn and bread. I didn't tried the buffaloe burger. It was too expensive. We all bought something and shared with each other. We ate a turkey leg and the indian bread. It was good but something you don't want to eat every day. It should be somemthing special.
We met a woman. She was really good with drawing and she could see animals around you. The animals, which discribe your charakter. Anny, Kim, Lena and I asked her for a picture and she drew us a picture with our animals and discribed the animals and their segnificances to us. It was amazing. I didn't tell her anything about me and she said a lot of true things. Yeah I know could be imagination, but it could be true, couldn't it? ;)

My animals are really special for me. I got an owl, a raven, a fox and a horse. Yeah she saw a horse around me.
The owl is standing for wisdom, and knowing when someone is lying to me.
The raven walks between the worlds and stands for magic.
The horse stands for feminine leadership. strenght and for a reliable personality.
My fox is hiding behind the horse. He stands for itensity.

It was really interesting to talk to her. She says she sees the totem animals every time. It can be horrible when she's in a HEB market. The animals only represent good things. I'm amazed about that.
We took some pictures with indian elders but we didn't dance with them. Mhm! On the way home Sharon took us for a short Austin downtown sightseeing tour. We saw the university and the state capitol. Hat was great!

It was a great and really emotional day for all of us. I'm glad for this wonderful experience and all the knew things I learned.

Love ya'll


Freitag, 5. November 2010

Girls Evening :D


I had a really good day. We had a paperalli at school and the paperalli schedule. US History was horrible. I would be glad if there's one right answer. I mean I learned but it was absolutely diffrent. The main topics switched around and got mixed up. I was just upset about me. I had to know this stuff. English wasn't better. Maybe it was a really bad day. I really tried to give my best. I learned for English. I liked the topic so bad. I was sure there were a lot of easy questions but I got confused with my own opinion and the opinion of my teacher and everything else. Wow! Some things were really hard to figure out for me. Biology was good. Really good. I missed the question I wasn't sure about and that was it. I got a 97! I got the best test of the class. Yeah! Bio!! I got a catalog with christmas present ideas. If someone needs some little presents: call me! There're really cute things and I have to sell them for guitar class.
Girls Athletics was short but funny. We played the cat and mouse game. You have to teams on each side a long quadrat and people running around it. They try to catch the other team.
The paperalli was great. It was the last paperalli of the year and they had an awesome costum. Sinors gave the symbols of their sports to juniors. It was kind of sad and on the other hand really cute. I got one of the little purple Florence buffaloe footballs. Now I catched everything you can catch. A T-Shirt, the football and the necklace.
After school Sharon and I drove to Austin to move an exchange student. She was really nice and the house of her host family is just amazing. The pool and the whole house looks so beautiful. It's really big. They were really nice and I think she will have a great time there.
When we drove back we stopped at a Chinese All-You-Can-Eat restaurant. It was soooo good. I ate so much food and fish, chicken, ice cream, fruits and what else mixed up. My stomach isn't happy about that but I don't care. I had a great day with Sharon. The ride was about one hour and we talked the whole time about all things. On the way back we talked about native americans and she explained the meaning or more the deep sense of the word „Bigtime“. It was just great to talk with her about a lot of stuff. I liked her stories about native americans. That was a really, really great 'girls evening' and I'm glad to drove with her. It was just so much fun.
Sleep well,


Donnerstag, 4. November 2010

No homework - enjoy guitar :)


today was kind of relaxing. I went to school and wrote my biology test. I have a pretty good feeling about the test. I'm just not sure about one question. Everything is going normal and easier. I think I get used to the language. I got my guitar at home and had time to practise. I really needed some practise and it's going better. Almost done with the christmas song. Almost...
Supper was really good. I have had to dicide what we want to cook and I chose pasta with chicken. It was good. We all ate a sweet potatoe to the pasta. I know that sounds wierd but don't forget: I chose it! :)
I'm a little bit afraid about US History tomorrow and I'm excited about the English test and the Biology test results.


Mittwoch, 3. November 2010

3rd of November :D


the day was a little bit diffrent. I have to write that all the time. School is the same every day. Just the things we learn are changing. It's kind of boring to do the same things every day in the same order. There are some pros and cons about that. Today I spend most of the half of my first period in the office. They explained the prices and everything for us. It was nice from the secretary to take the time. I think our questions can be so annoying. I think I will pay the extra money. That's the only chance to get the jacket and I really want to have one. I knew I would spend a lot for this special memories. We didn't practise tennis today. Everything was wet and rainy. Buhhuu it's so cold here. I can't live with this fast and big temperature changes. That freaks me out! ;P
Seth or Pooh Bear gave me a ride home and I forgot my guitar in his trunk. Great! Good job Sunny. Another day without guitar practise. I don't have a heater in my room or upstairs. It's freaking cold here! I mean in Germany it's cold outside and the houses are warm but here it doesn't matter where you are. It's cold in school, at home and outside. They still have the air condition on at school. The only good thing is the rain. It's a home feeling but I like heat and dry weather. Summer, where are you?
I wrote a letter for Patrick and Regina about six pages. I'm really proud about that. Dinner was good. Rice, gravy, corn and butter bisquites. This food is to good and I don't want to think about all the calories in the evening. I should do more sport.

Love ya'll

P.S. Today is the 3rd of November. I flew exact 3 months ago. Yeah 3 months are over but I will have 7 more months full of great experiences.
Thank you Sharon, Sam and Adrian for the great time and thanks to all the other American and German people I love.

Dienstag, 2. November 2010

That's not gonna happen! -.-


do I have something on me? Is it so hard to understand that I'm not falling in love with a boy under my age? Is it possible for someone to ignore my bad mood? I mean if I show this mood? What ever. It's not the best moment to ask me for a date. One boy did that today and that against Anny's advice. She told him. „Don't ask her. She's to old, you are to young and a freak.“ He tried it and I knew he would try it. I hate to be mean but I read his letter and the question on it and I rupped the letter in little tiny pices and threw it into the trash. I hope he got it.
Okay now I told ya'll the only thing that happened beside the norm. Girls athletics was harder than normal. I had sore muscles and running wasn't that much fun. They called me out of girls athletics to the coach. I panicked. I didn't do anything and the coach send me to the office. In the office was a man for the leather jackets. Wow! I forgot about that. We figured our jacket size out. I was really happy to fill out the order formula until I got Anny's text massage. We have to pay (a lot) more than expected. Happy Birthday, that sucks!
Homework was really great today. I made math and listened music the whole time. That was more relaxing. I'm glad that homework is going better.

I have to answer Marius E-Mail. Maybe I can do it to,orrow in my journalism class. I wrote all the article. Maybe I've time. Let's see.


Montag, 1. November 2010

November Normality


normality. Back to school and everything is the same. Except for our weight lifting workout. It was a lot harder today but Sam and I did pretty good. We really had to push ourselves. The other parts of the day weren't that interesting. It was normal. I enjoyed guitar class. I have to figure out about a new strategy. I'm too late to get my guitar after school and without guitar no practise. That sucks! Kim and I had little fights over the day. She was pissed off and I had no idea why. What every – that wasn't enough. The little boy in Spanish asked Anny for the German translation for „Do you want to go out on a Date with me?“ He wanted to ask me and thank god that Anny told him that's not gonna happen!!! Mhm I got home after school and had to ask Jerry for some homework help and I'm so glad that he helped me. Thank you soooo much! I really miss you.
We ate sausages, beans and roast potatoes for dinner. I had to think about Papa and his preference for Bratkartoffeln. I wanted to sentd you some. ;)

Hope ya'll got a great start in the week.
Love, Sunny