Samstag, 11. September 2010

Homecoming :D


I like homecoming! It's really special. I think I can't discribe it. There is just one motto: have fun – Lets go Buffaloes!
I woke up and deccided to wear a black shirt. It looks better to my mum [ribbon]. The mum has the colors purple and white. That're the the Florence High School school colors.
I went to school and a lot of girls wore her mums. Some were pretty but I think my mum is one of the prettiest. I carried this thing the whole day around. You can do it one day but more than one day – no thanks! I tried to play guitar with it. It worked but it's harder. I couldn't relax with my arm. :D

It was a really funny school day. A lot of free time in the lessons. Everyone was excited. Me too. We went out of school. There was a parade around the school. They 'tuned' there cars up with some themen things. Drama-Club, Spanish Club and all that. It was nice to watch. After this car parade we went into the gym. No a gym is not a Gymnasium. It's the building you do sport in. [Turnhalle ;)] The elementry school and middle school joined us. The cheerleaders did their cheers and the band played. The elementry school cheerleaders cheered, too. It was so cute! Wow. It was so loud. All the little yelling children. You could see taht they had fun!
We drove home and I did some homework. I want to finish my homework tomorrow. I changed my clothes. I wore the purple T-Shirt and, of course, my mum and black shorts and white Flip-Flops. We drove to the game and: I didn't believe that. I got a homecoming date request! That came really late so I said no. I like to talk to him and all this stuff but that was to late to ask and I promised Anny to go with her. So I did.
We watched the football game. I think I got the rules or the 'high goal' of this game. The Buffs lost but the game was nice. I like to watch football. I like all the tackles and the cheerleader. Buffy the mascot is to cute. The homecoming nominee is really interesting. They have chosen the homecoming king and queen. I took a photo. I took a lot of photos. The whole day I carried my camera with me.
Bye the way. Today is Melanies Birthday. A birthday princess on homecoming. I gave her a Milka-Marzipan-Chocolate-Bar. So she can try german chocolate. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
After the game Anny, Kim and I changed clothes. Away with the T-Shirt and short – put your dress on! We took a lot of photos with our dresses. They asked me three times if I wanted to dance with them. Nop – I danced with the girls. It was a lot of fun. I had a great evening and an amazing, gorgeous, awesome day!
I'm writing on this text and I'm hearing music. I'm missing some songs and it's great but I think I must come to an end. Woa, I could write a lot more.

Woa! Stop! Sunny, Stop!
Nighty Night :D

2 Kommentare:

  1. Sunny, I like your T-shirt!!!! It's beautiful

    love you

  2. Thank you :D
    I like it too. It was really cheap. ;)
    I look thinner in this shirt.
