Dienstag, 28. September 2010

Another Tuesday...


great that Tuesdays are better than Mondays. School isn't normal for me. It's kind of wierd. I switch between English and German all the time. I think we should stop to talk in German. Honestly it's my fault. I answer and can't say that we should talk in English. Sometimes I enjoy talking in German and later I'm really upset about me. Mhhm, the day was okay. I go to school and try to remember. Everyday is the same. I need some more action. I know I should ride but I'm to busy for that. I was tired and had U.S. History and Math homework. The math homework is a lot...
Yippi... but I'm done :)
We ate Maccaroni & Cheese with Cheese or Hamburger flavour, beans and some type of salad. Krautsalat ;)


P.S. I wrote the letter for Patrick and Regina :D
P.P.S I can't upload pictures. It's soo slow they changed the upload program... 

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