Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

Sunny, Sunny :D


this day was crazy. Good mood, bad mood, very good mood, I went to school and everything was okay. It was a great day. I had biology and my mood changed. I made a mistake. Just a reading mistake but I got 5 points off. Grr... that was hard for me. I know the answer! I said the answer. Okay I can understand it but the first thing I thought was: That's not fair. On the other hand I have to deal with that and learn from this. Happiness is a choice. Girls athletics was great I did my workout and I thought I could do more. I had a lot of energy.
Back at home I met Top. That was one of the best afternoons I had in Texas. He showed me basic groundwork and I tried it and than he gave me a riding lesson. Sharon saw it and made me the offer that I can train one of their horses!!
I'm so proud and happy and tomorrow I will buy my class ring and go to the football game with the marching band. Woaaa! :D
Supper was good. We ate corn, vegetables, pasta salad and steak. Yummi ;)

I'm so happy that Sharon asked that. You can't believe it. I really have to think about this day. I want and will play basketball. I want to do that but if I must dicide. I will take the horses. They're my life.

Sunny :)

Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

Diffrent Wednesday ;)


just two more days and than is weekend. This day was great. I see light. The weekend is comming and I had some really nice conversations. With a girl in my guitar class and with my guitar teacher. She asked me if I want to help her and go to the football games with the band. Of course I want! They're really nice and I think that it can be a great experience. I'm leaving my study room. Freedom and Fun ;D
Oh my, I studied to much in the last time. I wasn't riding this week but I watched Top today and he explained a a few things to me. I try to coordinate my days.
Tomorrow we will write Spanish and English. I'm happy about Spanish. I really like this subject. Okay I uploaded a photo with my new haircut. You can see it on the post 'New Haircut'.
Oh I forgot! Our school homepage is open now. It's a nice homepage if you use internet explorer but you can view a few pictures from my school.

Florence High School Website :D

Okay I'm done with my homework and jumped rope. I'm happy and a little bit tired. Wish you all a good night and sweet dreams!

Happy Sunny :D

Dienstag, 28. September 2010

Another Tuesday...


great that Tuesdays are better than Mondays. School isn't normal for me. It's kind of wierd. I switch between English and German all the time. I think we should stop to talk in German. Honestly it's my fault. I answer and can't say that we should talk in English. Sometimes I enjoy talking in German and later I'm really upset about me. Mhhm, the day was okay. I go to school and try to remember. Everyday is the same. I need some more action. I know I should ride but I'm to busy for that. I was tired and had U.S. History and Math homework. The math homework is a lot...
Yippi... but I'm done :)
We ate Maccaroni & Cheese with Cheese or Hamburger flavour, beans and some type of salad. Krautsalat ;)


P.S. I wrote the letter for Patrick and Regina :D
P.P.S I can't upload pictures. It's soo slow they changed the upload program... 

Another Monday...


I know why Marius and I hate Mondays and like Garfield. Garfield is funny and Mondays really sucks. Oh, I came from school and made 4 pages math homework. Than the good part of the day started and I helped Sam. That was good. We talked a lot. I like to talk to him he is really smart and knows a lot about life. He is like a really good wise grandfather and I like to help him. Pkay after I have helped him I fed the horses and we ate supper. I took a shower and I tried to do more math homework. I did but know I#m really stressed and want to go to bed. I'm tired.
I want to thank you for the nice comments and congradulations for my placement. Thank you Max and Paula. I'm really happy when I read some comments. Than I know there're still some people which read my blogg. Good to know.
I uploaded a picture of my ribbons.


 [A normal horse trailer, space for 4 horses, living area, TV etc. ;)]

Sonntag, 26. September 2010

New Haircut ;)


we didn't go to sunday school today. I missed it and Michelle was so nice to tell me how great the lesson was. Mhm! I feel sorry that I missed that but I needed some sleep. Church was great. Joe said how proud everyone can be about the things he / she is doing and than he gave some examples and asked for other ones. Sharon raised her hand and said that I made the 4th place on my second playday. It was a good feeling. Everyone clapped and after church they came and said congradulations and other great things to me. That felt good. I was glad to meet Marcs second host dad. He's really nice. I had no time to talk to Marc. Sorry for that. Do you have a new haircut? It seemed like something is diffrent today.
After church we drove home to change clothes. We drove to walmart and I bought a tennis racket and got a new haircut. I will add a picture tomorrow.
I met Top and his wife and talked with his wife. It was great. It is so lovly to talk to her. After that I made a lot of homework. More than two hours. Everything I didn't make on Friday or Saturday.
I really need some sleep now. Another week is gone. I'm excited about the next week.


Samstag, 25. September 2010

2nd playday - First 'Loser' :)


that was a great Saturday! It was my second playday! We woke up really early and drove to the H.E.B store to buy something to eat. We unloaded the horses and made them ready to warm them up. Kimmey wasn't listening really good but it was 10 times better tahn the last playday. She's better listening at home. But I'm really proud it's better. Okay we did all the pattern the whole day. I ran from A to B to catch the ribbons, cheer for Paulas daughter Alexis or just to find someone to talk with. I did better than last playday. Okay some times are worse but the ribbons are better. I got 1x 6th place, ribbon, 1x 5th place ribbon, 3x 4th place ribbons and 1 3rd place ribbon. Yeah! I got a third place!! That was my goal for the whole exchange year.

I was really nervous and than I started praying and I calmed down. It was amazing and I'm really happy that no one fell off. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun. I'm proud about Kimmey and me. We did a good job together. The 4th place as daily placement. Okay we are the first loser but I really don't care. I'm happy about the amzing flag run and my goal and everything else. We needed 2 more points to get the third place. That means 2 better places. For example instead of the 6th place a 4th place. But shit happens! We're far away from the 5th place. 12 points away. So it's a save placement and I'm happy with it. Samantha and Harley are amazing. They're so fast and they're really close with their horses.
The supper was good. We ate chicken and I really need to go to bed. Wish you all a good night and sweet dreams. Best greetings to Germany!


PlaydaySeptember2010 - MyVideo

Freitag, 24. September 2010

Awaited Weekend! :)


it's going better. My mood is defenetly better than yesterday. I wrote U.S History and got a 100. i'm so happy! Okay I think Math wasn't that good and this is my problem. I got really nervous. I paniced. Not good. I was like jelly. Jelly? Right there was something. I ate my first peanutbutter, grape jelly – banana Sandwich. That sounds wierd, doesn't it? Oh it is crazy but it was not bad. It's something you should have tried. They were really surprised when I explained that the most Germans don't eat peanutbutter and that they never mix it with jelly and bananas. It was a good day. Okay I was shaking because of math and really nervous in Spanish but I think that the test is still good. Maybe not that good than normal. Miss Mosby, my guitar teacher, gave me one of the band shirts as a present. Thank you sooooo much!!!! Paige made my hair in the guitar lesson. I had little curls this evening. I liked them :)
Okay we cleaned the horses. Tomorrow is playday! Oh my gosh. Time is running. Running away. It's amazing how busy I'm. School, homework, practise, riding and all the other stuff and I'm still thinking about joining the basketball team. Coach Patterson will give me some eytra lessons. She is so friendly. I like her. She's pretty and really smart. An interesting person.
I also looked for a classring. I'm still thinking. I got a nice offer from the company. I don't know if I will take the ring but I think about it.
We ate supper at manos. Wow! Tey have really good Taco Salad and chicken. The fries and nacho sauces are good. I mean really good. That is mexican food you can eat and the best thing was that theire were a lot of Buffalo things. Purple and white – all this stuff from my High School. :)
The weekend will be great. Think and hope so. Tomorrow playday, homework and on Sunday church, maybe a new haircut and we want to drive to walmart. I will see Paula, Celine and Alexis tomorrow! Yehaa!
My parents wrote me an E-Mail. I'm so happy. I thought so bad about them. Thought that they forgot me. Mhhm, sorry! :)
Its great that everything is going better, isn't it? Maybe it's the magic word: W E E K E N D! :)


Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

Sad that I can't share experiences...


I should have worked on the journalism consession stand again but they cancelled the football game. Without a football game – no consession stand and time to ride and talk to Top. I like him. He is a good trainer, knows a lot and his wife is really friendly. I like his training methods and every time I'm talking to him I must think about Jerry. It's pretty funny that I can hear Jerrys voice. Sometimes Top and Jerry are using the same sentences just diffrent languages. :)
It reminds me on Germany, Jerry, Whiz, Doris, Patrick, Regina, Max and on the stable at home. I don't know I'm glad that I'm here. I love it but when I talk with Top or his wife about horses it feels …. I don't know how to discribe it. I talk to them and think about Germany. It's not really homesick. I'm just a little bit sad that I can't share my experiences with my german 'horse'- friends.
Okay enough about that. We got the biology test back. I missed one question of 25. Mhhm I'm upset but the one failure thing was a translation – understanding thing. Okay I have to learn. We'll write Spanish, Math and U. S. History tomorrow. Maaath :( but I can do that! I hope.... xD I try to think positive :)


 [Atka and I in Germany :)]

Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

Vet at school :)


okay that was a busy day. I went to school, came back, did my homework and we loaded the dogs up on the truck. We drove back to school with the dogs. Yeah we drove back to school with the dogs. The vet was there to give them their shot. I mean a shot against rabies. [Tollwut] That was funny. Everyone from Florence and their dogs and cats where there. Standing in a line. I waited with bear and bell. After their shot we drove back and I watched Top. I rode Kimmey, made some homework, practised guitar and learned Spanish vocabularie. We ate dinner and saw two episodes of Law & Order. I know that was a really short discription of my day but I need to go to bed.


Dienstag, 21. September 2010

Oha math = highlight?!


that is hard. I asked myself: What was the highlight of your day? I answered nothing but honestly: I enjoyed the math homework more than guitar. Guitar was really hard. Nothing was how it should been. Oh my, I don't know what to say about this day. I watched for a class ring, watched the season final of 'Warehouse 13' and yeah tried to play guitar. I made math and biology and Spanish homework. I'm a little bit upset about all this working. No riding and I didn't enjoy guitar that much. I know I'm repeating myself but I want that this text is looking longer. We're writing biology tomorroe and I've to lern several things. It's kind of wierd all this working. I'm really proud about the english test. I got a 110. I made no mistakes. I'm really happy about this. It was good to look the movie a second time. That helped a lot but it's really hard to be in time. I'm not really fast when I try to translate it right and give a good answer. Mhmm. I hope I can ride tomorrow. On the 23rd we'll write math. So I think I should learn tomorrow and maybe other homework will follow. It would surprise me if not.


Montag, 20. September 2010

Times running - Playday on Saturday


I dislike short school days. The schedule is really fast and you can't do anything. Every teacher is teaching fast. It hard to follow and understand. The good thing is school is over at one a clock. The test for tomorrow are cancelled. I have more time to learn. I messed up in math. I said that and it happened. I'm learning for the test. I made some really stupid mistakes on the quiz. Shit happens!
I slept in the car. I don't know why but I'm tired. Really, really tired. I rode Kimmey and worked with her. It was pretty good. My little girl is going better and better. It's just fun. After riding I took a shower and saw the car from the horse trainer. I went out and met his wife. She's really nice and we talked together. I like her. She is nice and was really happy about Jerrys and my feedback about her work and the work from her husband. Saturday is playday and I'm excited. First I've to write some tests. Woa. I hope they will be better than math.
Okay supper is ready and I'm tired and hungry and happy. It's so great that Kimmey and I become a team. I lost the mail for Patrick and Regina. I have to write it again. I'm so sad that I forgot about their letter. Damned! Okay, happens. Better I start writing another one.


Sonntag, 19. September 2010

Talked with Tweety :D


and we went to church. Marc and Loran weren't there. They said they will come. Doesn't matter. I had a great time there. Sharon was playing piano and everyone was there. I talked to the people. After church we ate barbeque at home. I made the rest of my math homework. Wrote my english vocabularies, translated biology and chatted with Doris. "Good to talk to you Tweety! :)"
I wanted to ride but Sam fed the horses. Adrian and I helped him with the hay and I watched a movie. We're writing a test about this
Post veröffentlichen
movie and I was afraid that I didn't get everything from the movie. Better watch the movie again.
I got the mail of my schoolgrades. Their're A and A+. I think this start is okay and I'm glad if I can hold this. I will try and I want to try to get better grades.
Tomorrow we're writing English and Math. Let's see. I go to bed and I hope you all had a great weekend.


Samstag, 18. September 2010

Together we're strong


I told you: I will sleep well and I did. I had a wonderful dream. I remembered my dream in the morning but I forgot it. Hmpf! Okay the day was funny. I tried to make a mamor cake without a baking mixture. That was my first time. I had a recept. Bad if that's in german an there're diffrent measures. I'm so smart. I googled what 200g are in EL and than I calculated it. What should I say? The cake would taste really good but we bought the wrong flour. XD Paula, Celine helped me but my special helping person was Alexis. Thank you so much little honey! :)
That was a funny experience and I made me a good time. I'm not a cooking or baking person but I did well for the first time on my own. Maybe you are asking: „If she isn't a baking person why is she doing that?!“ Okay there is a easy answer. We ahve an exchange student party and everyone should make something from their country. I took mamor cake. Yeah... ;)

It was great to see all the diffrent exchange students and it was nice to met some again. It was a good evening. I weard my cowboy head and my boots. I love to wear this things! I got bored and I saddled Kimmey. We rode together and than we raced one of the barrel racing patterns. Wow! That would be a great placemenr. We made three good turns. I'm really proud. It was hard to get her down. We were both really intusiastic. But we calmed down and made some horsemanship exercises. Together we're strong. I'm tired wrote the post for my bloggs and I'm still thinling about band. I got my grades and there're all A or A+. I think that is okay. Okay I have to do homework and I have to take a shower and all this stuff.
That was a great day with a lot of culinary experiences.


Goergetown Homecoming - Go Eagels! :)

what for a day. I went to school and it was a good day. I think the wall in my head is gone. I hope so. I try to understand English and it's better than yesterday. I think it was like talking to a wall. I tried to listen but I couldn't. Horrible. But this day was good. There was a man at school. He sold class rings. Class rings are amazing and I want one! That is a ring specially for you. You can design your ring and you will get this ring after your graduation. They're beautiful. Wow! But on the other hand they're really expensive. I think I will get one. It's a great momory. A beautiful one. We should have that in Germany. It's 10.000 times better than a T-Shirt.
After school I went to the band hall. The band people are so nice. I know a lot if them. I didn't know that I know this much band people. It was funny that I stayed there and waited for Paula and Celine. A lot of band people asked if I want to join the band. I don't know. I mean I cant play an instrument but I know that I love music. Band practise wouls be from 6pm to 8pm. I don't know if I can do that. Deal with my homework and everything. If you want to give me a tip: Write a comment. I'm thankful for every opinion.
Okay Paula, Celine and little Alexis picked me up. I love you all so much. ;) I had a great time!!!! First Paula invited us to go to a chinese restaurant. Thank you so much! Everytime I'm doing something with you. It's amazing and I enjoy it! After that Celine and I went to the homecoming football game from her school. It was the Georgetown High School homecoming game. The motto of the evening: Go Eagels. They have an eagle as their mascot.
I weard my Florence High School T-Shirt and I was really glad that the colors from the rival team were red and white and not purple and white. I felt a little bit uncomfortable. Their mascot is an eagle but I'm thinking I'm a 'Lady Buff' so I was thinking like one. My high school was playing in Austin and I was there on a diffrent place. It was great and I had fun but I was still thinking I should support the buffaloes. Doesn't matter. I had a good time with Celine and two of her friends. I took a lot of pictures. Her school is bigger. The stadion was bigger. The football team was bigger. The band was bigger. Ther were more cheerleader. Everything was bigger than in Florence. Honestly I like the small games and my High School more. I mean it's hard to find good friends on a small girl. It must be harder on a bigger school. The eagels won! It was a nice game. I enjoyed the time. Celine and I had fun! :D
We came home and I practised guitar. I spent the night there. I will sleep so well.
Nighty, Sunny

Donnerstag, 16. September 2010

Long day - Consession stand :)

this was a good but long day. I went to school. It was a normal school day. Not really hard. We practised guitar, learned Spanish and my math teacher tried to explain math to me. I understood some things but I messed up at the test...
We made an experiment in biology. It was interesting. After school we drove back and ate dinner. Than we drove back to school and Kim and I sold and helped at the journalism consessionstand. It was really funny. We went around and sold a lot of candies. We made much money. Yeah and now I've to do homework. Hello?! I spent the whole day at school. There's no time for homework or learning after a football game...
Waah, Night!

Mittwoch, 15. September 2010

My Package!! :D


another day passed over. Nothing important happened. I got to school and it was okay. I'm tired. Too many informations. So many diffrent things to learn and remind. My feeling about math is still bad. The homework freaked me out. I rode. That was good. Something diffrent than all the letters and numbers. I enjoy riding.
Ohhh something VERY important happened!! I got a package from Germany! Two books about poker and a pokerset inside! Thank you so, so, so, so, so, so..... much!!!! Ayeee :DDD
Celine called me and asked me if I want to go to the homecoming party at her school. Why not? That can be really cool and I can wear my dress again. ;)
Okay I must do some more homework and take a shower.


Dienstag, 14. September 2010

Short Post 09-14th-2010


I will just write a short summary about my day. I woke up and we drove to school. I went to all my classes. Wrote math and spanish. I have a good feeling but it's still math and I think I'm loosing again the class. I didn't understand that. It's to fast and I can't ask someone to explain it in Herman. There's no time...
Okay I did homework, swam n the pool and watched TV with my host family. O didn't get the pictures from Anny. So I don't have new pictures. I need more free time. I'm really tired and I think I will get a cold.
That was one of the worse days.
Ahh, forgot a good thing: I swam with Sharon and we talked together in the pool.


Montag, 13. September 2010

Monday didn't suck ;)


and this day didn't suck. I was really busy but I did all the things I had to do. Went to school, came back and made homework, rode on Kimmey, practised guitar, learned Spanish and watched TV with my host family. I'm writing my blogg. I'm finished with all my daily-goals! Wow. That is one of the first times I can say that: I'm proud about my daily schedule. I thought how I can make all these things on one day amd I havn't expected that it could work.
Okay what can I write [escribir]? Yeah there is the Spanish nature. Whoa okay maybe I can tell you that the riding was great. I remember what I missed and I feel so good after riding. Kimmey is a cutie and so smart.
I wrote an E-Mail to Doris. Asked her how school is and she should greet her family. So for everyone: Best regards from Texas. Love you all so, so much. I love Texas. It's so beautiful in a diffrent way. I hope everything is okay ion good-cold-Germany.

I'm still hoping my daily-schedule will work. :)

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

Cowgirls Prayer

End of the week,

and I'm still surprised about church. Joe talked about the same things Sharon has done before. I prayed and I don't know. It's kind of crazy. We had lunch at church. The people are so nice to me and I like to talk to them. Especially to Doug [Duck :)] I'm happy. This day was a good day. Without homework, a church visit and a lot of riding lessons.

Okay, two riding lessons but that's a lot when you remember that didn't ride the whole week. I met the trainer and he asked me if I wanted to ride his horse. His horse is good and really smart. She, Nova, knows a lot. Later I trained with Kimmey. I love this horse. We're still learning from each other. Later I ate supper and watched TV. A great movie. I wanted to see the movie a long time ago but there was no time. So we watched 'Jumpers' together. I liked the movie but on some parts the movie is boring and you know what will happen. But otherwise there were some things I havn't expected. After the movie I took a shower and trained guitar. It won't work but I still try...

Oh no, I forgot the videos. Mhhm, I think you must wait. Sorry about that. There're so many things running over me. Even if I have free time. Like Sharon said: We'll not rest very much. We're always busy. Yeah, we are all busy. Every person in a diffrent way.

Sunny :)

Samstag, 11. September 2010

Saturday is study day x_X

Good evening,

I slept a long time and did my homework. I studied the whole day. I'm done. I've finished all the homework. Sam and I drove to the next town to buy some things. That was good. I saw some other things. Things which aren't letter or numbers. We came back at 6pm and I continued working. I practised guitar. It's going better but I have to practise more. It's still bad ;D
I talked with Sharon. She is acting like a mother. It's easy to accept her as my mother. She has a wonderful personality and I think she is an empathy person! =)
I hope I will have enough time to work on the videos tomorrow. First we'll go to church and I want to ride. I know that is a really short text but I want to go to bed. I'm tired. My brain doesn't want to work anymore.

P.S. Sharon gave me a present. A awesome Texas-Longhorn baseball cap!!!! I love Texas Longhorn Stuff! :D Thank you!


Homecoming :D


I like homecoming! It's really special. I think I can't discribe it. There is just one motto: have fun – Lets go Buffaloes!
I woke up and deccided to wear a black shirt. It looks better to my mum [ribbon]. The mum has the colors purple and white. That're the the Florence High School school colors.
I went to school and a lot of girls wore her mums. Some were pretty but I think my mum is one of the prettiest. I carried this thing the whole day around. You can do it one day but more than one day – no thanks! I tried to play guitar with it. It worked but it's harder. I couldn't relax with my arm. :D

It was a really funny school day. A lot of free time in the lessons. Everyone was excited. Me too. We went out of school. There was a parade around the school. They 'tuned' there cars up with some themen things. Drama-Club, Spanish Club and all that. It was nice to watch. After this car parade we went into the gym. No a gym is not a Gymnasium. It's the building you do sport in. [Turnhalle ;)] The elementry school and middle school joined us. The cheerleaders did their cheers and the band played. The elementry school cheerleaders cheered, too. It was so cute! Wow. It was so loud. All the little yelling children. You could see taht they had fun!
We drove home and I did some homework. I want to finish my homework tomorrow. I changed my clothes. I wore the purple T-Shirt and, of course, my mum and black shorts and white Flip-Flops. We drove to the game and: I didn't believe that. I got a homecoming date request! That came really late so I said no. I like to talk to him and all this stuff but that was to late to ask and I promised Anny to go with her. So I did.
We watched the football game. I think I got the rules or the 'high goal' of this game. The Buffs lost but the game was nice. I like to watch football. I like all the tackles and the cheerleader. Buffy the mascot is to cute. The homecoming nominee is really interesting. They have chosen the homecoming king and queen. I took a photo. I took a lot of photos. The whole day I carried my camera with me.
Bye the way. Today is Melanies Birthday. A birthday princess on homecoming. I gave her a Milka-Marzipan-Chocolate-Bar. So she can try german chocolate. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
After the game Anny, Kim and I changed clothes. Away with the T-Shirt and short – put your dress on! We took a lot of photos with our dresses. They asked me three times if I wanted to dance with them. Nop – I danced with the girls. It was a lot of fun. I had a great evening and an amazing, gorgeous, awesome day!
I'm writing on this text and I'm hearing music. I'm missing some songs and it's great but I think I must come to an end. Woa, I could write a lot more.

Woa! Stop! Sunny, Stop!
Nighty Night :D

Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

Burning the F


just one more night and then is homecoming. No one asked me if I want to go with him. First I was upset about it. I wanted to get a mum. Mums are really big ribbons. You wear them on homecoming. The boy who asked you must buy you one. No boy – no mum. That's what I thought but than Sharon surprised me. She gave me a mum. It's sooooo pretty. Thank you so so so much!The only problem I have: This mum is 1 meter long. It's as long as my leg. ;D

The day was good. The time at school was running. I made math homework and went to the F-Burning. They set a F in flames. It's a tradition on my school and on the evening before homecoming. The band is playing, the footballers are dancing and the cheerleaders do their chears. Than they burn the F and they introduce the homecoming nomines. It was a great experience and I'm glad that I went out of my room. I can't study the whole time and I don't want to miss that experience. Hanging around with Americans in my age. Met Melanie, Laurren, Paige, Samantha and a lot of other girls.

 It was cool. It was beautiful to see the F and feel the team spirit. I made some videos and a lot of pictures. Today is homecoming and I can wear my mum. Awwww, that is so awesome! Who needs a boy for homecoming if Sharon is your host mom?

The video[s] will follow.

Mittwoch, 8. September 2010

12 inches rain / 30 cm rain


and everyone was scared about the tropical storm and the rain. Okay that wasn't normal. It rained the whole Tuesday and the night. The rivers are flooded. Really small ones are know big. It's awesome how fast a little river can become a stream. We got 12 inches of rain. That are 30 cm. School started later. 10am. We had a diffrent schedule. Every lesson was shorter. It was wierd. After school I bought my homecomming dress and some other things. I'm really happy that I found a dress. It's really late and I did half of my homework. I must work. Yeah, I'm really busy. I hope the weather in Germany is better. I must say I like the rain. It reminds me on Germany. I can sleep better when it rains.

Nighty Night,

P.S. Maybe I'll add some pictures from a river. :D but later...

First Test Results

I wasn't at school on Monday, so Tuesday was like a Monday. Okay, not that bad but I worked the whole day. School was good. I got my tests back.
Spanish – 100 points – A
Math – 84 points – B but with homework I made it to an A.
Biology – 90 points – A
English – 100 points – A
I think this is a good start. I must do a lot of homework. It'll take the whole evening. It can be so hard if you want to get good marks. Puuh. It's raining. The whole day. Sharon said this isn't normal. Mhhm we must look for the weather.
For Anny, Kim and me it's normal. Looks like normal German weather... ;)


Montag, 6. September 2010

Day off - Riding, Skype =P


this was a relaxing day. I woke up early and went out to get Kimmey ready. I cleaned her and we rode. We trained Flag-Race and some other patterns. I didn't mess up! I'm so glad. I think Kimmey and I are a team. Now we can try to get better. The first step is made. I rode on Kimmey, Hollywood and Paulas other ne horse. Congradulations for your new amazing horse. He is a good boy. Hollywood, too. I enjoyed to ride them.
After riding I took a shower and talked to a lot of friends. Jerry, Marius, Kevin and Mike. Wow! Great to hear from you! They're still surviving in Germany. ;D
I missed Marius humour so much. If you read this I just want to say: Insider! ;D I watched TV with Sharon. I watched one episode „Bones“ with her. We fed the horses and she cooked supper. Did I say that I love corn? No? I do and Sharon knows how to cook the corn. After supper we watched „Underworld“. The movie is much better with the english voices. I disliked the movie in German and now I must say. It's not that bad. I never expected that voices can make these big diffrences.
What ever! I will quit writing. Wish you a good night and sweet dreams.


Sonntag, 5. September 2010

A lot of new aspects...


this was an easy day. We went to church. Sunday school was nice. We talked about the 10 commandments. „Honor your father and mother.“ This was our commandment today. Marc and Loran joined us today. There weren't donuts this morning. Bad for Marc but good for me. No donuts near by. I ate breakfast. I wasn't hungry. After church I met the new trainer from our ranch. He was nice and we talked a lot about horses and training. His farrier was also there. He was friendly and we talked about his job. He did his apprenticeship in 6 weeks. Wow! That're a lot new things to think about!
Later I made my math homework and stalked some people at facebook. I chatted with Paula and Doris. After that I jumped into the pool. We watched „Triple X“. I liked the movie. Supper was good. Beef with butter-bisquits and beet root.
My parents in Germany wrote me an E-Mail. Thank you! It was so great to read that. Great that the commandment today "Honor your father and mother" was.


[A lot of 'Celine & me was boring'-Pictures xD]
[The little girl is Paulas daughter Alexis ;D]

Samstag, 4. September 2010

4th shopping tour - 1st cinema :D

Oh my,

one day from my weekand is left the good thing is I have to extra days! Monday is a day off from school. It's labour day. The germans call it 'Tag der Arbeit“.
The day began good. I slept a long time and that very well. I had a really good day and a lot of fun with the girls. We met Anny and Kim. The outlet mall was amazing. So big and a lot of stores. Puma, Adidas, Billabong, G-Star, Quecksilver and rue 21 and, and, and. I bought some little presents and a sweater and a nice bracelet. The sweater is green and the bracelet is a horseshoe bracelet. I bought one for me and one for Sharon. It's my birthday present to her.
Celine and I went to the cinema. We watched Vampires Sucks. This is a movie against Twilight or generally against the vampire boom. It was funny but sometimes boring or they tried to be funny. I liked the evening and the day with the girls. It was so funny. We tried a lot of dresses and Kim found a pretty one. She looks amazing in it!! Wow. I didn't find a dress. I don't know if I'm still searching.

Greetings to Germany,
love you all,

Happy Birthday Texas Mommy! :D

First of all:

Happy Birthday To Youuu, Happy Birthday To Youuu, Happy Birthday dir Sharon, Mommy, Happy Birthday To Youuu! -clap-

Happy Birthday dear Sharon - MyVideo

We celebreted Sharons Birthday on Friday. It was a horrible but also a good day. I wrote all four school tests and I have no idea how good or bad I was. English was not really hard. The content was easy but I didn't understand the questions. That is so bad. You're sitting there and you must guess what the questions and answers mean. That is so horrible. I got nervous. So nervous that I thought I will mess up in biology. I did – the first time. I was so sad and desperate. My teacher send me to the study hall. There was a woman and she looked at me. So I was able to write the test with an english-german dictonary on a computer. I translated the questions and answers and did my best. Maybe it's not that bad. We'll see. Spanish was okay. I learned a lot of vocabularies and I think I will get a good mark for my effort. The last periode, girls athletics, was good. We ran a lot and I must say I really like it. I like running. It is fun. I had never expected that I could like running one day. I enjoyed it and made the 2nd place on a 200 yard race. It was the third of three times.

After school I took a shower and we drove to Suzies house. It is an amazing house with an awesome kitchen. I love it! All the details and the cowboy funiture. Wow! The food was good. So so good. It was one of the best chickens I ever ate. It tasted so brilliant. It was a really nice evening and think Sharon was really happy about her presents. She got a necklace and parfume and I bought her a card. I told her she'll get her present later. I had no chance to buy one before. We all talked or played the whole evening. I had a really good time.
I didn't drive back with Sharon. I drove with Paula and will sleep there. Tomorrow we will go for another shopping tour. Celine and I and maybe Anny and Kim.

That was my Friday. With a lot of feelings. I feel glad that I can say: I had more good than bad feelings this day. Happy Bithday again. Health, Luck and Gods bless for all comming years.


Donnerstag, 2. September 2010

Afraid about four tests


what a day! I got my U.S History vocabulary sheet back and it's not really good. I didn't write sentences. I wrote keywords to discribe the vocabularies. Mhhm! Shit happens... I was in a bad mood but than came guitar and everything was okay. My teacher wasn't there. I just played something on my guitar.
I hope I'm prepared for the four tests tomorrow. Spanish, Biology, Math and English. I'll try my best.
The day was long. We lifted weights and ran back to the gym. I got a half hour to go ready for the consession stand. We sold food on the football game. I worked the whole evening. It was really funny and a nice experience. I'm glad that Kim was there. The junior vasity team won! Goncradulations Buffs!
Tomorrow is a busy day. The buffaloes are playing, it's Sharons birthday and I'm writing four tests. I hope you don't have that many tests in Germany.

Wish you all sweet dreams and for tomorrow or today it's after 12 'clock. Go Buffs!!


Mittwoch, 1. September 2010

Skypecall :D


this day is hard to explain. Feelings are going up and down. I don't know what to think about it. I don't miss my family and I miss my family. I want to talk with them. Explain a lot to them and when they call I've no idea what to say or explain.
School was great. English, Guitar and US History were really cool. I didn't get that much homework. I have to learn Spanish and biologie. I'm excited and a little bit afraid about all the tests comming Friday.
I hope Hjördis, Doris, Max and Marius will write some comments. I want to know how school is and all this stuff. Too bad that Regina and Patrick can't read my blogg. I can't go to Town. I'm to busy and I really miss them. I feel so sorry that I can't write a letter to them. Monday we have a free day. No school. That sounds good. Maybe I get all things done on Monday or this weekend. I was so glad that my mother called me. I talked with them a little bit. It was nice but also hard. There're a lot of things to say and I didn't know how or if they wanted to hear that. Mhhm, doesn't matter. I'm happy that we talked! Good that Jerry repaired the computer. ;D Miss you!
