Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Repearing the horse pen

the week is over and I could sleep a little bit longer. Noone knows how glad I'm. The day was really cool. I ate breakfast and Adrian and I helped Sam with the barn. We have a lot of horses here and more comming in. That was the reason that we fixed the pen for the horse. I liked to work outside and I'm glad that I didn't get the symtomes for ceder fever. We dug a hole. Changes old and new wood. We put nails in it and did a lot of other great stuff. Working with my own hands is so much fun, but the best part is to see a result. I ate spaghetti for lunch and went back to Sam. We finished up with the horse pen at 4pm and started to switch the lamb on the front barn. I fed the horses and the boys worked on the lamb. It's a nice and really bright one. I really like the new one. The only thing I did this afternoon was my homework. Anyway, I had a good day.


[Left arm: Class of 2011 patch ;)]

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