Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

Enjoyed Basketball :D


this morning started really weird. I woke up at time, but I didn't have enough time to finish my breakfast slowly. I hate stress in the morning. I had an easy day at school. We watched a movie about WW 1. I read my book. I mean we had a substitute for our teacher. My History, Math, Spanish and Guitar teachers weren't here today, and we watched a movie in English. Easy peasy! ;)
I was so glad that I got some time to read my book. I'm always doing homwork and there are many things I go over and read for school before I read my book. That's bothering me. My lunch was okay. I mean a baked sweetpotatoe isn't that good on the second day. Sam bought me and cameron an ice that we shared. We corrected our biology worksheet, and I think I got most of the stuff. I will review it on the weekend. One thing that I really liked about the day was athletics. The outseason team, including me, played basketball today. I played really good. Marius would be so proud of me. I got many balls for my team. I helped with many goals, got the ball many times and impended many points. I ran for this whole period and I enjoyed it.
Adrian and I played a little bit softball until it started to rain. We went inside and played with Haley. We had to move some horses around. Switch horse pens and after switching them I fed them. I love to feed the horses. I love the smell of hay. I miss riding... BIGTIME!
The thing I'm looking forward right now is our trip to Austin tomorrow. I have to go up early in the morning. Grrr... I wanna sleep a little bit longer. Anyway, I'm excited. My camera is charged.
It's really cold in Texas. I mean the temperature dropped fast. It feels really cold. Everyone says I should be used to the cold and I try to explain to them that I'm fine with cold weather when I have clothes to put on. I didn't bring my warm cloths. That's a good thing to remember for all Texas exchange students next year: Bring some WARM clothes! It's getting freaking cold...

Sonja :)

P.S. Sorry for my English. I need sleep...

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