Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

1st short practice


School was over so fast today. I talked with my guitar teacher and classmate Julia.Everything on the computers is still down. The teachers can't type in our grades. We had electricity failure and probably some bad viruses on the school computers. The teachers can't print anything. The printers go over network and internet. That was the reason everyone in my History class had to copy 20 multiple choice questions in 8 minutes. I didn't finish to copy them, but smart like I am I borrowed Seth's flash drive. So, I went back 7th period and asked him to put the review on the flash drive. He did it. I'm so glad. It was funny when I entered the class. Everyone said hi to me. I didn't even knew I know that much people.
Tomorrow will be horrible with all those tests and this small amount of time to prepare for them. Anyway, I wouldn't miss practice. I like it too much. We started earlier and had a short practice. Jordan gave me a ride home. I'm glad she did. We had a nice talk and I have plenty of time to get ready for tomorrow. Okay not that much, but still more than I expected a few hours ago.


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