Montag, 31. Januar 2011

Hi – po – se – sis xDD


I survived the Monday. Oh my, I felt so tired in the morning and I have gone an hour earlier to bed. I hate this! The day started pretty good. I was just tired, but I was happy about this pretty warm morning. The day changed when the weather newcast said that we will ahve a cold front. I mean a really cold, cold front with the possibility of snow. Hello?! We had 80°F yesterday. HOW can the weather drop from that to 32°F and below? Is that even possible? Seriously?
That was the reson that we started early with softball practice. I liked the practice today. We did something diffrent than the last week. We actually went on the field and talked about some tactics and moves. I played second base in the infield. That's a pretty good position, but I failed. I failed so bad. I have to learn a lot more things to be good at this position. More catching and throwing practice. I'm just glad that the other beginners are making the same mistakes and sometimes worse. ;)
Oh I forgot. I survived Biology and my teacher said that I did pretty well. She said that she knew what I was talking about and that I was really confident. She could tell that that wasn't my first presentation and so on... I'm so happy and I have to mention that the girl who made the power point presentation did a really good job. Kimball is really good with computer. I'm just happy that we survived even if we just covered 8 out of 20 minutes. Laurren and I rescued the sitation and went over the examples a couple of times. I think we saved a lot. I mean we went over the 20 minutes. That should be a good sign, shouldn't it? I liked the presentation. It is so funny. I can't pronounce the word hypothesis. Laurren tried to teach me, but this word is killing me so bad. I had to say it for more than five times. Embarrassing³ ;)
It's hi – po – se – sis xDD

Love, Sonja

Sonntag, 30. Januar 2011

Church Barbeque! :D


we went to church in the morning, but we did skip Sunday school. Sam was driving the car and we drove a completly diffrent way. He called it roller coaster and the hind door we're comming through. This street wasn't an hind door it was a sneaky little trap door. The street was a lot of fun. We arrived at the church and had a great church service. The only sad thing was the announcement for Sammy. We prayed for her and I hope y'all are still lifting her and her family up.
They had a trailride to the church and a whole trailride weekend. We didn't go! I would have loved it! :( They came with all their horses and a horse carriage. We all had barbeque after church. It was sooo good. Somone brought salad and tomatoes. My burger wasn't that bad with all the good stuff on it, and the desserts were awesome. Sharon made really good brownies, we had a great strawberry cake and I wished there would be enough space for a piece of coconut pie.
Jake was there after church. I had fun to talk to him and Terris daughter and a lot of other people. It was a really good time after church and it was warm! We had about 20-24°C that are about 80°F. I'm so happy about warm weather. Jake and I had a water fight together. I made him pretty wet.
We drove home and I had a really funny skype call. One of the best ones with my family. That finally made my day, even if I had to discuss about my never-arriving pills. Anny called and texted me. She wanted to come over. Sharon and I agreed and we met her over at Walmart. I bought Softball gloves and a few other things while Adrian got his new haircut.
We drove to Bush's chicken and bought our supper. Anny was going home and when we arrived at home we ate the chicken. Yeah I know that isn't the best idea, but my weekend was really unhealthy. I just finished it the way I started it. Don't get this wrong. This weekend was awesome!!! :D
I tried to prepare myself for my biology presentation and I'm praying that I'm doing okay. I mean everyone knows how much I love my presentations. Especially the biology ones. I just dislike to trust a foreign group, a foreign language and my tesion. If I freak out I will struggle with my english. Okay – away with the bad thoughts. I can do this! :D


Samstag, 29. Januar 2011

Raspberry Dream, Cold Dog, Sugar Cookies & Co ;D


that was a really great day. We woke up. My nose was closed. It was so cold and I had a really, really wierd dream. It was the first dream I remember in English, but it was a language mixed dream. My family was on the airpot and a second later I skyped with them until my biology teacher came and explained something to me, and my parents were back on the air port to meet me. I think it was one of the meetings after half the year, but everyone altered liek 20 years beside me. Creepy, creepy dream! ;D
The morning started, yes shame on me, really sweet. We made 'Raspberry Dream' (Hinbeer Traum). Yes Doris! I agree. I didn't know I'm able to do that, but Anny and I made it, somehow. We ate breakfast Tacos for breakfast and looked up dog breeds on the internet. Anny really wants to have a Great Dane. She was really enthusiastic about that. We looked up breeders, dogs, and pictures. It was fun. She showed me her blanket with letter sewing in one corner. That was amazing. Shelly, Anny's hostmom, went in and showed me a baby blanket. That was sooo cool! I asked her if she could make one for me and she agreed. That is so cool.
Everyone beside me and Anny left the house. We finished the respberry dream, made sugar cookies and pasta with tomatoe sauce. It was good! We watched a movie Anny bought. That movie was horrible! I mean the story was not good. The end was bad and it was really slaughter perverd. It wasnÄt good to watch a scary movie alone. Something, and there was something because both of us saw it, smashed against the window. Why does that always happen after watching a scary movie? I mean: seriously?! :D
Everyone came back, no not because we begged them to come back, and Shelly took Anny and me to Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby is a store for all creative things and hobbies like sewing. It's a really big home decor shop and just awesome. I picked out the fabric for my blanked. That is soooo cool. I will start and learn how to sew. I swear I have to learn it. You can be so creative, do amazing things, and you can just create things no one else has. I love that! I will get my blanket and that makes me really happy. It will be a special blanket and all motives will respresent my year here in America.
Shelly drove to Brush's Chicken with us. The chicken there is soooo... good. I was sitting in the car and we heard Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. I had to laugh and think about Doris! :D
It was a really, really great drive home from Killeen. I'm so happy about those two days. I was so happy, had great experiences and got a 100 in U.S. History. :D

Sonja xD

P.S. Word or quote of the day: „Oh my Gushness!“ - Anny

Freitag, 28. Januar 2011

Sleeping Over at Anny's :D


the Friday started really stressful. I woke up early in the morning to print my U.S. History review. I learned all the other things beside the multiple choice questions Thursday evening. I was excited and a little bit nervous about the test. I got the questions and it was really easy. Spanish was okay, but I'm not sure about the result. It's so easy to make mistakes while translating sentences. The big surprise of the day was a quiz in math, but I think I did okay on that, too.
Anny asked me to come to her this weekend and sleep over. We could make, cook, and bake german things, and I said I would come after practice.
We played the first time on the field doing Softball practice. I had a really good time this practice, and I know things are going better. I hit the first time with one of those machines. I like the bat position, and I hit the ball. My coach said I'm doing very well and pat me on my shoulder. :D
Sharon picked me up after practice and I went over to tell Adrian I'm going to Anny's. Adrians coach is so cool. I really like him and we talked a little bit. I couldn't help me. I had to tease and hug him. He really cares how I'm doing. Anyway Adrian had a ride and Sharon gave me one to Anny's house.
I love their house. It's a really big trailer house and nice decorated. All the pictures on the wall and the sewing room. It's lovely over there. Anny was in the kitchen and we fixed 'Cold Dog' (Kalter Hund, Toter Hund, Tote Tante) together. We had to improvice a few things, but we did pretty good. We noshed here some dough and there some chocolate. That was a pretty unhealthy evening, and a great time. We talked until midnight in her room. I just enjoyed my time. Out of the books. :D


Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

1st short practice


School was over so fast today. I talked with my guitar teacher and classmate Julia.Everything on the computers is still down. The teachers can't type in our grades. We had electricity failure and probably some bad viruses on the school computers. The teachers can't print anything. The printers go over network and internet. That was the reason everyone in my History class had to copy 20 multiple choice questions in 8 minutes. I didn't finish to copy them, but smart like I am I borrowed Seth's flash drive. So, I went back 7th period and asked him to put the review on the flash drive. He did it. I'm so glad. It was funny when I entered the class. Everyone said hi to me. I didn't even knew I know that much people.
Tomorrow will be horrible with all those tests and this small amount of time to prepare for them. Anyway, I wouldn't miss practice. I like it too much. We started earlier and had a short practice. Jordan gave me a ride home. I'm glad she did. We had a nice talk and I have plenty of time to get ready for tomorrow. Okay not that much, but still more than I expected a few hours ago.


Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

Softball is getting better :D


I think I'm getting along with homework and Softball practice. I'm going to school, staying for practice, we did the same things like the days before to get the muscle memory, and coming home at 6pm to practice guitar, eat with my family, and go upstairs to make homework and take a shower. The only thing that is really annoying is my blogg, but I want to keep up with my blogg. I know a few people are reading that and I wanna read that when I'm back in Germany. I'm back in almost 4-5 months. I mean the time seems to run a little bit faster now.
My book makes me mad. I hate if I guess bad things right and it happened liek I thought. Practice was really good. I think you can see that I'm really becoming better. I started and didn't know anything. I think you can see an improvement, but I also hope I can improve a lot more and didn't get stuck. I really want to play this sport and I'm going to. :D
I wrote a few text messages with Celine. It seems that everyone is thinking I'm angry with them. Why??? Did I do something? Do I look mean?
Anyway, I practiced „Waltzing Matilda“ on my guitar. Gosh! This is giving me a damn hard time. It's so frustrating, but I love the guitar.
I draw a picture for my US History class and finished my math homework. I will learn some spanish vocabs and then I'm done! Done! Done! Done! Ready to go to bed.


P.S. My 'cold' is getting better. My nose is still running like hell and I'm caughing, but the bad feeling is gone! :D

Dienstag, 25. Januar 2011

Feeling better! Hope so...


I slept a really good-heavy sleep. I'm so glad that I can say my neck is defenetly better. I'm still caughing like I want to see my lungs, but it was much better after my spanish teacher gave me some caugh drops. The day was pretty simple. My arms are sore from all the tossing and my legs are sore from all the launching. Anyway, I don't wanna cry. There're things that are much harder to do. Outseason is much harder.
I wrote an article about Manatee adoption in jounalism and the rest of the day was pretty good. I played off one of the two songs called „Pretty Little Horses“. My teacher gave everyone one more day for the second song and I'm glad. Wasn't supposed to learn the first two lines, I was suppost to know the entire song. Mhm happens! The lunch was good. I had rice with turkey and it was really good. Samual, the asian boy, wants me as his host sister. That is so cute! He offered me a couple of times to live with him. My Christmas presents are still here. I have to send them. I mean all the cards and everything. January is embarrasing enough I don't have to give it away in March.
Softball practice was okay. We did exactly the same stuff than yesterday just with Florence Buffaloe sweatshirt and long pants. ;) I did pretty bad today, but my whole group wasn't playing that well. We didn't catch the balls. It was horrible, but I think we will go better. I learned how to improve while batting, and a many other athletic things.
Back at home, I practiced my guitar for 1 ½ hours. I mean I really had to get done with the song. I hope I'm done, but confident and not like done because of 'over-practicing'. I can't imagine that that could happen.
Seth has got a girlfriend two days ago. I'm so happy for them! ;D

Good Night,

Montag, 24. Januar 2011

Getting Sick!


okay, I know I'm writing another late post, but there was no way yesterday to write my blogg. I felt the hole day really bad. My neck hurted, my throat was sore and I started to have pain in the limbs. I was so excited about softball practice, but I didn't want to go. I felt really bad doing the day. It didn't get better. It got worse and I thought I could throw up every minute.
A state sherrif came to our school and hold a presentation about internet safety. It wasn't that boring. Actually, he was pretty good talking to teens, but it still is a topic no one really cares about. I was sitting with Paige and Samantha. I leaned back at Paige and she was so warm. I was almost sleeping. It was so comfortable.
We missed 7th period and more than half of 8th period. We didn't have enough time to lift weights and so they made us run a bleacher mile. Yeah mommy you can kill me after you read that, but I had to run in T-Shirt and shorts. I forgot my sweatshirt and the long pants at home. Shame on me! ;) We had about 50-60°Fahrenheit and a hard wind. The good thing is that this made me run faster.
Softball practice was awesome! I was just freezing. It got better when I could wear my normal sweatshirt. It is green and for that it hasn't got the school colors. I'm glad my coach didn't care. The cold wind on my legs was okay. I had a good time. We warmed up, tossed the ball to each other on a short distance and than longer distance. The coaches gave us some balls you have to catch from the ground and than we went over to the bat stations. The girl I'm exercising with is Tori. She's nice and we get along pretty good. She isn't the best non plus player, but really good. She played before, has good tipps and helps me to improve myself. We said that we will always work together.
Practice was over at about 5:45pm and Sharon picked me up. I had to practice two songs for Guitar class. Yeah I was really lazy and we have to play the songs off tomorrow unless I want to get a 0. I focused on guitar for half an hour and than when the commercials came up. We watched Chuck and The Cape.I went to bed much earlier than normal. I was so exhausted, and my neck and throat problems were worse. The only good news came from Top. He write me that Shiner is comming back! My favourite buddy! I'm so happy and sad at the same time. Top and I texted a little bit more about softball. That gave me a good feeling.

Sonja :D

Sonntag, 23. Januar 2011

Kimmey, DG and Dakota! :D


and another day is over. The time is running fast and slow at the same time. I enjoy something and it's going over so fast. I'm waiting for something and the clock stands. That is not fair! :)
We went to church today and I didn't sleep. Just wanna mention that. We came from Sunday school and church service and the ranch was full of people. Shy, Alexis, Celine, Paula and a few more were walking, talking or riding. I went inside and ate the pasta with meatballs for lunch. Yummi! I looove pasta :D
Adrian and I went out to get Star, Kimmey and DG. I groomed DG and Kimmey and it calmed me down. I mean I was really relaxt and enjoyed that. It took me one hour to saddle the two horses and for Adrian to saddle Star. We walked out of the barn to the arena and I rode Kimmey first. We did some easy walking or trotting stuff. Rode two patterns and I changed to DG. She gave me a harder time but that was okay. We walked two times around the arena and finally the first barrel pattern without fighting. That was good.
Adrian decided that he wanted to ride Dakota bareback and he got this little horse. He got on him and uhm well, off. Dakota ran off and bucked him off. Adrian got on him again without a saddle and the same thing happened again. I mean respect to Adrian that he wasnt afraid about that. Maybe that is his spanish blood. He would be a great bull rider. He should train for that! :D
Anyway, we got a saddle on Dakota and in the roundpen with him. Adrian got on him and walked with him. I wanted to ride him too. Bad idea. Let a horse alone if he's doing good. As soon as I was on him this horse went straight up and bucked, bigtime. I mean that wasn't a normal really easy bucking. That was harder stuff and even Sharon said he bucked pretty good. I stayed on for a few seconds and I hope I stayed on him for more than 8 seconds. I kissed the ground. I'm mad with me that I didn't stay on and on gthe other hand I'm proud that I stayed on him the time I stayed. Does that make sense? :D
We fed the horses after all, ate supper, watched the Dark Knight, and I read my book. I love this book. It's pretty good and reading calms me down like grooming horses.
I did my homework. I'm looking forward for school. I have doneall my homework, and softball practice with my new cleats. Yeha! Monday :(


Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

Got my cleats!


I slept until 10am. That is pretty long for me and it felt so good to sleep a little bit longer. I got up, collected all the Christmas presents for my German family and brought them downstairs. That is a big step. I wanna send the package. This month! I ate my breakfast and walked outside to watch Victoria riding her new horse. I like her new horse. I think they're a really cute team and can be successfull.
Sharon and I drove to the pet store and got feed for the horses. After that, we drove to a big grocery store and met her daughter Shannon. They had to sign Shannon on Sharons card. We went through the store and bought a pineapple. Yeah! I don't know why, but I really want to eat one.
We drove to Sports Academy to buy my new shoes. I thought I have to spent 70 dollar, but I got cheaper ones and the ones I wanted. I wanted Nike shoes where you can change the color on the Nike snag. I can change it to purple. Yeah :D
We got back at home and I wanted to do my biology homework. Adrian asked me if I could come to help him feed the horses and I went outside to help him. We fed the horses, put all the feed sacks in the chamber and brought hay bales from one to the other barn. We recognized that something was wrong with Chance and told Sharon. He couldn't pee or poop. I walked him for a hour and we thought it's going better. It wasn't. He wanted to lay down. We got him out again and I walked another hour or more. Adrian hided in the barn and scared me to death. That was really mean. He didn't stop it and scared me a second time. The vet came and put the hose through the horses nose. I got a little bit against it and started bleeding. He got the minerals in his body. Sharon stopped the bleeding and as soon as she took the tissue away Chance snorted and all the blood got on her. It was a really funny situation and even Sharon had to laugh. Sharon cleaned herself and I took care of Chances nose. We brought him in his pen and went inside for supper. Sharon cooked pasta with meatballs and tomatoe sauce.


Freitag, 21. Januar 2011

1st Softball practice!


school seemed so long today, but everything seems longer when you're waiting for something. I was waiting for my first softball practise and it was hard to focus on my Spanish and English test. 3Rd, 6th and 7th period passed. All the time was going and I finally had 8th period.
We trained to bat the ball. That's the position when you're hitting the ball with the bat. I think I did okay and even my coach said it was impressive for my first time. That made me really happy. He finished a little bit earlier and I stayed a little bit longer. We throe the ball a couple of times. Maybe my batting is good but I really need to learn how to throw the ball right overhead. I think I will learn that. I had fun and I think I really gonna like Softball.
Sharon picked me up and told me that the horse from yesterday with the colic died. The horse died because of a heart attack. We barried the horse and I watched them doing it and digging the hole.
Haley wanted to go to manos and eat and we all went to Manos to eat something. It is so weird. You can go to Manos whenever you want and I bet there will always be someone you know. We met our US History teacher, a athletics boy and two of the waitresses are our classmates. That is so weird! :D


Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

One more day! 1 ! 1 !


okay it's Thursday and I'm really mad today. Someone took my worksheet out of the shelf and put it back in the wrong shelf. I mean that isn't something to be mad about. That someone copied all my answars isn't making me mad, but if someone copies my answers and erases them that is something that makes me mad. B I G T I M E! I'm so glad that my coach saw I had the right answers and I'm so glad he still gave me a 95 and not a 70 something I would have got. That made my day pretty bad.
Seth bought my Resees. That are little chocolate things filled with peanut butter and they made my life better and worse. I mean chocolate makes happy, but than I'm mad with me that I ate a bunch of it. Weird, weird time right now! I really have to stop my eating attitude.
I'm just so excited about softball. Tomorrow is the first practice! Yeaah! That makes my day better. I will do my homework and have a great day (without chocolate) tomorrow!


The Physical :D

this was a long day. I went to school and got my 100 in Biology back. My average right now is a 99. This teacher is awesome! She isn't that picky with vocabularies and really tries to explain the school stuff to us. I'm done with my Spanish flashcards and Bio vocabs. They're always a lot of work. I mean it's Thursday and I write three blogg posts. I got pretty bad writing my blogg. I have to apologize for that. I should quit doing nothing. It makes things worse. My rythm is gone, I start eating uncontrolled and all this other bad stuff that freaks and stresses me out.
We went to the doctor after school and I got my physical. My pulse is a little bit weird. I think I had 80/50 on the one and 100/50 on the other site. Aaaah! I'm gonna die! ;) My doctors appointment was really funny. He lived in Germany for a few years and changed the language really often. That was nice. He also asked other doctors what I can do to get my thoreuw pills. It doesn't look good. Hmm! I really have to figure something out.
I think that was a really worse evening. Trying to learn vocabs and reading the story for my English tests. I mean whats going on. I feel so good and than really bad and not focused. That's confusing and a bad moment for my brain to go into a stand by mode. I would love to speak to my friends, or I would love to get some facebook comments or something else.

Sonja :D

Another day is over


it's Tuesday. We got a new vocab list in Spanish and wrote the biology test. I didn't think it would be as easy as it was. I answered all the questions and the bonus. Now, I'm hoping my answers are right. The day was good. I'm having a good time at school. I'm waiting for Softball practise to start. I'm so excited.
I did all my homework after school. I'm wondering how it will be with a sport and practice until 6pm. I hope I can still keep up with my homework, but I'm pretty sure I can. I mean I'm really lazy the last time and looking TV or something until 6pm just to see how much time I got left. Right now it's working out, but I feel the stress and excitement.
I ahve to get my physical... Sharon said we will go tomorrow.

Good Night,

Montag, 17. Januar 2011

Aaah! Softball starts Friday!!!


today was kind of weird in a positive way. Chip, one of my old Guitar classmates, is back at our school. I was glad to see him! I didn't change at all. The other weird thing that happened was the softball anouncement. They told us that softball practice will start on Friday. I mean Friday! Hello?! I have to get all the formulas filled out. I don't have stuff. I feel lonely. I have no idea whats going on, but that's okay. Surprises are keeping my life interesting. I finished reading the book „Betrayed“, and it was good. Better than the first one. It was really fastzinating. I had to finish it today. The libary wants the book back tomorrow. We have a really cool library. I mean they have books students want to read. All this new vampire stuff and a lot more. We should have something like that in Germany.
I started my biology Vocabs. It takes so much time. Hmm, we are writing biology tomorrow and I'm so, so nervous. Wish me luck.


Sonntag, 16. Januar 2011

Lazy Sunday


I had a pretty lame day. It was great! I feel rested. I slept more than 12 hours and watched NCIS with Sharon. I mean I haven't slept for 12 hours since I arrived. We didn't go to church. Sharon was kind of sore and I'm glad that I slept longer. We ate pizza for lunch. That was so good. I havn't had pizza for a long time, but I miss really good, fresh pizza. Pizza to order. :)
Later on, I went upstairs to do some homework, read my book, and come downstairs for dinner. They ate chicken and dumpling soup. It's so yummi and I'm so excited for lunch tomorrow.
Yeah that was all about my lazy day

Samstag, 15. Januar 2011

Visiting Austin!


I had a wonderful day. I mean this day was awesome. I woke up early. I mean the time I wake up when I have to go to school. I was so tired. We drove to Austin and had breakfast at McDonalds'. We got free oatmeal, but it isn't that good. I prefer regular oatmeal. I just don't like it with flavor.
We met the other exchange students and went into the museum to see a movie about Texas. I met Lisa! Lisa Tandek! I linked her blogg, and I'm so glad we met each other. She screamed when she saw me and gave me a huge, long hug. This girl is awesome! :D
[The Texas State Capitol]
The movie was great! I mean a lot of horses, cowboys in this awesome wrangler jeans. Omg I love those jeans and the commercial for them! Oh, anyway, the movie was really good. They showed all the diffrent types of landscape, people and had a lot of information in this movie. That was a really good choice to watch. I'm glad I wore my letter jacket. It rained the whole day, and the jacket is pretty warm. I love this jacket!
[ T E X A S! Texas Pride x3]
After the movie we went to the museum. We weren't allowed to take pictures. We took some on the end. The museum was cool. A lot of interactive things. It was good structured. The only big minus for the museum is, that we couldn't eat in there. Someone reserved the whole café for the whole day. We had to go somewhere else. I ate a salad for lunch. 
[Inside the Capitol, looking 'up']
We went to the capitol of Texas. Do you know that the capitol in exas is bigger than the capitol in Washington D.C? Do you know that Texas is the only state that can have the state flag as high as the American flag? That's because Texas were a Republic. Yeah I payed attention today, but Sam explained the second question to me two weeks ago. The capitol is just amazing and we had a great time. We took nice pictures in the capitol. Laying on the ground or on the stairs. I mean that are really good pictures. 
[Keep Austin weird! Laying on the ground in the State Capitol!]
We drove to the LBJ library. The LBJ stands for President Lyndon Baines Johnson he became President after Kennedys assassination. It was a good museum. All the Presidents, and First Ladies listed. I liked to learn a bit about the First Ladies. It was a sad, but really interesting time periode back in the 1960's. 
[Adrian and I in front of Lyndon B. Johnsons limousine]

[Hook 'em! The UT stadion in the back!]

The library was in front of one of the UT [University of Texas] stadiums. We jumped on a wall and took a picture. It was rainy. I'm glad noone felt back.
We left the library and some exchange students had to go home. We went to an All-You-Can-Eat American restaurant. It was okay. Some things were really good and others not so.
On our way back Sharon, Adrian and I drove to walmart and bought some gummi boots. Now we can walk out in the mood! Thanks Sharon! :D The other boots I had were to big and mine were to expensive to mess them up. I mean they are messed up... I could cry, but I want to keep my boots.
[Wanna have this Longhorn so bad! Didn't have 10bucks =( Isn't it cuuuuute?!]

The day was just great and Im glad that I saw the cultural parts of Austin. I would love to see more of Texas or go to Austin downtown or shopping in Austin. It's just not that easy. Huuh, I have to live with that. I'm glad for this day. I had so much time and got a lot of great pictures. Some of the other exchange students already uploaded some pictures on facebook. I'm glad we followed Austins slogan: "Keep Austin weird!" We did a great job! :)


Freitag, 14. Januar 2011

Enjoyed Basketball :D


this morning started really weird. I woke up at time, but I didn't have enough time to finish my breakfast slowly. I hate stress in the morning. I had an easy day at school. We watched a movie about WW 1. I read my book. I mean we had a substitute for our teacher. My History, Math, Spanish and Guitar teachers weren't here today, and we watched a movie in English. Easy peasy! ;)
I was so glad that I got some time to read my book. I'm always doing homwork and there are many things I go over and read for school before I read my book. That's bothering me. My lunch was okay. I mean a baked sweetpotatoe isn't that good on the second day. Sam bought me and cameron an ice that we shared. We corrected our biology worksheet, and I think I got most of the stuff. I will review it on the weekend. One thing that I really liked about the day was athletics. The outseason team, including me, played basketball today. I played really good. Marius would be so proud of me. I got many balls for my team. I helped with many goals, got the ball many times and impended many points. I ran for this whole period and I enjoyed it.
Adrian and I played a little bit softball until it started to rain. We went inside and played with Haley. We had to move some horses around. Switch horse pens and after switching them I fed them. I love to feed the horses. I love the smell of hay. I miss riding... BIGTIME!
The thing I'm looking forward right now is our trip to Austin tomorrow. I have to go up early in the morning. Grrr... I wanna sleep a little bit longer. Anyway, I'm excited. My camera is charged.
It's really cold in Texas. I mean the temperature dropped fast. It feels really cold. Everyone says I should be used to the cold and I try to explain to them that I'm fine with cold weather when I have clothes to put on. I didn't bring my warm cloths. That's a good thing to remember for all Texas exchange students next year: Bring some WARM clothes! It's getting freaking cold...

Sonja :)

P.S. Sorry for my English. I need sleep...

Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011

American Holidays


this Thursday was pretty lame. I went to school and everything was normal. School is so annoying. You go from class to class and everyday you have the same classrooms, teacher and subjects. Americans don't have that much holidays than we have. Their christmas holidays were two weeks and that have been the only holidays since I arrived. The next holidays are in march and the famous spingbreak is just one school week. Exchange students have a bad holiday schedule. The summer holidays start when we have to fly back and they're from late May to late August. That isn't fair. ;)
We worked out with some weights in athletics, but we didn't have to bench and squat. We did some other exercises. Lifting the bar over our head and other stuff. The lasagne for lunch was really good.
I just write really short. I have to keep up with my homework. I'm looking forward for Saturday. We will visit Austin! I can't wait! :D


Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011

School from 7:30 - 7:30


what for an day. I'm unbelievable tired. I was at school and got kind of mad in my Guitar class. Seth was listening to a song I havn't heard for a long time. I asked him if I can listen to this song and he sat down next to me. Samuel took a picture of us and ran downstairs to show everyone how cute Seth and I are. That we're almost together, and all this bull shit. I mean seriously? I'll not break the heart of some guy while I'm here in America. I mean Seth is a good friend and a person I love to talk to, but he will not be my boyfriend. It took me a small amount of my time and nerves to clear that. Sam was so smart to show it to my teacher, and I really don't want that she gets a wrong picture just because he confuses some details. That was the only thing that made me mad. I can't stand this kind of jokes if there're teachers involved.
Anyway, the rest of the day was good, and I shared my Mac and Cheese with Sam and Cameron. They loooove Sharons food and I agree with them. It's so, so, so good. It's still good if you warm it up like 80 times! She's a really good cook.
I stayed after school for the baseball / softball meeting. I went to my biology teacher, and got an extra lesson. I hopefully got all the enzymes and this stuff. She's really good. Knows all formulas, but never teached students. She's kind of expecting too much. She is a really good teacher and needs some time. She worked with viruses and I talked with her about that. It was a really interesting conversation.
[I, Laurren, Maria and Mrs Teltow]

After that I found a room to stay in and the caretaker invited me for a coke and cheesesticks. He is really nice and wants to become a host dad. I'm really happy. He will be a good host dad.
The baseball meeting was really interesting, but I have no clue what to do or buy for Softball. No one is telling me! My coach wasn't even at the meeting. Oh man! I'm getting tired of running for and backward to get a little advice...
Back at home I ate some of the Lasagne for tomorrow and tortillia chips. They're just too good.... Now I feel bad. Grrr x)
I took a shower and did my homework. I should be done with everything... Should be... I'm nervous. Did I forget something?


Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011

Much talking


I forgot the what's the day today. Tuesday! I mean I could swear it is mondy. I feel creapy like on a Monday. I did a lot of stuff. They let us take the Army test and I'm pretty sure I sucked. I mean there was an English part and the task was like: „Find the word that means the same“. That isn't a bad task you just get problems if you don't know what the word is you are searching for, and if I knew this word I didn't know the answer words. I hope that makes sense. They defenetly don't want me. I sucked in mechanics, and physics. I think the best sections were the two math sections. I actually solved problems right! I mean I got the answer you can choose. It was freaking cold in the cafeteria doing the test. I was freezing so bad and a little bit angry that I don't wear my letterman to school.
I shared my tomatoe soup and cornbread with Sam. He loves Sharons food. Athletics was not hard. We ran 15 minutes and did apps.
I went to the office after school, to talk to Sharon, and we talked a while. I feel better now.


Montag, 10. Januar 2011

Day One = Monday


it's Monday and I'm back to life or what I call life. A new school week started and we will write the first tests pretty soon. I think that next week will become really hard. 2nd period US History was amazing. The US Army came to our school to introduce their 'Way of Success', and to tell us that we have a test tomorrow. All juniors and a few juniors. The day went on. It's going pretty cold out here and it will be freezing tomorrow.
I shared my pasta and potatoes for lunch with Sam. He's a korean boy at my school and he loves to eat. He really likes Sharons food.
The afternoon was like every other afternoon last week. Okay that I played Softball for half a hour was diffrent. Adrian and I try to practice almost every day the next weeks. I went upstairs and did my homework. Oh, I love it so much...


Sonntag, 9. Januar 2011

Chinese Food is the best :D !

it's Sunday and that means the weekend is almost over. We went to church today, but we missed Sunday school. No donuts today! I missed the group, too, but it was a relaxed morning. I dressed up for church with my necklet, belt buckle and shirt. Church was good. I think I needed that. Pator Joe was there and preached,
We went to a chinese restaurant for lunch and it was so, so, so, so good! I ate a lot of fish and rice noodles. The dessert was awesome. I just hadn't very much. I was too full. This restaurant was good. I really love chinese food.
The afternoon wasn't that exciting. I read my biology stuff and tried to understand it. I think I got some of the stuff in my head. I answered the question sheet. It was a lot to do for me. I came out to help Adrian feed the horses and continued. We watched „The Cape“ at 8pm. Normally I don't like heroes, but this is pretty good. I hope I'm fit for the next week and excited.


Repearing the horse pen

the week is over and I could sleep a little bit longer. Noone knows how glad I'm. The day was really cool. I ate breakfast and Adrian and I helped Sam with the barn. We have a lot of horses here and more comming in. That was the reason that we fixed the pen for the horse. I liked to work outside and I'm glad that I didn't get the symtomes for ceder fever. We dug a hole. Changes old and new wood. We put nails in it and did a lot of other great stuff. Working with my own hands is so much fun, but the best part is to see a result. I ate spaghetti for lunch and went back to Sam. We finished up with the horse pen at 4pm and started to switch the lamb on the front barn. I fed the horses and the boys worked on the lamb. It's a nice and really bright one. I really like the new one. The only thing I did this afternoon was my homework. Anyway, I had a good day.


[Left arm: Class of 2011 patch ;)]

Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

Weekend! :D


today was a good day. I wasn't stressed at all. I went to school, and everything was normal. I wrote a 100 in Spanish and we got our grades for the first Semester. All my grades are 95 or higher. That's good. Better than expected and some are worse than expected.
We came from school and I tuned Haleys guitar. We all went outside and helped Sam to bring in the new round hay bales. I promised Adrian to practise for Softball or Baseball with him and we did that. It was fun. He throw the ball and I tried to catch it. I got better after a hour. I had a good time. I also promised Haley to show her how to play guitar if she brings her guitar. She did and we practised. It was really funny. She'll do good. It's just a matter of time, and even her teacher can't play that well.
We went to Manos today. The mexican restaurant in Florence downtown. Haha ;) I texted with Seth. The food was pretty good like always, but you have to eat much food. Mhm, we came back and I practised Guitar for more than one hour. I had a really good day today. I mean the practise was good. I was surprised that I didn't get upset or didn't play that bad, and I still have energy to learn Biology. Thats not normal. Could it be the black coffee this morning? I have no idea, but if the coffee is the reason I should drink more :D
Maybe it's just the fact that it's weekend ;)


[Right, front - my firstname :D]

Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2011

1 hour free time ;)


another day is over. It was a pretty good day. I'm suóur from Athletics and our Coach made us run. Many, many long distance sprints. Mhm, I could have done better. School is going on pretty good. They locked the yahoo E-Mail access. That's really bad. I can't check my E-Mails anymore if I'm in the libary and have some free time.
Guitar and Lunch are really funny. Band is fun. Music is fun, and freaking me out. I got back from school, practised guitar, learned spanish, made math, and fed the horses with Adrian. I have so much stuff do do. Keeping up with my Blogg isn't that easy. I'm on facebook for a really short time. It's okay with me. I really wanna learn. My Biology teacher has a power point presentation, and is talking while we should copy her presentation. I'm so embaressed, but I faced the truth. I can't write and listen to her. She was really nice and printed it out for me. That makes a lot of things better but not good. Biology is haaaaard. I think I must teach it to me myself. The homework is going better. I took one hour for me to just read something I like! I need this little peace of free time. Sharon made spaghetti. I will have it for lunch!! Yeah! :D
I hope Paula will be better soon. She's in the hospital. :)


[Right arm with a barrel racer patch. 2010-2011 is standing under the patch]

Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2011

Letter Jacket! :D


Sharon was really nice this morning. She made me oatmeal. We ran out of the small microwave packages and so she cooked some for me in the morning. :D
I really don't have time to write long posts. It's horrible, and I have no idea where my time is going. It's running. We're back to school and I like it. It's a better rythm. I still love to meet some people. Yay, I found some good persons, and our new biology teacher is really cool! I like her, and I can imagen that we have a lot in common.
I had school, and our Letter Jackets arrived!!! I'm so happy. The jacket looks awesome. All the patches and everything is right. Anny spoke to me the first day after the quarrel. Adrian, Kim and I decided that we don't want to wear our jacket to school. Normally you have to earn a letter jacket. Okay we are exchange students and believe me that is hard enough. Just to leave the family, friends and the homecountry should be honored. I have a lot pro and con arguments for that. Actually, a lot of Americans wouldn't understand that it's hard, and I can understand that they're jeleous.
I made homework. I did Math, English, Biology and that took my whole evening. All the vocabularie stuff. Horrible...


[Backpart of my Jacket with my lastname and tail lettering]

Dienstag, 4. Januar 2011

Back to school and - homework...


I'm so happy that I'm back to school. Okay, I'm not that happy. It has a big positive side, and that are all the nice people at school and the great subjects. Sitting with the band kids in lunch was great. I liked the potatoes, turkey and corn gravie I had today. Girls athletics was hard, but good today. I ran my bud off. We started with an indian mile and I started with the 2nd fastest group. We had to sprint 15 times and than two more laps with sprintig and jogging. It was awsome. I'm so glad it rained. That cooled me off a little bit.
The only thing I hate going to school is homework.I had a bunch to do, and I'm still not finished. It's going to late. I had homework in almost every subject beside athletics. That is horrible!

I shouldn't complain ;)

Montag, 3. Januar 2011

Read "Hunted" - Been lazy :)


today was a lazy day for me. I woke up, ate breakfast, continued reading my book, ate Mac & Cheese with a steak for lunch and continued reading. I started in the living room, and when Adrian wanted to watch TV I walked over in our other living room without a TV: I was there the whole day and read my book. It's called „Hunted“ and it was pretty good.
Sharon and I talked in the evening. That took a lot of time. I'm so tired! I really wanna go to bed and be fit for school tomorrow.


Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011

Home loud home! ;)


I woke up and was a little bit sad. Our huning trip is over. I ate this nasty oatmeal a second time, and helped picking all the stuff in the truck. I vacuumed the cabin and cleaned the fridge. They boys did most of the things. I will miss Bill and Tom a lot. I don't know why, but it didn't seem that I just know them for a couple of days. We made a picture together. I hate pictures when the sun is blending me. ;)
[Bill, I, and Tom]
We said „Good bye“ to each other. Hopefully, that isn't the last time I saw them. Bill promised me to go fishing one day. :D
Sam, Adrian and I collected Sams camera, and drove back. We hold to eat lunch in a small restaurant. We ordered chicken and they were out of chicken. We ordered corn nuggets and they were out of them too. That's pretty bad for a small restaurant. Half of the card was chicken and the card wasn't big. Anyway, we changed some things and got a really good meal. I read the whole time in the car.
Home loud home! Oh, I meant sweet home. I helped to bring all the stuff in the house, and watched Sharon working Shy's horse in the roundpen. Paula, Alexis, and Celine were here today, too.
[Forgot to show y'all the toilet and right next to it the old toilet]
Sharon asked me if I want to try the Victorias horse. She just didn't know if the horse was broken well. I rode the horse and the mother of the horse. They did fine, and I just mean that they didn't buck. All the other things were really bad. The young horse is supposed to know a lot. She should have had 300 hours of training, and this horse can't even turn around. You can't do anything with this horse, but I'm confident that she will learn pretty quick.
All the horse stuff took the whole day. Everyone wanted something and that is fine it was just to much after the quite wide land. The hunting trip was so great I wanna run away from my normal loud day and go back. I just read my buck in the evening. I can't watch TV. I need a silent ending.


Samstag, 1. Januar 2011

Happy New Year 2011


first of all. A happy new year! I woke up pretty late. It was 8:30am when I ate my oatmeal for breakfast. I didn't eat the regular one. The other kinds are really, really bad. You can't eat oatmeal with cinnamon. That's not fair for the oatmeal. It has to be pure. ;)
The toilet, the cold, and the cabin. None of these things is bothering me. I'm not that girlie than my host family expected me to be. My German buddies know that. It was actually more than great to be out their. I walked with Tom in the morning. It was fun! I love to try to walk as silent as possible in the high grass or on stones. We didn't see anythhing, but he had time to explain a few things to me. He showed me tracks, the food they eat and how they like to act or hide. That was really interesting. We met the other. None of us got a deer, but Adrian and Bill saw one and got a chance for a shot. Bill had the chance for the shot, not Adrian ;)
[Everything is so dry]
Back at the cabin the three showed me how to shoot a pistol and a riffle. They all three watched me all the time, gave me advices and gave me a many, many time to feel confident with a weapon in my hand. I started with the pistol and Bill was always there for me. I think I could call him my shooting mentor. He held my ears the first time, and than I shot without any ear protection. First you can't hear anything and than a long beeeb tone bothers your ears, noises around you become louder, and than they're finally louder than the beeeb and everything is normal. I like the pistol, but not as much as I love the riffle. It's just awesome. I love the scope, the sound, the weight of the riffle. I have no clue about the diffrent kind of riffle. How big they are or whatever. I just know that I shot with something like twenty and the other one was a bigger one with 30-30 patrons. I love to shoot with the riffles, and they said I wasn't bad for my first time. I hit the 10 area 3 times and placed five others on the target. I didn't make a picture of my final score, but I made a picture. I think the picture is missing my last shots.
[Okay for the first time ;)]
We went out to the windmill after the shooting and lunch. We all had turkey sandwiches. Anyway, we drove down their ans saw a crippled deer. Tom got a shot and killed the deer. It was horrible. The front leg was surrounded by a wire and the deer was walking on his front bone. The hoof fell off. I'm glad that we saw this dear and shot it. So it didn't have to suffer. Tom stayed their with the deer while I walked with Bill.
It was a really funny and enertaining walk. We saw two deers, but they were to far away for a shot. Bill showed me his favourite place, and we walked trough a forrest. It was so beautiful. I found my second part of the deer antler walking with Bill and the first one walking with Tom. We didn't see anything else and walked back to Tom and his deer before the sun was going under. Bill started to cut the deer. Tom already put all the organs out and hung up the deer. Honestly, I was fascinated by the organs. I never saw them in real. It looked like everything in the biology books. The color and everything. That was really cool! I held the flash light for Tom.
[The deer]
I found two parts of a deer antler today, I got a pocket knife, the tail of Toms deer, the bullet shell, and a bullet. Tom and I practised playing guitar, looked old photos and I started to read my book. That was an awesome day! I just like hunting! That are a lot of things I like combined, and honestly shooting isn't bad. It makes fun, and I'm glad they led me try it, and I'm really thankful they took care of me.
