Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

Snow day - School free! :D


my day was damn sleepy and my plans got destroyed. It snowed over night and that was a really good thing. We had no school today. I woke up at 6:45am and made pictures. I was too sleepy to make more than two. I went back to bed and slept until 9:59am.
I went down, ate breakfast, and got the message from Anny that she couldn't come. Shelly didn't want to drive and Sharon either. I can understand them. Snow in Texas is bad. They don't have it and don't know how to handle it. It's really cute. They had about one inch of snow. That are 2 ½ cm snow. People totally freaked out in Texas. I saw the newscast and they pulled out cartons, pans, and a lot of other stuff to sled on them. You could see the grass. It is so cute, but really sad that they had a lot of car accidents. They don't have snow tire. Actually Texan don't have anything for or against snow. 
I stayed inside the house. It's warm and dry there and I have my computer and homework to do. Yeah, my homework freaked me out. I can't get the biology topic. I just don't get the topic and the worksheet. That is really annoying after a few hours.
Anny didn't come over and the brownies I made are worthless. Okay, Adrian and Sam are taking care of them. I'm glad they do. ;)
The other good thing is that my book is really good and I enjoy reading it so much.
That was the snow day post and I think it will be the only one for this year. :(


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