Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

No electricity!!!


I wanted to post on Tuesday and now it's Thursday. Sorry for that, but I have a really good excuse for Tuesday.
I went to school and everything was normal. The only thing that wasn't normal were the 26°F. It was freaking cold and we had a strong wind shield. People said it felt like -7°F. So we went from warm 14°C on the weekend below freezing in just two days. Doesn't that suck? We didn't have softball practice...
Sharon picked me up from school. Sam was at homeand we had some bad news. A few pipes are frozen. I put a carmo suit on and a lot of other things to be prepared for the wind. I went outside with Sam and we fet the horses. I'm glad that I was able to help!
Okay that still isn't the excuse that I didn't write my blogg, but I think a electricity failure is. Espacially if you're living in a house that can't excist without energy. No light, water, heat, or internet to write the blogg. Nothing! Hello?! It isn't the 1st of April. It's February. That's too early for april fools.
I cooked pasta and as soon as I was finished the electricity went down. It didn't take me long to get a flashlight. We had to go to bed at 8:30pm. There was no way for me to sleep and I read my book.


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