Samstag, 19. Februar 2011

Meet the first half of the Taylor Family ;)


that was an amazing day. I woke up at 10am and got up to eat some breakfast. We spent the whole morning in the living room and relaxed. I like it that it is really peaceful in this house. They told me that they decided to go to the ranch today. I have heard many stories about the ranch from Dad. I was so excited.
We drove through Lampasas and arrived at the ranch and it was huuuge. I mean Wow! I didn't expect anything like this. They own many acres and it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.
Dad told the other family members about his daughter and some came to meet me or they wanted to spent the night anyways. It's like a meeting point for the family and I can totally understand why. I brought my camera and I'm so glad I did. I had the chance to take some aweseome pictures.
I met Dads nephews and grand nephews and their wifes and girlfriends and dogs. They were really friendly, excited, and curious about me and the country I'm from. There was Larry, Sam, Benny, Haley, Owen and many more and the dogs.
We spent the whole day with the four year old boy Owen. He is so darn cute! If I have a baby I wanna have a son! :)
We flow the kyte, played frisbee, soccer, and many other things. I had a good time. I went inside with Owen and watched Walle. I like this movie. I watched it the first time in Bournemouth, Great Britain. The little boy started kissing me and I was really confused so I started to tickle him that he couldn't get close enough and my Mom asked if everything was okay. I answered. „No. He tries to kiss me!“ I think that made their day. It was funny and after an explination he stopped it. Uff, I can see him in High School. ;D
We all went for a walk down the ranch through a water fall. It was beautiful. We saw a dear and I made some awesome pictures from the dogs and the nature. It a beautiful place with a creek, a waterfall and much open space. Dean, or Dad, calls it 'His little piece of heaven on earth'. I totally can understand why!
In the evening we grilled hamburger patties, made a big fire and I cut tomatoes and made the salad for the hamburger. We ate all together and played Clue. Germans, who read that may know the game named „Cluedo“. I have never played that game before, but I won this time. That was really funny :D It was the blue lady in the dining room with the revolver. ;)
I slept in the car on the way back home. I have to go up earlier for church tomorrow. I'm looking forward for church. :)
That was seriously one of the best days in my life.


Freitag, 18. Februar 2011

Settle down - Tennis Practice, Daniel & Hunter


I slept really good in my new bed. I have an awesome alarm clock that wakes me up and I can tell I don't like it, but it wakes me up, and that is the reason I hate this thing. I went up and dressed for school, searched for a bowl and made my oatmeal. I had to go to school and I think that were the hardest days to be at school. I wanted go out of school, do some exercise and than go and start in the new weekend with Mom and Dad.
The coaches distroyed my day. No track practice, no tennis practice, and no softball practice. Daniel, my host brother, picked me up after school and I asked him if we could hit some balls on the tennis court. We did and played for two hours. I had a good time and learned many new things. The coach want me to play singles. I'm not sure about this, but I won't be good anyway.
When we arrived at home I got to meet my other brother Hunter. I'm in his room, because he is going to college. I helped Mom out in the kitchen and cut the bell peppers and tomatoes for the Taccos we made. We watched a basketball game and I started to pack out all my stuff until Dad came in my room and we started to talk for a few hours. We talked about many things and discussed. I loved that! That is a really good thing to get to know people and their point of views.


Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

02-07th-2011 - 02-17th-2011


I don't know what to write. That were some weird two weeks. Sharon and I had a big blow up. We said each other what we think and that was defenetly not the best moment I had in imagine the house. I went to school the next day and doing the day I made my desicion. I wanted to leave the house and change my host family. I thought it was just fair to tell Sharon and I did. You can that didn't make things go better, but at least it was honest.
I spent one night alone in my room and believe me I never felt that helpless and alone. I tried to focus on the tests, which were coming up. I spent the next day at Samanthas house after we went to youth group at church. It was really nice. I tried to find me a host family, but everyone said yes and five minutes later no. That was horrible. The thing that made my day and probably my week was a little cow. It was one of my favourite things ever to feed a baby cow. There we go! Samatha's family had one that has to be bottle fed. I fed the cow and it was an amazing experience.
The next night was back at home and things really went better. We were talking with each other and not that mad. I spent the next night at Anny's house. I'm so glad that I have her. She and her host family were a great help. We really got close to each other. She's a good american friend. I could concider her as my best friend here. We did a lot of cooking stuff like usual and had much fun. The weekend went over too fast.
The next week wasn't that diffrent. I started track and tennis, but I'm still playing softball. So I started all three sports.
We had a talk with my local coordinator, who changed doing the weekend. It's now Rusty a lady from church and originally from Germany. It didn't really matter. I didn't want to take my desicion back. I made it and I'm going through a lot of things to defend my opinion and so does Sharon. Sometimes personalities just don't fit.
Rusty told me that Mr. And Mrs. Taylor were applying as a host family. I had to cross my fingers and prayed that there would get applied as a host family and two days later I knew I would move to them.
I had to wait two more days and that were long days with my first 16x 200 yard sprints and tennis practice and then softball practice after all. I was done! I mean track was haaard, but I enjoyed it.
I packed all my things together and I have more clothes and souvenirs than I thought I would have. I have to start and sent things back to Germany.
I baked one the evening before Thursday. I made brownies for Sharon, Sam, Adrian, and some school kids and a full pan of brownies for my new host family. I druw us as a family on there and a big Thanks. I thought it is kinda cute, but some people may think it's awkward. I got a photoframe for them and thought we could maybe fill kit up with pictures before I leave. Oh and I gave Daniel, my new senior host brother, a 5 pound chocolate bar. He had a hard time to believe it's real.
The ride with Rusty through the Taylors was funny, but I was freally nervous. Excited is a better word...
My nervs were down, but we finally arrived and I met Clyde and Whizzer or however you spell the dogs names. ;) They were really lovley,
We sat down with Rusty and got over all the new rules and stuff. I had a good time and I ahve good new rules. I'm fine and agree with this family so much it surprises me. Maybe because they are acting similar than my german parents. They are just cute and really, really caring.
Rusty left the house and I ate something. It was pork with blumenkohl and peas. My mom showed me the house and my room, I have a biiig, nice room. I really like it and the house and property I'm living on. It is BEAUTIFUL!
We watched soccer and basketball games on TV, and talked together. I showed them some pictures from my parents in Germany and they are looking forward to skype with them. That is so cute! I never considered that before.
Okay tomorrow more about my new host family. I wanna sattle down and get a little bit of sleep.


Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011

Church Experience :)


I slept great this night, but not that much. Anny and I got up early enough to get dressed for church just in time. We first went to Sunday school, and I was surprised I met so a few people from my school. Kim came to late, and seemed surprised to see me. The lesson was confusing with all the questions from Anny and Kim. Honestly I didn't listen. My ex-teacher is just answering too long and his son Daniel explained the topic, story and meaning to me in about 2 minutes. It was a funny lesson and new experience.
We went to Church after Sunday school. They started with a singing part. It was cool to be in an other church, but the way the singer and community performed wasn't really exciting. He has a good voice, but I think it's the way he's performing. We didn't have notes on a paper, no singing book, but a wrong power point presentation. I mean: Really?! I didn't pause between songs and so we went on. It isn't that easy to sing without notes, but it was okay. I just think the community didn't seem excited, but maybe it's imagination.
The pastor was good. He put a lot of passion in his preaching. He also had a power point presentation. I'm confused about the church furniture. Isn't a cross supposed to be in a church? I mean I really don't know, but it seemed weird that I didn't see a cross. Anyway, the preacher was good. I liked his way to say things. I don't mean the things I wrote rude or anything. I just want to write down my impressions and that is how I felt. It's defenetly nothing against the belief other people or gossiping. I'm glad that they took me and I was able to see another church acting, praying and worshiping God.
We drove home to Anny really fast. We had to get ready for the birthday party. One turned 8 years and the other one 3 years. The adults cooked and Anny and I talked in her room. The food was really good. We ate pork with Mac & cheese, garlic bread and a lot of salad. I love salad and I especially love salad when I can decorate it on my own. The kids got their present after eating and than we ate a really good chocolate cake with a strawberry on top. I miss strawberries so bad! I wanna have some! :(
Anny and I spent time listening to music, talking and other stuff while we ate some strawberries and rasberries. I had a wonderful, lgreat and just lovley day at Anny's house. We had a lot of fun together. We had a lot to laugh. Shelly is a wonderful host mom and really funny. They brought me back at about 7pm. We heard 'Love Story- Taylor Swift'. It's always fun to drive with Shelly and Anny in the car! :D

Happy Birthday to the little monster!


Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

Horse Auction!


unfortunately the snow is gone, but that was really good for our daily plans. We wanted to drive to the horse auction and it got warmer. We drove almost 1 ½ hour to Forth Worth. I saw the Lyndon B. Johnson river. Beautiful! It is a little bit sad that I have to see all the beautiful things out off the window. That gives me only a few seconds to look at most things. I read most of the time in the car. My book is just too exciting.
It was a nice drive to the auction. I read, we stopped in a small town and that remindet me on the scary movies. It was kinda funny to go in this old gas station, just that they tell us the rest rooms are out of order. Scary! ;)
We arrived at the auction center and met Ducky, his wife, and Larry. We walked around and looked at all the horses. We saw some really pretty ones, but really 'mean' ones, some bad looking, but really sweet ones, some bad looking and mean ones, and a couple good looking, nice horses. Sharon and Larry did a great job explaining what you have to look for if you wanna bet on an auction for a horse. I learned a lot, and I'm really happy we made the trip.
We went for breakfast in a little diner next to the auction hall. It was a small, but really neat restaurant with the best breakfast taccos I ever ate. They were really good. So I ate a Breakfast Tacco and we went back to the hall. The auction already started.
They sold braddles, halters, ropes, gloves, saddles, and, and, and. Some things were soooo cheap! I mean a brand new 16inch leather saddle for 250$, showing stirrups with beautiful innitials for 35$, or braddles you pay normally 145$ for 60-80$. I wanted to buy a lot of stuff. There were so many cheap, amazing and neat things. I really had to hold myself back. I finally got a present for Marius and a one ear (Shame on me!) braddle. I just loved this simple, red colored braddle with the lone star. I got it for a good price. Not a perfect one, but defenetly good.
They spend the whole afternoon selling the horse supplies and just 2 hours to sell the horses. It was fun to watch and interesting. The only thing that I didn't like was the dust.
I had a main headache on the drive back. I think I had fever. Sharon felt my forehead and it was hot. I walked around and ended up grooming my little buddie Shiner. It calmed me down and I finally went in to eat the chicken Sharon bought. Why is unhealthy stuff so delicious? :(
Shelly, Anny's host mom, picked me up. We drove to their house and had a lot of fun to bake a birthday buttercake (Butterkuchen) for Anny's host sisters. We talked until late night. I had an awesome day and the perfect thing to round everything up.


Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

Snow day - School free! :D


my day was damn sleepy and my plans got destroyed. It snowed over night and that was a really good thing. We had no school today. I woke up at 6:45am and made pictures. I was too sleepy to make more than two. I went back to bed and slept until 9:59am.
I went down, ate breakfast, and got the message from Anny that she couldn't come. Shelly didn't want to drive and Sharon either. I can understand them. Snow in Texas is bad. They don't have it and don't know how to handle it. It's really cute. They had about one inch of snow. That are 2 ½ cm snow. People totally freaked out in Texas. I saw the newscast and they pulled out cartons, pans, and a lot of other stuff to sled on them. You could see the grass. It is so cute, but really sad that they had a lot of car accidents. They don't have snow tire. Actually Texan don't have anything for or against snow. 
I stayed inside the house. It's warm and dry there and I have my computer and homework to do. Yeah, my homework freaked me out. I can't get the biology topic. I just don't get the topic and the worksheet. That is really annoying after a few hours.
Anny didn't come over and the brownies I made are worthless. Okay, Adrian and Sam are taking care of them. I'm glad they do. ;)
The other good thing is that my book is really good and I enjoy reading it so much.
That was the snow day post and I think it will be the only one for this year. :(


Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2011

Possibility of Snow


yeah it's Thursday and I finally got time to write my blogg. I have to. Anny is comming tomorrow after school or if we have no school during the day. There won't be much time to write until Sunday and I don't want to write 6 posts. No way! XD
I finished my journalism articles today and I hope my teacher is happy right now. I mean. Seriously? She's kinda going against Kim and me and we are the only ones working hard in this class. Okay there are other ones, but we have most of the articles. I don't wanna complain. Our teacher is really nice. I mean she's a nice woman and really friendly. I like her and I will miss the way she's teasing me every morning. It's not fair to tease someone in the morning.
The other classes were okay. Seth bought me a candy bar and I got a free piece of pizza from the cafeteria. Great! Give me free unhealthy food! :) The pizza was really good with the cheese crust. Waah! Anyway, I finished my math test and got the only 100 back in my Spanish class. I have to admit that I'm seriously impressed and proud about myself. Time and things are just passing away and don't get my full attention. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm thinking too much right now.
We had no practice and I was home early. I'm glad there was no practice. We have a great possibility for snow, no school and a really cold night. Adrian and I fed the horses in our army suits. We clowned around with the water buckets. It was pretty funny, but really cold. I went inside after packing up the sacks of horse food. I cleaned up my room, and it looks really nice now. Yeah I know clean rooms look good in general. Thanks for this information! ;)
Sharon explained to me how to make brownies and I mixed the stuff together, ate the dough and one brownie. I know. I screwed up today, but I decided to feel good. I just have to amke up a plan. I have to go back to the: I love fruit more than candy. Candy is too sweet and nasty Sunny. It's everyday the same answer: We start tomorrow xDD
I'm excited about the weekend. I think it will be a good weekend. I'm also proud to write my blogg and that I'm done with practicing guitar. Yeahaa! Bed here I come.
