Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

02-07th-2011 - 02-17th-2011


I don't know what to write. That were some weird two weeks. Sharon and I had a big blow up. We said each other what we think and that was defenetly not the best moment I had in imagine the house. I went to school the next day and doing the day I made my desicion. I wanted to leave the house and change my host family. I thought it was just fair to tell Sharon and I did. You can that didn't make things go better, but at least it was honest.
I spent one night alone in my room and believe me I never felt that helpless and alone. I tried to focus on the tests, which were coming up. I spent the next day at Samanthas house after we went to youth group at church. It was really nice. I tried to find me a host family, but everyone said yes and five minutes later no. That was horrible. The thing that made my day and probably my week was a little cow. It was one of my favourite things ever to feed a baby cow. There we go! Samatha's family had one that has to be bottle fed. I fed the cow and it was an amazing experience.
The next night was back at home and things really went better. We were talking with each other and not that mad. I spent the next night at Anny's house. I'm so glad that I have her. She and her host family were a great help. We really got close to each other. She's a good american friend. I could concider her as my best friend here. We did a lot of cooking stuff like usual and had much fun. The weekend went over too fast.
The next week wasn't that diffrent. I started track and tennis, but I'm still playing softball. So I started all three sports.
We had a talk with my local coordinator, who changed doing the weekend. It's now Rusty a lady from church and originally from Germany. It didn't really matter. I didn't want to take my desicion back. I made it and I'm going through a lot of things to defend my opinion and so does Sharon. Sometimes personalities just don't fit.
Rusty told me that Mr. And Mrs. Taylor were applying as a host family. I had to cross my fingers and prayed that there would get applied as a host family and two days later I knew I would move to them.
I had to wait two more days and that were long days with my first 16x 200 yard sprints and tennis practice and then softball practice after all. I was done! I mean track was haaard, but I enjoyed it.
I packed all my things together and I have more clothes and souvenirs than I thought I would have. I have to start and sent things back to Germany.
I baked one the evening before Thursday. I made brownies for Sharon, Sam, Adrian, and some school kids and a full pan of brownies for my new host family. I druw us as a family on there and a big Thanks. I thought it is kinda cute, but some people may think it's awkward. I got a photoframe for them and thought we could maybe fill kit up with pictures before I leave. Oh and I gave Daniel, my new senior host brother, a 5 pound chocolate bar. He had a hard time to believe it's real.
The ride with Rusty through the Taylors was funny, but I was freally nervous. Excited is a better word...
My nervs were down, but we finally arrived and I met Clyde and Whizzer or however you spell the dogs names. ;) They were really lovley,
We sat down with Rusty and got over all the new rules and stuff. I had a good time and I ahve good new rules. I'm fine and agree with this family so much it surprises me. Maybe because they are acting similar than my german parents. They are just cute and really, really caring.
Rusty left the house and I ate something. It was pork with blumenkohl and peas. My mom showed me the house and my room, I have a biiig, nice room. I really like it and the house and property I'm living on. It is BEAUTIFUL!
We watched soccer and basketball games on TV, and talked together. I showed them some pictures from my parents in Germany and they are looking forward to skype with them. That is so cute! I never considered that before.
Okay tomorrow more about my new host family. I wanna sattle down and get a little bit of sleep.


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