Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2011

The Physical :D

this was a long day. I went to school and got my 100 in Biology back. My average right now is a 99. This teacher is awesome! She isn't that picky with vocabularies and really tries to explain the school stuff to us. I'm done with my Spanish flashcards and Bio vocabs. They're always a lot of work. I mean it's Thursday and I write three blogg posts. I got pretty bad writing my blogg. I have to apologize for that. I should quit doing nothing. It makes things worse. My rythm is gone, I start eating uncontrolled and all this other bad stuff that freaks and stresses me out.
We went to the doctor after school and I got my physical. My pulse is a little bit weird. I think I had 80/50 on the one and 100/50 on the other site. Aaaah! I'm gonna die! ;) My doctors appointment was really funny. He lived in Germany for a few years and changed the language really often. That was nice. He also asked other doctors what I can do to get my thoreuw pills. It doesn't look good. Hmm! I really have to figure something out.
I think that was a really worse evening. Trying to learn vocabs and reading the story for my English tests. I mean whats going on. I feel so good and than really bad and not focused. That's confusing and a bad moment for my brain to go into a stand by mode. I would love to speak to my friends, or I would love to get some facebook comments or something else.

Sonja :D

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