Dienstag, 2. November 2010

That's not gonna happen! -.-


do I have something on me? Is it so hard to understand that I'm not falling in love with a boy under my age? Is it possible for someone to ignore my bad mood? I mean if I show this mood? What ever. It's not the best moment to ask me for a date. One boy did that today and that against Anny's advice. She told him. „Don't ask her. She's to old, you are to young and a freak.“ He tried it and I knew he would try it. I hate to be mean but I read his letter and the question on it and I rupped the letter in little tiny pices and threw it into the trash. I hope he got it.
Okay now I told ya'll the only thing that happened beside the norm. Girls athletics was harder than normal. I had sore muscles and running wasn't that much fun. They called me out of girls athletics to the coach. I panicked. I didn't do anything and the coach send me to the office. In the office was a man for the leather jackets. Wow! I forgot about that. We figured our jacket size out. I was really happy to fill out the order formula until I got Anny's text massage. We have to pay (a lot) more than expected. Happy Birthday, that sucks!
Homework was really great today. I made math and listened music the whole time. That was more relaxing. I'm glad that homework is going better.

I have to answer Marius E-Mail. Maybe I can do it to,orrow in my journalism class. I wrote all the article. Maybe I've time. Let's see.


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