Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010

Two steps away from the long WE


another day left. Puuh, tomorrow is Friday and Friday means weekend. I wrote math and did the extra credit today. I'm glad that the day is over. It wasn't a worse day but not a really good day. Nothing special happened. I'm just excited for my long weekend. Monday is one day school off. Okay I dreamed not so good today, went to school and did homework after school. I wrote an essay about the secret of leadership and talked a long time with Top. He showed me the first ground work exercises on a horse he never worked with. Every day I'm watching him I'm still impressed and must remember Jerry. I ate dinner with Sharon and Sam. We ate roast with rice and vegetables. Adrian had a football game. They lost. Mhhm! :(
Yeaah that was my day.


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