Sonntag, 31. Oktober 2010

Happy Halloween!! xP


I woke up and Sharon was suprised that I was home. I forgot to text her. I didn't see her text massages and I lost my phone at Shawnees home. I got it back but I panicked the first time. I did biology homework for more than 5 hours. It was so hard to read the chapter and keep the stuff in my head. I'm not sure if I got everything but I tried and that counts a lot, doesn't it?
Suzie, Rickey and Haley picked us up at 4pm for trick or treat – ing. I dressed up in my medieval clothes and Adrian wore his cowboy costume. I didn't want to dress up as a cowgirl. It wouldn't be a costume ;)
We ate at sonic and waited for Paula, Chris, Celine and Alexis. It was good to see them. I missed them. To go around and ask for candies was fun! It was just great but we had to explain a lot of times that we're exchange students and that this is our first true Halloween. Some people still didn't believe us. Aye, on the one hand are the people, which aks me after a few sentences „Where are you from?“ and than the other people didn't believe us? What is that? I swear you can still hear it and Adrian said the sentence too and they didn't believe us. Maybe because of the mexicans. I have no idea and it doesn't matter. I had fun and a whole bag of candies. I gave all of them away to little children. They like them more than I do :)
I saved some candie for Sharon. Her favorite ones and I saved a candy ghost ring. This ring looks too cute. I don't want to eat the ghost.

Wish ya'll had a great Halloween and the weather was okay.

Samstag, 30. Oktober 2010

Halloween Party ;D

Good Morning,

what for a great night. I slept really deep and had sweet dreams. Elisabeths alarm clock reminded us about standing up. Thanks! ;)
We made breakfast and I have to run half a day to burn all the breakfast calories. Butter toast, bacon and eggs. Oh gosh, it was so good. Too good! I had my first American breakfast in Texas. I spend the first night with American people. Yeah, I want to have a ribbon for that! ;)
The last day was so much fun and making breakfast, too. Lizzy had to leave and Shawnee and I spend the whole morning to take showers and get ready for the day. We watched „8 Mile“ and talked. We left pretty soon to the house of her grandmother.

It was a nice house and everything, including the neighborhood, was decorated. Never seen that before. We spend the afternoon there. Shawnee and I made pictures, she showed me a old and damaged house, and we watched TV. Taking the pictures was amusing. I enjoy spending time with her. She is a special character and so her family. I met a lot of her family member and most of them knew me. That was scary, but great. We met some on the trail ride and others saw me at school. Julia and Ryan dressed up like zombies. She was the zombie princess.
                                                            [Julia and I x)]
The whole evening was interesting and we were really busy with dancing. I met another friend of Shawnees. Lauren, she is in my journalism class. We drove with her to town and looked for some glow sticks for the little children. We didn't found some just glue sticks or monster. ;)
When we came back we jumped on the trailer and joined the hay ride. A hay ride is a ride in the dark on Halloween. People hide in trees and jump out to scare you. It was just a amazing experience and we made a lot of jokes. We drove back at ca. 10pm and I arrived at home at 11pm or something like that. I changed my clothes and went to bed. I was so tired. Tired, but happy!


Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010

DvD Evening with Shawnee


Friday was great. School was normal but the guitar class was a lot of fun. I was really excited to drive home with Shawnee. The school day seemed a little bit longer. I think it was because I was excited. The day was diffrent. The dead was going around and picked some students to follow him out of class. We had the diffrent paperelli schedule but no paperelli. A woman came to talk about her dead son. He died because of a drunk-driving woman. That was a good end for the red ribbon week. The students dressed up in black and had blood all over them and a little sign around their neck to tell us how they died. There were some really good ideas.
I drove to Shawnees house and met her father. Now I know where she got her character. Her father is really nice and funny. We drove to a dollar store and bought candies and chips. We watched the movie „Date Night.“. It was a funny movie and it's really going better to follow movies. We laughed a lot. Elisabeth, a good friend of Shawnee and her cousin Julia joined us. Julia brought her boyfriend Ryan. They're both so, so nice and friendly. Julia is really beautiful. The girls have styled me and put make up on me, and after that we all cooked dinner together and the German girl fixed the mash potatoes. We had fun! The dinner was really good. Great steaks, corn and awesome mash potatoes. ;)

Elisabeth, Julia, Shawnee and I watched a horror movie. „Freddy Krüger – Nightmare on Elm Street.“ It was so much fun and I tried my first Butterfinger. It's candy and honestly I don't like it. There're other things and they're much better. Julia left after the movie with his boyfriend and the other two girls and I talked a little bit about school. They made their nails. Okay, all the nails were pretty and we went to bed. I had an awesome day! Thank you so much!!!


Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Hocus Pocus Drugs are not your focus :)


that was a funny school day and the red ribbon slogan today; „Hocus Pocus Drugs are not your focus!“ So the metto today was: dress up in a Halloween costume. I wore my medieval dress and cape. Some dressed up as fairies, nurses or cows. Some girls as boys or like Anny as Cleopatra. I gave Kim my bloody playday shirt and told her my victim idea. Kim was the victim today and I was a witch or vampire or whatever. Something between. ;)
We made some pictures. Guitar class was funny like every day and I got Shawnees contact informations. Back at home I filled out the forms for my leather jacket. I don't have enough money to buy the patches I want all at one time. I have to wait but that's good. I know that the time passed when I buy the next one.
Sharon allowed me to stay with Shawnee. Yeah! I can go to the Halloween party. I think I go with her after school.
Sharon didn't feel good today. We cooked together and I helped her. That was fun and the first time! I wanted to do that a long time ago. We made a really good pasta-chicken-vegetables-soup. It was really good.

Wish ya'll a great weekend and fun and best dreams.

        [From left to right: Pooh Bear, Paige, Ethan, me, forgot the name and Shawnee]

Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

Drugs are Rediculous [Color Day]


what for a funny afternoon! School was like every day and that bothers me. I mean you don't get that tired from an american school, but it's every single day the same. It's not like in Germany. You have homework but the subject in 3 days. No, you have to do your homework every day. They count homework like our mündlichen Noten. They had crazy color day at school. Something diffrent!! A lot of people dressed up in crazy colors and they gave us another sticker against drugs. Every day something diffrent this week.
The afternoon was so funny. I played tennis with Jacob and Pooh bear. I don't know his real name but everyone calls him like this. It was so funny. We had a lot to laugh and it was better. Jacob and I almost hit the field.
Back at home I started to do my homework. We ate steak, mash potatoes, peas and salad for supper and after that Sharon fixed us some cookies. TheyÄre really good if they're warm. I think she fixed the Snigger-Cinnamons and white chocolate macademia or something like that.


Don't let Drugs twist your mind


I'm really, really busy and can't get the biology stuff. I troe to learn it but I just don't understand it. I had an busy-learning day. I came back from school. We had twin day today and all the people dressed up in the same clothes like twins. Some had really funny things and ideas. The best one was Spongebob and Patrick. My English teacher told the whole class that I wrote the best English test of all her students. My head was sooo.. red.
I tried to learn biology after school but it's more chemestry than biology... I hope I can get it. I must finish the assignment today.
I made pizza and some left-overs for Sam and Adrian. Sharon has to deal with some bad exchange students. Shawnee, a girl in my guitar class, invited me for a Halloween Party. I want to ask Sharon, if I can go.


Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Red Ribbon Week :)


we have a theme week at school. It's red ribbon week. So it's a week against drugs. We had to wear camo today and got some braceletts and sticker for our shirts. The slogan is: „Be all you can be, be drug free – I pledge to be drug free.“
It was a normal school day. Sharon picked us up from school and we drove to walmart. She and Adrian got a new haircut. Both of them look good. I walked arround in walmart and bought some grapes and a Ben & Jerry's ice. They're so cheap in America and they have so many kinds. It was really hard to decide for a new one.
Back at home we watched the event and ate pasta with corn and beef. It was good with the beans. I did my U.S. History Assignment and I'm working on Spanish but this homework is crab. We don't have the matching vocabs to do the sheet of paper. Very funny for beginners. The week could become great. Our spanish teacher wants to celebrate the day of the death. It's an mexican celebration and a little, little bit like Halloween. Yeah Halloween is comming soon :)

Wish ya'll a good night and sweet dreams,

Sonntag, 24. Oktober 2010

Day off - Let's work x)


I was really suprised, I woke up myself today. I dressed up for church and went downstairs to drive with Sharon and Sam to church and Sharon told me that today is a church free day. We had to built up fences. We started in the morning. Building the new 60 feet roundpen for Top. It was pretty excitingand a lot of fun. We spend the whole day on that and that is the reason we didn't went to church. We had to pull all the fences out, unhook them and puuh, it was a lot of work. Move this stuff, figure out something else, dick a hole there and, and, and.
We ate the chicken for lunch and I couln't decide between cold or warm chicken. I ate both. One piece warm, one cold, some carotts, and bread.
After lunch we worked on the fence. It was a long evening but I enjoyed it so much. It was fun. I like to do that! The only bad thing was that everyone was kind of impatient and we got a little bit angry with each other. It was this normal be-angry-when-you-work-concentrated angriness. Top's wife came out and I talked to her. She is Sonne friendly. I really like her, and I like talking to her. The sun and time were working against us. We didn't finish to built the full roundpen but we did well. A good job for today. The meat and cravy with potatoes and green beans were hard earned.

I'm really tired but it was great to work and I had a lot of fun outside.

P.S. Max, Mäxchen, Mächselchen, Mäxchen, Mäxi, Mux Max, MäxxXx, Dösiger Du xP Do you see your name now? x)

Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

October, Playday


they woke me up at 6am. I stood up and got ready. I walked out the door and I saw Adrian and Sharon. They tried to catch the horses. I tried to help them and finally we catched the horses and loaded them into the trailer. We drove to the playday arena. Today was playday day. It was a special playday. Everyone had to dress up in a Halloween costume and I decided yesterday that I'm going as a victim of an accident. I did it and dressed up as a victim. Black shorts with holes, a T-Shirt with many holes and blood all over me. It was funny to dress up. To distroy clothes and put the color and fake blood all over me and Kimmey. We got several bandages. It was great to do this the whole morning.

I warmed Kimmey up and the parade started. There was a jury and they looked at everyone. There were a lot of great costumes. A horse dressed like the sea and two little girls in a bikini on it. It was awesome. Haley and her horse dressed like a clown and Alexis got the first place. She had an awesome costume! Her horse was a sheep. Paula did an amazing job. She needs a trophy, too. I can just imagine how much work this was. Good job! A good choice for the first place.
I made the second place in my age group and got a 2nd place trophy for the best costume! That's pretty cool because they just do it once a year.

The riding stuff wasn't good today. I don't know why, but it wasn't my day. I did okay....[...? xD] but I still didn't get good places. I mean it was okay. I made a lot of mistakes and Kimmeys side hurt. Got a lot of 6th places, 1 fith place and two eights places. I mean: Cann happen and I'm not really sad about it.
We cut faces into pumpkins and I made my first face in a pumpkin! I'm so happy about that. I wanted to do that a long time ago but Mama didn't want to buy one. But I did it today. That was funny and I enjoyed it. I calmed me down. I did it between the horses and I wasn't that nervous.
We ate dinner and like every time after a playday. Chicken :) It's good chicken with bread, french fries and corn. I like it but I also liked my sonic banana shake with oatmel in it. That was a good lunch. A little bit crazy but good. ;)
Today was another nice day spend with horses and people I like. Thank ya'll so much.


Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010

...!wham! Up :)


today is Friday and the week is over. We wrote the Spanish vocabulary test and I got the last chapter test back. I thought I messed up but I got a 99! I'm so happy about that. I thought about a 88 or something like that. It made me happy. My math teacher gave me a 100 for my homework assignment back and I played guitar in front of the class. I did well not very well but still well. I mean I'm beginner but I think my teacher was impressed. I like the song: „Oh when the saints go marching in“. I also wrote math and I've a good feeling about it! It was really, mhhm not easy, but not that hard today. Everything seemed clear today.
We had a paparelli today and a lot of bad news from Kim. About her trip to Minnesota. I feel so sorry for her and I'm a little bit upset about me that I didn't find the right words for her.
There was a wierd thing today. A girl. I just know her name and talked some times to her told me that she's pregnant! I was kind of shocked. It took me a few seconds but than I was happy. I think she really wants that.
Adrian and I played with Haley this evening: Hiding and all the other stuff. We made the trailer ready. Tomorrow is playday and I'm really excited. It's Halloween playday. So a lot of dressed people and dressed horses! :)
Supper was great. We went to a little restaurant in Florence downtown! XDDD I think none got this joke. Mhhm maybe if I take a picture of Florence Downtown xDDD~
I ate a Taco Salad and Adrian and I had a Tabasco competition! ;)

Wish ya'll a great weekend. Enjoyed the last free days before school starts. Miss you buddies!!

                       [I just love this picture! Photographed by me ;)]

P.S. Papa?! I was in the CMC and the woman there hears a lot of 'old music'. I listened to her music and recognised that the songs were from Queen. That reminded me so bad on you. I just want to say: I love you! I don't want money or a favor. I just want to tell you: I love you, Daddy!

P.S. [Ger] Ich war heute im Computer- oder Hausaufgabenraum. Die Frau dort hört immer 'ältere' Musikstücke. 70er, 80er, 90er usw. Ich hab neben dem Arbeiten ihrer Musik gelauscht und die Band Queens erkannt. Das hat mich so stark an dich erinnert. Ich will einfach sagen: Ich hab dich lieb!. Ich möchte kein Geld oder einen Gefallen sondern einfach nur mal sagen. Ich hab dich lieb Paps!



oh my... I need a rest. Too much. I feel overloaded with all the english and every time I work to hard everything is going worse. Needed someone to stop me and tell me to calm down. Thanks for that! I felt better. It's horrible. We are writing Spanish vocabulary and an English test on Friday. Everything is blocked. I can't get the vocabs and I didn't get the English story. There's math and U.S History to do. Our teacher is not at school. His mother died by an accident. That is so sad. I feel so sorry.
It's amazing what a little town like Florence does when something like that happened. There is a boy and he is a bull rider. He had an accident, too and is in the hospital. They called for a Green Day. They asked the people to wear green. The colour of hope to make a group photo on the end of the day and print it. So he can see it when he awakes. That is a beautiful idea.
I had a normal but great school day and my biology teacher said something really nice. I think he doesn't know how great it was for me to hear that. He said I should get a 200 for the things I'm doing. That was great to hear on my 'burnput day'!
I also hope Sharons mood will be better soon. I can't help her but she is really stressed and it freaks me out to see her like this. You know what Sharon? After every mountain comes a valley.
We ate some leftovers today for supper and Sharon made some cookies. They were so good warm. She also gave me a little piece of cookie dough!!!! Thanks :DDD


Second Tennis Lesson :)


Wednesday was a really good, funny and sports-minded day. I went to school and everything was normal. Girls athletics was really, really good and I got 3x 100 points in math. I ran a lot in athletics. We played a running game and I didn't want to give up in the group in fron of all the other girls. That was the reason I pushed me really hard. I stayed at school after athletics. Ashee and her friends gave me my second tennis lesson and I lost my first tennis game. But I lost not that bad. It doesn't matter for me baucause I know I learned a lot. I catched Kimmey after all that and cleaned her just for fun.
I made my homework and we ate supper together. Pasta with chicken and broccoli.


Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

How I met the Monsta :D


I hadn't a lot of sleep but school was exciting. We found a kitten, okay a little bit bigger than a realy kitten. More a cat but he still wants to play. By the way. He is my cat. I adopted him and now I'm the owner of a cat. Surprise! Yeah Mama & Papa there're a lot of reasons to be schocked. I know you will read that and please shut your mouth. It's cold ;)
We sat in a room with 10 people and first he was shy. Than he jumped on my legs and was snuggling on me all the time. I left the room and he cried after me. Mrs. Mosby said he decided to be my Kitten. The little boy is called „Monsta“. I named him after the favorite band drink. He is handsome. White with grey and I really hope he will survive outside. Doggies which want to eat him, other cats which want to fight with him. Mhhm... he will do it! His character is amazing. I will take a picture and upload it.
Haley and I made the Halloween bags for the playday. We filled them with candy. I like to do this decoration stuff. It's great and I know some people will be really happy about it.
The afternoon was great. I wrote with Doris and skyped with Marius and Dennis for 2 hours. That was the second time I talked with Marius. It was so funny and we had a lot to laugh. I finished my biology homework beside.
Supper was good. We ate meat, potatoes and cabbage. It was good.

Wish ya'll a great week in Germany. Enjoy your holidays!

Grrr Mondays!


I hate Mondays. We got a lot of homework and I had no time on Monday to write my blogg. It's horrible! I came back from school and had a hour free time with Kimmey and than I did homework. The whole evening. Just 1 hour free time to eat and watch TV. It was really late when I finished homework. Mondays aren't good days! XD
All my friends in Germany have holidays! That's not fair. I need some sleep.


Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010

Little Sunday Trail Ride


I slept well and the morning was better. We found a shower and I took a really long and warm shower. I enjoyed it so much. We had a little church service and one of the cooker made me hot choclate. That was so cute! He always tries to make that I feel good and the hot choclat was perfect. We ate the same things for breakfast than yesterday and rode out for a short trip. Maybe 2 hours but it felt like a half. It was a slow ride. We had some babies with us and little children.

We packed all the things back in the trailer and we put the tent back. We spend the whole afternoon doing this and when we arrived at home we brought all the things back in the house or in the barn and fed the horses.
Adrian and I had to amke homework. So we made homework, ate supper and right now I'm writing on this blogg and looking for some pictures. I'm tired and I have to learn Spanish. I will stop.
Hope ya'll had a great weekend. I loved this one. It was AWESEOME! A real little family trip.


Trail Ride

...but the morning was cold! I thought I will freeze to death. Do you know how warm my sleeping bag was? Does someone know how cold it was outside? I had to change my clothes outside. We hadn't a shower there but a little bit water and a washcloth. That was a really interesting experience. It was great and weird. It's hard to describe. I mean it is fun to do that for one weekend but I don't want to miss showers.
After I had changed my clothes we went to the 'chuck wagon' for breakfast. There were tortilla bread, sausages, potatoes and some chili. I didn't try the chili but all these other good stuff. It was a great breakfast.

We saddled the horses after breakfast and rode out for the 6-8 hour trail ride. I think we started at 10am. It was amazing, awesome, gorgeous! It was wow! It was fun, it was a great experience. Something new and some moments were freedom. The trail ride was about trust, communication with your horse and friendship. It is so hard to describe and so easy at once.
I took more than 100pictures. Kimmey did great and we rode the hill up and down, through the water, over rocks, through the Forrest and over a natural grass field. We walked, trotted and loped. We trusted each other and honestly there were some situations I was not sure how we can deal with them but when I looked back there were never some problems for us just challenges.

There were some moments she agve me a hard time. Coming up with her front legs or spinning arround when I tried to make some photos of Daniel. Daniel and his friend, I forgot the name, wanted some pictures and I liked to photograph them. I took some really good pictures of the environment. The landscape was awesome. So different from Germany but also different from all these country movies. The things I love are the little rivers and the white sand or stones on the side. That is just beautiful and absolutely terrific to ride trough the water.

I lost my straw hat three times. A girl gave it back to me two times and the third time I lost my hat on an hill. I couldn't stop. So I left my head behind me. I was a little bit sad but still hoping someone will be so nice and pick my hat up and... someone did! Some people are so, so, so nice and I was really happy. Finally I searched for a band to put on my hat. This thing is just to loose. I found a bond and I didn't lost my hat again.
After two hours we stopped for lunch. We had to wait for it and a lot of people took their chance to talk to me. They asked about Germany, how I like Texas, what is different, if I miss my family and all this stuff. Another popular question was where I learned to ride and how long and all this stuff. I can explain as long as I want that I'm a reining rider and some people are still trying to talk about English with me. Some don't get the difference but their were some like Daniel and his friend who got this little detail. I don't know why but I like them. They're really nice and had a great personality. I liked the whole appearance of Daniels friend.

They brought us hot dogs, chips and crispy rice for lunch. It was good but I was starving. We rode back for two more hours. I took a lot more pictures, talked to people and raced over the field with Kimmey. This horse really needs to learn what stop or whoa means. George and Danny, two boys from my school, were riding the wrong way just to race and I followed them because I thought there were the group. I almost crashed into George and his horse.
Yeah I know 2 hours + 2 hours are 4 and not 6-8 hours. We followed the wrong group and got back earlier. We decided that we don't want to ride out again on this day. Our horses did fine. Chance feed were better and we have to ride a playday next week. Reasons enough for Sharon to stay. I felt a little bit sorry. I wanted to go again but I could understand her point.

There were some people who rode out again. They rode to the creek and trough the creek. I can just imagine how much fun that was but we had fun, too.
Our church group leaders were their and had some games for us. Okay more for the kids but Adrian and I played with them. Wheelbarrow Barrel race and toe-jumping and all this stuff. We had some really funny games. One game you must get off a pair of gloves and a hat. I had a Texas Longhorn Christmas hat. I loved it and the boy who owned this Christmas hat gave it to me. That was so nice! I wore it a long time and at night. It kept my ears warm.

In the evening we ate supper. Beans, pork, bread, tortilla and a lot of other things to choose from. We had a lot of desserts. Two whole tables full. After supper they sold some stuff. We have had a auction and than a country band, who played for all the people.
That was a great day and I had a lot of fun. The time in the tent was great. Adrian, Sharon and me made some jokes. We had a lot to laugh and beside all my memories about camping and my friends in Germany I felt good. It was like a little piece family.

Get ready for the trail ride


I went to school on Friday and it was okay. We didn't write a math test but we wrote the U.S. History test. I missed one question and that freaked me out. Biology is a B+. So everyone can imagine that this was not the best day for me. Girls Athletics was really funny. We played a game and I talked with Maria. She's really nice and so I felt a little bit better.
After school we did everything to get ready for the trail ride. We put the tent, sleeping backs, blankets, pillows and the bags with our clothes in the truck. We put bridles, saddles, pads and blankets in the trailer. Ricky picked Haley up and we loaded the horses in the trailer. We left about 6pm. Too late. The sun was going down.

We arrived on the parking place and got the number for our camping place. We got number 14. We unloaded the horses and put them in their paddocks. They got water and something to eat. The sun was running against us and Sharon forgot some really important papers. We had to call Sam to bring them and he did. Great that she forgot the papers. We needed more than a hour to get the tent up and without Sams help we would sleep in the truck.
We raised the tent up and went to the main house to eat supper. We got the left-overs. Spaghetti with tomato sauce. I love it! The woman who made the supper ready for us was really nice. She was really interested about Adrian and me. A lot of people asked me questions this weekend.
After supper we went to bed. It was really warm and great to sleep in the tent. It reminded me on the summer camping trip with Marius, Kevin and Markus. It was really funny to rethink about that. Oh! Camping can be so much fun. I slept very well this night...


Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

Thursday; The Day before the Trail ride


this will be a short post. I went to school and I think I messed up in biology. I got nervous and confused with the language and than with the answers and... yeah, no idea what I can get on this test. I think it's not a good grade. I was so angry about myself that I took more weights than normal in the weight room. Coach Patterson was really impressed about that. I learned Spanish at home and looked at math. I watched TV just for relaxing and than I fed the horses.
The JV – junior varsity- team has won today and Adrian played. He ran 10 yards and tackled someone. He played! That is so great! I'm so happy about that. He remind me about U.S History. We will write math, history and maybe spanish tomorrow. I have to give my essay to my teacher. I really tried to write a good essay.
Supper was okay. I don't get used to the encheladas. We ate them with a cheese souce. Sharon made better ones but I still prefer Tacco-Salad.
Tomorrow we will be on the trail ride. I have to pack several things. Load my camera and all this stuff. I won't write until Sunday but I will post for each day. Don't worry about me if I don' write the next two days.
I'm really excited about the trail ride and the camping and the cowboys and the barbeque and,... and,... and,...BUT I need moscito spray!!!! :)


Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010

First Tennis Lesson :D


this day was great. I had a great afternoon but first about the morning: I woke up, we drove to school and we had some free time in jounalism. It was okay. The school day was a little bit diffrent but nothing happened. I got my math test back and it's a B with extra credit. Not the best but still okay for math. We went over some test questions for biology today and I got a hundred for my homework. Girls athletics was great. We ran a lot but I like it.
I met Ashee after school. She's tennis state champion and said that she will practise tennis with me. She promised me to practice and today was my first tennis lesson after school. I thought she'll come alone but she bought some friends to play with me. We were four people and I had a lot of fun. I didn't mess up that much. I expacted to be much worse. It was fun! I really like tennis and they said they can fix me for spring. It was so great to do something after school!
And than there was the little school event for athletic and band member. They had free Hot Dogs, Drinks and cookies. I talked a lot with Samantha. Kim was there, too but we didn't talk that much. That was great. I enjoyed this afternoon. Ashee brought me home. I fed the horses, made math homework, ate dinner, made English, studied biology and took a shower. I'm done. :)
Supper was good. We ate rice with sausages and cheese and I sent the the letter for Patrick and Regina.

Wish ya'll sweet dreams and great fall-holidays in Germany!!! xP

Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2010

Happy Birthday Celine! xP


that was an really, really easy day. I made my homework on the weekend and we didn't get more or new homework today. I got a little sheet of paper. This paper allows me to go out of school for lunch on Thursday. Just because of the good grades and great attendence. I mean it's pretty cool to get something for good school grades. It's a little thing but more you get on German schools. The only homework I had was biology. I just had to find my papers. It didn't take long. Adrians cookies arrived. So we will have a lot of cookies every evening. A lot of calories and no basketball practice to get the calories off. Mhm!
School was funny. I talked with Samantha in girls athletics and had a really nice, short ralk with Laurren. It was so nice. Dinner was good. I warmed up pasta and ate some potatoes and beans with pasta. Sounds wierd, tastes okay. What should I do? I love pasta! :D
Today is Celines Birthday so: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU!!!! You don't want me to sing for you. ;)
Wish you the best and hope you had a great day!! Health, luck and Gods Bless for you!

-Birthday song play-

Sunday, Sonic, Riding and Talking


that was a relaxing day. I have talked with Sharon in the morning and after that we drove to Sharons doctor. It's great that her back is better. I looked in a little store for some clothes but there was nothing really interesting. We drove back and ate lunch at Sonic. Sonic is something like McDonalds or Burger King. It's a fast food restaurant but they make awesome milk shakes or coffee things. So it's McDonald and Starbucks mixed. I ate morzarella sticks and a corn dog and drank a banana shake. Really, really unhealthy but it was special that we drove to sonic with Sharon. One special thing about sonic is that there're parking places where you can order and wait for your food. You don't have to leave your car and you can't eat inside. Sonic is just outside. Back at home we waited for Suzie. We wanted to ride. So Suzie and Haley showed up and we saddled the horses, rode the pattern and waited for Celine and Paula! Finally they arrived. It was great to see them and talk to Celine. They brought their 'new' horse Zeke and Paula rode. It was great to see how much fun she had. I had fun with Kimmey too. We did some nice turns and I took some pictures with her. Just because I was bored.
Dinner was, wow, great, to much and to many things. Pasta with tomato souce, butter bisquitts, mash potatoes, something white you put on the mash potatoes and chicken. Wow! Good but to much.

Love, Sunny

                                                 [Smiling, Smiling, Smiling, Smiling xP Smile!]

P.S. I dicided to quit basketball. It's less stress for Sharon, Sam and the christmas things. Hmm :(

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

Bring the hay in :)


another week is over. It's Sunday and Sunday is church day. We went to church. I liked the sunday school lesson about prejudice. It was really interesting and some people said things you can think about for a long time. There where some people who rode to church today. Like real cowboys. I don't know why but I has a good feeling to watch them.
We drove back and changed clothes really quick. I ate some grapes and a cheese-ham sandwitch for lunch. Adrian and I helped to make the hay bales and but them on the trailer and from the trailer in the barn. Suzie, Rickey and two other people helped us. It was really interesting to drive with Sam and watch Sams machine. We talked a long time on the tractor. It was a great experience to help with the hay. I have little scars on my arm. Adrian got bigger ones he cut his arm really bad. But it doesn't matter. This little scars made the whole thing more interesting. It was hard work but I enjoyed it. After working Adrian and I tried to rope Haley. I roped Haleys dog twice. It was fun to play with her! :)
Dinner was great. We ate pasta with meat souce and salad. I love this food. It's really good. I have no school tomorrow! Yehaa! :D

Wish you all a happy Monday in Germany,

Samstag, 9. Oktober 2010

Auction, Cheering and Homework


I slept a little bit longer. Someone told me to wake up and I was awake for 2 minutes... I woke up later and got ready for the auction in less than half an hour. Breakfast and everything. Adrian drove with Sam and I drove with Sharon. We looked for some container houses. A friend of the family is searching for a house. We have taken some photos and joined Adrian and Sam. The first thing I did was raising my arm to show Sharon where Adrian is. Not a good idea if you're on an auction. Puuh, nothing happened. They had trucks, tools and a lot of other things there. The only interesting thing for me: two western saddles but I don't need one.

We went to a football game. The second and third grader played against each other and Haley cheered. That was sooo cute. The Buffaloes won against the Cowboys! Okay it was the first game. It's normal that the buffaloes win the first game and loose the following games. After the game was lunch time and we ate burger in a really small restaurant – grocery store. The french fries were really good. I ate a lot.
Sharon drove me back and I started my homework. I did English and a little part of bilogy but biology is a lot more than I have expected. I went out to run a little bit, jump rope and all this stuff. Sam, Sharon and Adrian ate chili on hamburger bread with french fries. I couln't eat that. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to eat french fries again. I don't like them sooo much and twice a day is too much. I ate a fruit bowl. That was the first time I didn't eat dinner.
What ever,
I'm sorry for the late posts. I've to do homework. I took a little bit to much time in the bathroom for my shower. I listened music and forgot the time.
But I wrote all the posts for the last three days. Ya'll know I'm alive. I talked to Max so I know that he's alive but what is with Marius, Hjördis and Doris?
I didn't hear something from them and I'm too busy to write an E-Mail but I will when I've time.
Okay ya'll sleep well.


Band, Football Game, Band! - Fun! :D


I love football games. The buffalo varsity team lost but it was great to watch the game, stay with the band and talk to my 'friends'. It's going better. I know the people and can talk to them but there is still a wall. Something like: You're an exchange student. Maybe it's just in my mind.
School was great. We got a lot of homework for the long weekend. Yeah :( I wanted some freetime but maybe I can do all the homework on saturday. After school, I walked to the band hall and played my first guitar duett with a saxophone. Yeah! We did it after some tries but I'm playing to quiet. Maybe a saxophone is to loud. Whatever xD
I have permission to drive with the band in the schoolbus. I had my first ride in a schoolbus and it isn't really comfortable. It's a bus. Yellow outside, black seats inside. The game was great. Yeah I talked with the band people, the cheerleader and some other people I know. The band asked me if I want to eat with them and gave me a turkey sandwitch, a sprite and chips. That was so nice and a really good feeling.
The buffaloes lost but it was great to yell for them and cheer after the game. Okay, I didn't really cheer. Just yelled the cheer with everyone.
I slept on the ride back. We arrived at 11pm at Florence High. Sharon picked me up. It's half past 11pm and I should go to bed. They've planned to go to an auction tomorrow. Mhm, that can be interesting. Let's see.


Two steps away from the long WE


another day left. Puuh, tomorrow is Friday and Friday means weekend. I wrote math and did the extra credit today. I'm glad that the day is over. It wasn't a worse day but not a really good day. Nothing special happened. I'm just excited for my long weekend. Monday is one day school off. Okay I dreamed not so good today, went to school and did homework after school. I wrote an essay about the secret of leadership and talked a long time with Top. He showed me the first ground work exercises on a horse he never worked with. Every day I'm watching him I'm still impressed and must remember Jerry. I ate dinner with Sharon and Sam. We ate roast with rice and vegetables. Adrian had a football game. They lost. Mhhm! :(
Yeaah that was my day.


Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

Dreams - Mood much better :)


This day was better than the last one. That isn't really hard. Yesterday was bad. I had a awesome dream and I woke up with an amazing mood and a good feeling. I don't know how but I did math and biology and what did the teacher? Changed the days. Math test is tomorrow and the worksheet in biology, too.
Okay that can happen. I have more time to learn and go over it. Good! I came back from school, translated biology, stalked my facebook page and wrote with an old friend. We went to elementry school together. It was really short. I added her on msn and did my homework and than I got a nice text message from Kim and Anny. I was so worried about it but they were just kidding. Yeah make fun of me when I worrie about you ;)
Next time: Paah xD
I fed the horses and practised guitar. I finished the mail with pictures and all this stuff for Patric and Regina! I wrote the mail one week ago but I forgot to print the photos! I'm not really tired. That was a better day and that makes me happy. Supper was okay. Maccaroni and Cheese with sausages and salad. It's really wierd that I eat everything with ranch dressing and just salad without... I hope I will dream again such an awesome and real dream. Sweet dreams ya'll!


P.S. Happy Anniversary, Paula!!! Wish you and Chris another 9 years and longer with luck, health and Gods bless.

Just horrible!


this was an horrible day. I went to school and got a lot of homework. I did mosz of my homework and went out to work with Kimmey. I did and Top gave me some tipps. I'm really thankful about his help. I didn't changed my mood. I still had a lot of homework. We'll write a math test and I must give him the biology sheet. I don't know how I should do that. I panic about math. My mood is really, really bad. It's a day you better forget. Not even horses keep up my mood. This day is really, really wrong.
Supper was good. Rice and chicken. I don't know but I didn't want to eat and ate a lot...
What ever. Thank God the day is over!


Montag, 4. Oktober 2010

Homework ! :) ?

Oh man,

I'm tired. A really short post today. The week will be horrible. The week is still bad. I came back from school, did homework. Decided to train Kimmey and D.G, and that was the best part today. I took a shower we ate dinner. Meat, match potatoes and beans. It was good. After supper I practised guitar and went upstairs to do more homework. I wrote 6 pages. I'm done. I'm so tired. We'll write a lot of tests and there's a lot more homework to do. We'll write math, bio, Spanish. I have to learn for these. Did U.S History exercises, practised guitar and, and, and...
Wish ya'll a good night and a better week.


P.S. Thank you Paula :D It's great to imagine I'm sitting on a hay bale and talk with you! Love and miss you! Greetings to Celine and Alexis. I like the pictures of Alexis on your Facebook page.

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

2 months over / Mäx ;)


another month is over. I arrived 2 months ago! Wow. To month away from my parents and friends. I really miss ya'll. I hope everything is okay and I'm glad if you write a comment about my blogg. I'll answer.
I'm specially thinking about sophomoric Mäxchen ;) I've to write a section about him. Okay let me see. Mhhm. Okay Mäx! I miss you. That's not really hard to translate. I'm glad to hear that you're still working with Polly and it's going better. I hope school is okay and your grades are better. I hope you remember your promise. ;) You wanted to try hard.
What else? Oh yeah, it's really wierd to clean a horse and there's none to talk with. No Mäx, no Doris, no Jerry, none. That's really hard and that are the moments I specially miss ya'll. I need someone to sit and talk on the hay bail. XD Best regards to your family and all the horses! I hope you like the words about you or to you and you can translate them easily.

My day wasn't that hard. It was an easy and really good Sunday. Sharon curled my hair for church and we drove to church. It was so cold. Inside and outside. My cold isn't better. It's worse... I was freezing the whole time but that was okay. I took some pictures with the people after church.
Back at home I played card games on my computer, answered E-Mails and talked a little bit with Jerry. None was online beside him. Mhhmm... I had time to talk =(
We ate a pasta soup and corn bread. The movie we watched today was silly. I thought the whole time: Okay, something must happen now. Something that changes the movie and than the movie was over. I thought the 'big change' was the beginning to explain the movie...
Whatever ;) It was a good day and I pray for a good school week.


Cleaning the barn


I woke up a little bit later. I slept very well and I needed this sleep. We cleaned the barn. Lena, another German exchange girl, helped us. It was a lot of work to get all the saddles, pads, braddles and the other stuff out, cleaned and back in the barn. The last time someone cleaned this barn was 1 and a half years ago. We spend the whole day to clean everything but it was nice. I talked a lot about Lena. It was fun! We had bubble water and a lot to laugh about. I enjoyed cleaning. The barn looks good. I like it. The good thing is that I got to spints for Kimmey' and D.G's things.
After cleaning Lena and I saddled the horses and we rode a little bit. That was great and Lena did very good after some explenations.
I did some homework. I'm so tired I want to sleep. Sharon made a choclate, pineapple, cherry cake. That was good but too much. ;)
I think I got a cold. Hopefully it's better tomorrow.


Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

V.I.P. Band Member ;)


today was a special day for me. I ordered my class ring and I got gthe 2012 ring. We can wear this ring until we get our class rings. Today was an easy school day. We watched movies, played guitar. I ate lunch with Kim. A really nice day. No tests – nothing.
In the evening I went to the football game and helped the band. I had a lot of fun this evening! That's great volunteering work. I talked to the band people, helped them to carrie their things around and enjoyed the evening. It was really nice when Ms. Mosby intodruced me and Sam, a really sophomoric student, said that I'm a nice person and everyone smiled at me. It was really special and I had a great but cold evening. Tomorrow is riding day. A lot to do for me! So I need some sleep.
