Donnerstag, 2. September 2010

Afraid about four tests


what a day! I got my U.S History vocabulary sheet back and it's not really good. I didn't write sentences. I wrote keywords to discribe the vocabularies. Mhhm! Shit happens... I was in a bad mood but than came guitar and everything was okay. My teacher wasn't there. I just played something on my guitar.
I hope I'm prepared for the four tests tomorrow. Spanish, Biology, Math and English. I'll try my best.
The day was long. We lifted weights and ran back to the gym. I got a half hour to go ready for the consession stand. We sold food on the football game. I worked the whole evening. It was really funny and a nice experience. I'm glad that Kim was there. The junior vasity team won! Goncradulations Buffs!
Tomorrow is a busy day. The buffaloes are playing, it's Sharons birthday and I'm writing four tests. I hope you don't have that many tests in Germany.

Wish you all sweet dreams and for tomorrow or today it's after 12 'clock. Go Buffs!!


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