Dienstag, 31. August 2010

Got my Guitar; Tawar! :D


school was okay. I liked my first girls athletic lesson. We lifted weights. It was hard but I enjoyed it. I've a lot of power so I think it was a good choice. I've to sell Yearbook pages. One page costs 200 Dollar. A senior can make his own photo collage on this page. It can become really beautiful and a great memory. By the way:
I got my guitar! I got my guitar! :D My guitar is really beautiful. I like the tuners. I'm really happy about my guitar. Now I must just learn how to play. I'm really excited about that!

Sam and I picked Adrian up. Sam told me really interesting and true things. It is amazing how smart he is. How he thinks about the world. I'm impressed.
The supper was really good. Beef with pasta and corn. It was mixed with a tomatoe sauce. I took a shower and did my homework. I'm ready to sleep.
I got a card from my parents and I have to send a card to Regina and Patrick. I have no time to go to the post office...
Bye thw way: Mom? If you read this please call me at 5pm Texas time. HdgdL ♥

Greetings to Germany,

Montag, 30. August 2010

Class Change :D


this post will not be as long as the other one before. I woke up and ate one apple and a banana. We watched the Austin News like every morning. We drove to school and I had my first class. Journalism. It was good. They corrected my first article and they corrected a lot. That was hard but on the other hand: it was okay. I learned some things. I got my math test back and I've a score of 100!! That are 0 mistakes. Me & Math, fire and water. That's so crazy. We wrote another math test today. Tomorrow we'll write english. I got 130 points for my english sheet. We're doing bell work every day. Bell work includes a little grammar question and on the and of the lesson we have a little challenge. For all these tasks we can get extra credit.
What else? Right! I changed my classes or better: I changed just my last periode. I'm now in girls athletics. I can do that, my homework and ride. I'm sure.
I'm really excited about the photos from the football game. Kim wants to give me the pictures. I will watch for a new guitar tomorrow. Oh my... that can be an interesting and long day.


Sonntag, 29. August 2010

Adrians Birthday Party


I woke up in the morning and ate an apple. We went to church and I listened to Kieth and Michelle. I like sunday school before church. They talked about the ten commandments. It's interesting to listen to them. I heard a lot of diffrent versions from the ten commentments but what and how they explain it makes sense. Mark and Loran were at the church. I missed Mark in the sunday school lesson. I thought he would come. I likes donuts and we have donuts for free at sunday school. They're really good and by the way Mark: I will not kill you! If you don't come to sunday school more donuts for me and Adrian. ;D

[Me, Marc and Adrian after church]

By the way. The donuts are really good but I must take care. We celebrated Adrians birthday today and I ate cake. Think about a german cake and an ameican is 10 times sweeter. It's crazy. Donuts and cake and no time for sport. That is really hard and I'm trying to change that. Next Friday we will celebrate Sharons birthday. That means: No sugar things or chocolate until Friday! ;)
I must do more sport. I wrote you that I must ride more. I miss a lot of things and that isn't good. I'm not sad but I'm not happy with the situation. Eating without sport. That isn't a good idea. Everything else is perfect. I love Sharon, Sam, Suzie, Shannon, Rickie, Haley and Adrian. The dogs and horses. It's the perfect family and country for me. I'm just to afraid to get fat.
We bought the cake and all the other stuff after church and I hope Adrian had a great birthday 'party' and he likes his birthday card with the ten bucks inside. The food was good. Corn, chicken, hot dogs, ice crem and the birthday cake.
I'm excited about school. I will meet Kim and Anny again and all the other people. I hope I did my homework well.
Best regards to Germany. I hope everything is okay. School, life, … everything. I miss the Texca Ranch and Jerry, Regina, Patrick, Max. I miss you all but I enjoy my time here.

I'm glad that this post is a little bit longer and I'm sorry about these last short posts. I'm really busy at and after school and so tired in the evening. I don't know what to write. I spent the whole day at school and I don't want to bore you with the details from my school lessons. I must upload some photos. From the football game and Adrians birthday.

Good Night,

Samstag, 28. August 2010

Remember: Riding comes first! ;)


I'm so tired. I did a lot of homework. I needed a lot of time but I got help. Thank you sooo much! I did my math, biology and english homework. Tomorrow we'll go to church.
Today was great. We rode and trained the playday patterns. I must train a lot for Flag Racing. It isn't my favourite discipline but I'll try to do my best. It's easier to train with Kimmey than to do my homework and it's a lot more fun.
I'm really excited about my second school week. I think everything is going better and easier. It's still hard but I began to enjoy it.
I really missed riding. I was a little bit confused. What should I do? Join girls athletics, change classes? Can I ride anymore if I join girls athletics? I don't know a answer for these questions but I remembered one thing: horseback riding comes first! Yehaaa! ;D

Lets see what life brings,

Freitag, 27. August 2010

Go Buffs!

Gooooo Buffs!

School was great! Everyone weard purple. Today was football day. It's tradition to wear purple or white. That are our school colors. The last school periode was a celebration for the football team to wish them luck. The Team-Spirit is awesome! The varsity team played and the Buffaloes won!! We won! I bought one T-Shirt and got another one from the cheerleaders. They throw the T-Shirts away and I got one of these T-Shirt. I love cheerleading. It's so interesting. I like to watch them. The football game was great. It's hard to understand all the rules but some 10 year old boys explained the rules to me. I had a wonderful evening with Anny and Kim. We danced. It was a lot of fun to talk and dance with them. It's really late and I'm really tired. It was a great great day and a good evening.
Buffs! :D


Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

First PE lesson & other stuff


my day was good. Okay to much homework but school was good. I like journalism. Guitar and journalism are my favorite subjects. I'm writing an article about a girl from my class. I hope I did good. Tomorrow we will write a test. Oh my...
US History and Guitar were good and math was okay. It's hard. So many new vocabularies and they will become more.
Lunch was really interesting! I talked with the girls from the Cheerleader team. There captain, Melanie, is really nice. They're all friendly and interested about Germany.
PE was okay. We did something. We went into the gym and were able to play some volleyball or other things. I ran 6 rounds and played volleyball.
Doris, Sharons best friend, picked me up from school. I like her long hair and I enjoyed talking to her. Sharon and she have known each other for 54 years. That's amazing.
At home I did homework. We ate dinner. It was good. I ate steak, rice with a really good souce. That was good! :D

mhhm :( No call from my parents.


Mittwoch, 25. August 2010

Up :) & Down :(


this was my first great school day. I found all my rooms and understood my teachers better. I'm learning how to read notes. It's not that hard but new. There're also a lot new Spanish vocabularies. We wrote a math test and I've a good feeling. I'm not sure about the mark but I think this test isn't bad. I learned new math things. That's cool.
We wrote vocabularies down in US History and learned about the notes in Guitar. Jpurnalism is cool. I like this subject but I'm think I'm a little bit to shy. I should do more. A little bit more self confidence. I sat on the lunch table with Anny and Adrian and after lunch we've had English. It's great to learn something about Native Americans and there myths. Biologie is hard. I've to deal with a lot new vocabularies but I get all the help I need. PE was good. We sat in the classroom. Nothing to do. I had enough time to finish all my homework!
Back at home I got a second music lesson. Again about notes. I really want to learn all these stuff.
I tought a lot about my family. Miss you & love you. It was great to talk with someone from my family. Miss you so much but I really want to be here. Texas is hard but great, I love it, and I think it'll become better. The first time is an up and down. Thank you Paula for your nice comments and lovely words.


Dienstag, 24. August 2010

Short Post


just a short post. I'm really busy. I came from school and I'm working on my homework. I've finished spanish, now I want to make my english homework. English is a hard subject. It's really hard to understand. Oh I'm so tired. I hear English: every hour, every time.
You can't imagine how hard it is. Homework aren't that difficult but there're all in English. I hope I'm learning fast. Sharon said just the first time is hard. I hope so.
I made no friends just a few contacts.
Happy Birthday Paula! Hope you celebreted your birthday! :D


Montag, 23. August 2010

1st Schoolday


school was okay. Adrian and I went to school. We got our new schedules and went to our first classes. I had journalism. It's not bad but a lot to do. We got a book and I read 15 pages for homework. It's not much for an American but for me it was a long, long task. The day was good. Every teacher explained what to buy and what are his or her rules. Nothing to do. Just listen and remind. I like my guitar teacher. She's funny and I think she'll be a great teacher. I want to learn how to play guitar and she takes her job serious. I'm really excited about my second school day. Lunchtime was okay. I was a little bit confused. I have sat there with Anny and Adrian and than joined 4 girls. One of these girls confused my with her personality.
Back at home I made my homework. I spend the whole day for that and that were just two subjects... Not good =(
but I think it'll be okay and I'll be fine. It takes time!


Sonntag, 22. August 2010

Happy Birthday Rickie & Paula


Church was funny. I like the lessons. Michelle and Keith are doing a great job. Sometimes it's hard for me to listen. I think I understood a lot but the jokes are really hard. Someone said something and everyone is laughing but you didn't understand that. Believe me – that's weird.
Duug hold the speech. Joe wasn't there. Ducks speech was good. Tomorrow is school beginning and his speech was about worry. So, don't worry but I do. I'm excited and afraid about school. I really want to go but I also want to stay at home. Will I make friends? Is school hard or easy? It's confusing. I packed my school bag.
I think I'm ready for school.

Evening was great! HAPPY BITHDAY RICKIE & Paula! Today is Rickies birthday. We went to a Mexican restaurant and the Taco Salad was okay. The cake looked really nice but it was to sweet. It was a funny evening. Chris, Paulas husband, made a lot of jokes. He is funny and he wants his picture on my blog. Okay, what ever he wishes.
So 'Back to School' wish you all a great school start!

That is Mr Coolman Chris. ;) with the baseball cap! :D


Samstag, 21. August 2010

1st Playday; 4 ribbons


I'm so tired! That was a really, really busy day. I got up early in the morning and we drove to my first playday!
A playday is a riding competition. You must ride 6 patterns. Every pattern is like an only competition. You get ribbons for the 1st-10th place. You need to be fast. It doesn't matter how you're sitting on the horse. Okay, for your time you get points and this points are for the trophies. 1St, 2nd and 3rd place.
I was in a big class. We were 13 riders. I was really afraid and excited. The other girls are really good and they're riding for there whole lifes. On the first and the second pattern I did well. I got both races the 5th place! !! :D
But than I have gotten really nervous and did the 3rd and 4th pattern not very well. I rode the wrong way but I fixed it and got my time.
The 5th and 6th race was good. I did okay and I'm really happy about that. One 5th place and a 6th place. :)

So I got my goal. I didn't get a no-time and I got 4 ribbons!! That was my first riding competition ever! Chris, Paulas husband, told me: „Not bad for a german girl!“ So I'm proud! It was okay.
Thank you all so much. Sharon, Paula, Shannon, Suzie, Alexis, Adrian, Harley, Celine, Samantha, Chris and all the other! That was a great day. I'm so glad and tired. This day is over. No one fell down!

I think I will sleep very well.
So wish you all nice dreams!


PlaydayAugust - MyVideo

Freitag, 20. August 2010

2nd Week, 3rd Shopping Trip

Okay, okay, okay!

I'm really excited! Tomorrow is my first playday! Sharon gave me a T-Shirt. It's awesome. A Singing Trees Ranch T-Shirt! I'm so proud that she gave it to me!
My day was great. Really! I've lost a lot of money because we went shopping. Paule, Celine, Alexis, Paulas 8 years old daughter, and I. I bought 4 shorts, 3 T-Shirts and 1 pair Flip Flops. Two T-Shirts and the Flip Flops are white. Oh my... Paula is changing my style! ;D

It was so funny. They have picked me up and gave me a banana shake. I love banana shakes! That was so sweet. Okay, enough abou banana shakes. We have gone to Kohls, Rue21 and Walmart and after that we drove to a Pizza-All-You-Can-Eat-Restaurant. Tacco Pizza is better as a real Tacco! ;)
We drove back to the ranch with Paulas husband. He has changed the radio channel every 10 seconds. Woa. Please! Don't confuse my brain! ;D

Yeah, back at home Sharon gave me this T-Shirt. Thank you! I'm so proud, excited and happy. This is a great evening just because of this wonderful day!


Donnerstag, 19. August 2010

Schlitterbahn Waterpark, New Braunfels


I love this waterpark. SCHLITTERBAHN, NEW BRAUNFELS is awesome! I woke up early. Suzie, Rickey, Haley and me drove to McDonalds for breakfast. It was a long ride in a amazing car. Beautiful Cadillac! Haley and I watched two movies. The first one was „Lady and the Tramp“. In Germany it's called „Susi und Strolchi“. I love all the old Disney movies. The 2nd movie was Ice Age.
We arrived at Schlitterbahn. You can bring your own food with you. So we had a lot to drink and some sandwiches. They showed me the fastest and highest slides. We drove them all. It was so good! There was one part of the waterpark and I thought it's the whole park. No! Remember: You're in America! We drove with an shuttle bus to the second part. The second part was as big as the first one. I tought this is the whole park. No! Remember: You're in Texas! ;) We took another shuttle bus to the third part of the waterpark. It's amazing how big it is. We spend the whole day there.

Haley and I watched another movie on the return called „Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron“. That was the 6th time I have seen this film. I love the music.
They invited me to a chinese restaurant with buffet. 6 buffet tables. That was big! I ate a lot. Tried a lot new things. I was so full and tired.
Thank you so, so much for this great day. I had a lot of fun! Enjoyed the slides and the food. That were great new experiences. Thank you Suzie and Rickey!

I'm still tired. Tomorrow we'll clean up the horses for playday :D
Clean Kimmey day!
Clean Everyone day!

Mittwoch, 18. August 2010

Busy Evening :)


nothing important happened. I sat on my notebook and checked my E-Mails. No one in Germany was online. Oh my... Life is hard. ;)
I have watched cartoons with Haley and later I played Poker. I wrote some E-Mails. Time was running really slow. I wanted to ride but it's to hot. We will ride in the evening at 7pm. Now it's 5pm. I have talked with Marius before I swam with Haley. It was great to talk with Marius and Hjördi. My best friends on one day! I wish Hjördi good luck for school. Have fun! ;D

I took some pictures from the longhorns. Some are good. I like them. I'm thinking a lot about prejudices. Some things are reality. Here are real puppies in a normal pet store! That's amazing. Mice, rabbits, guinnea pigs, dogs and cats. I saw a slogan on the cat cage. Buy one get one free. That's so crazy ;) I have never expected something like that. Wow.
Another thing are the cars. They're bigger and you can do everything out of the car. You can drive to the bank, order a drink, food or something else. You musn't leave your car.
The music is the same. Country is really famous in Texas. I like it but I also heard the charts. They're the same.
TV shows and series are diffrent but I like the American ones more. There're really good series like Warhouse 13, Eureka, Psych, Bones, Dark Blue and a lot of other great series and movies.
It's really hard to get Haribo or Milka chocolate. A Milka choclat bar costs 3 Dollar. REALLY EXPENSIVE! Okay I will stop writing and continue when my riding lesson is finished.

It's 9pm and I'm done. Dinner was great! Maccaroni & Cheese, chicken, beef, potatoes and as dessert a little bit German strawberry chocolate. But I want to talk about the riding lesson. It was great! Sharon showed us the two hardest disziplines and I think I did okay. Kimmey did a good job, too and I'm excidet about saturday. We trained barrel racing and the pole pattern. Adrian and I jumped into the pool. Wow! We really needed that. Tomorrow we will go to Schlitterbahn. It's an waterpark with waterslides.

Need some sleep. Enjoy the video!
Sunny :D

PolesFirstTry - MyVideo

Dienstag, 17. August 2010

Shopping; Schedule ;D


This day was much better than the last one. I woke up. It was too muddy for riding. So I played online poker. Paula has called and asked me if I want to go shopping and I said yes. So she and Celine picked me up. We had a great day! Went to some shopping malls and into a lot of stores. Ate at Panda Express and drove to sonic for a banana shake. That was an awesome day! Thank you so, so much! It was funny, interesting and I bought a pair shoes. I needed some running shoes for PE.
                                                   [From left to right; I, Paula and Celine] 
They brought me back and Sharon, Adrian and I went to school. I was really nervous but it was good. The teachers are funny and my schedule is great. Got all my subjects except for art. But that's okay. I will try journalism. I got my student ID card and the picture on it is nice. So! That was an great day and I'm really excited about school and playdays. I learned all the patterns.

Sweet dreams,

Montag, 16. August 2010

R.I.P Mickie


Sharon woke me up. Her horse Mickie has coliced and we walked with her around. We visited the veterinarian with her. But we must say Good-Bye to her. R.I.P Mickie. You were a great horse with a great charakter.
[Mickie & me walking. R.I.P little sweetheart ♥]

The rest of the day was really slowly. Sharon showed me some playday videos. Toward I swam in the pool.

 It began to rain. The first time since I have arrived. I dislike the rain. It's to warm. I think the sky cried for Mickie.
We ate rice with beef and broccoli, that was good, and watched an old movie about the 3rd empire.


Sonntag, 15. August 2010



we went to church and it was great. I told you that church is diffrent. It's such an great experience. I understood the speech better. It was about communication. An active church can only exist when old and young people listen to each other. That's right. My church in Germany should here Joes words. The old ones care about the young and reverse. Everyone can have fun in the house of Lord. I like to listen to Joe. One week is over and I can better listen to Ameicans. I understand more.

Later we visited an other German exchange student. His name is Marc and he's nice. We talked about New York and his host family. It was a beautiful house with a lot of details inside. After that we rode to Shannon. Shannon is Sharons daughter. She is really friendly and has a nice smile. Toward the visit we drove to an western store called „Sheplers“.

I don't know what to say or write. It was.... amazing?! So many things. So many hats, boots, tops, shirts, jeans, belts and cowboy things. I need money. If you want to make me happy. Give me money xD That's a great christmas present, isn't it? ;)
Joke. It was: Wow! I tried some boots and I love them but this store is really expensive. Time is running so fast. Next saturday are the playdays. That's just one week for Kimmey and me to train. Oh my, oh my....
Okay. Back at home without anything from Sheplers, by the way Sharon and Adrian bought each a new pair of boots, we went into the pool. We ate meat with onions and tomato sauce. To this corn and potatoes. I liked the corn and the potatoes. I <3 Corn. ;D

We watched „Dead Men Walk“. It's an western. They have an western channel called „Encore Western“. How cool is that?!

Wish you all a Good Night
sweet dreams,

Samstag, 14. August 2010

Laser Tak


that was an great, great, great day! The day started with riding. Kimmey and I we're going closer. But I think she dislikes to work in the morning. She's the only one who works in the morning. Life can be so hard. ;)
Sharon and I visited a lot of other host families and there host children. 2 were from Germany and one slowakian girl. The girls and there host families were really nice. I like their houses. There're so beautiful. A lot of country and cowboy stuff inside. Beautiful lamps, tables, clocks and other things. Really nice!

At home I had free time and talked with Jerry and Max. It was funny! Later I took a shower and we drove to Laser Tak. That was amazing! Laser Tak is like paint ball just without paint and balls. ;) You need to shoot them with a laser. It was great! A lot of fun and an great experience! We have eaten pizza and played games in the gambling hall. That was so great! I won some tickets and got a little price. A flag from a baseball team and a little turtle pin. Thank you Maxdale Cowboy Church youth group for this great evening!

Freitag, 13. August 2010

Riding & Shopping :D


this day was awesome! I woke up early. I took Kimmey. Sharon said she had never caught that horse as fast as I. I think Kimmey likes me. I like her. She's a great horse and we could be a great team. First comes work, And we worked. It was great! She's doing a great job and I think we can get really close to each other. There're some understanding problems but we'll try to get them away. ;)

 [Kimmey & me after the ride. We were both really sweaty and done.]

I took a shower and we went shopping. First at Kohl's and than at walmarket. It was great! I bought 1 Levis jeans, 4 pair of shorts / hot pants, 2 T-Shirts and 1 Top. Wow! Thank you Mommy for this gorgeous credit card! :D LoL
We have brung Jakub to his host family. They're really friendly and there neighboorhood is really beautiful. I like the big typical american houses.

 [Left to right: Adrian, Jakub & me :D]

Back at home I talked with Jerry and later I jumped into the pool with Adrian. It was a lot of fun! We tried some new things. Swam a lot.

One week left and it's like I have been here for a couple of years.
Sunny :D

P.S. We have had more than 41°C ;)
P.P.S It's Friday the 13th and nothing happened! ;D

Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

Easy day :)


this was an easy day. Nothing to do. Okay, nothing really important. We stood up early and ate some breakfast. We rode to the airpot and picked my one-day-slovakian-host-brother-Jakub up. He cut his long hair off. It was difficult to identify him. The short hair looks really good. He is a nice boy and I'm sure he will have a great time in Texas. Tomorrow he leaves us. His host family lives in Austin. McNeil High School will be his school.
We swam in the pool and played a lot of games with Haley. Jakub went with Adrian to football practise. I stayed at home with Sharon and we relaxed a little bit.
She's doing a great job as a coordinator and host mother. Sometimes she beomes really busy and done but she's doing her job with heart. I think she loves it. She's good at her job and I'm really proud to be her host daughter. I couldn't imagine how stressful her job really is. Now I can. Wow!
Than we picked Sam and the boys up and went to an Mexican restaurant. I dislike Mexican food. the only good thing was Sharons taco salad. Mexican food is really diffrent.
Now we are at home and it's to late and dark for a riding lesson. I want to ride in the morning. I hope everything in Germany goes his right way.
I will write this text in German but I can't write every text in German. It takes too long. Sorry, but you must read in English and ask if you don't understand.

Miss yaa and luv yaa,


das war ein einfacher Tag. Nichts zu tun. Okay, nichts wirklich wichtiges zu tun. Wir sind früh morgens aufgestanden und haben Frühstück gegessen. Wir sind zum Flughafen gefahren und haben meinen Ein-Tages-Slowenischen-Gast-Bruder-Jakub abgeholt. Er hat seine langen Haare abgeschnitten. Es war schwierig ihn zu identifizieren. Der kurze Haarschnitt sieht wirklich gut aus. Er ist ein netter Junge und ich bin sicher, dass er eine tolle Zeit in Texas haben wird. Morgen verlässt er uns. Seine Gastfamilie lebt in Austin. McNeil High School wird seine Schule sein.
Wir sind im Pool geschwommen und haben eine menge Spiele mit Haley gespielt. Jakub ist mit Adrian zum football Training gegangen. Sharon und ich sind zu hause geblieben und haben ein bisschen relaxed.
Sie macht einen tollen Job, als Local Coordinator und Gastmutter. Manchmal ist sie wirklich beschäftigt und erledigt, aber sie tut ihren Job mit Herz.Ich denke, dass sie es liebt. Sie ist wirklich gut in ihrem Job und ich bin wirklich stolz ihre Gasttochter zu sein. Ich konnte mir gar nicht vorstellen wie stresserfüllt ihr Job eigentlich ist. Nun kann ich es. Wow!
Dann ahben wir Sam und die Jungs abgeholt und sind zu einem mexikanischen Restaurant gefahren. Ich mag kein mexikanisches Essen. Die einzig gute / essbare Sache war Sharons Taco Salat. Mexikanisches Essen ist wirklich anders.
Nun sind wir zu hause und es ist zu spät und dunkel für eine Reitstunde. Ich möchte morgen früh reiten. Ich hoffe, dass alles in Deutschland seinen richtigen Weg geht.
Ich werde diesen Text nochmal in deutsch schreiben, aber ich kann nicht jeden Text in deutsch schreiben, denn das braucht einfach viel zu lange. Entschuldigt, aber ihr müsst das dann schon in englisch lesen und fragen, wenn ihr etwas nicht versteht.

Vermisse euch und hab ich lieb,

Mittwoch, 11. August 2010

Coincidences :)


this was a really cunfusing day. So many feelings came over me. I thought about my childhood and how often I have been mean to my mother. I feel sorry about that Mommy! :D
The day was okay. I didn't feel that great. Maybe it was the heat. Sharon, Adrian and I went to the doctor because Adrian needed a lot of papers. He got his papers and now he can play football. I'm really happy about that. That's the thing he wants to do and I think he can do it! The doctor is nice. I like him and his wife. There'are so friendly and the office is beautiful. All the bullriding pictures and the cowboy stuff.

He have seen that I'm really interested in all that 'cowboy-stuff' and asked me if I want to help him. Oh I must explain: He's a doctor for bullriders. That is amazing! I want to see an bull riding compatition and now I have the chance.

After the doctor I stayed at home on my computer. Talking to my friends in Germany and writing an E-Mail to my mother. I got swimming with Haley for one and an half hour, played some p
I thought a lot about having my own horse. I want to have one but I think it will takes a long time if I get one. Mhhm, dreaming about that and my future must be enough. It makes me happy. Just dream about these. I'm glad that I'm in Texas. Having these great experiences! That's one dream, which comes true.

I'm really tired.
Nighty night,

Dienstag, 10. August 2010

10-08-10 or 10.08.10

10-08-10 or 08.10.10 :D
Woke up at 7am. It's early for me. Got out of the house. We made the horses ready. There was a snake under the saddle. I didn't see the snake but Sharon saw the snake. Wuuh. In Texas are a lot of bad beasts. I took a great picture from an banana spider! But there're also bees, skorpians, snakes, and last but not least the bad bad grasshoppers. :D

There're only two rules. First one: Stay away! The second one: Don't bother them. These rules will keep you alive. I hope so. =)
The ride was great. First we rode on the field and than we made a little trail along the road. I think I'm about to get a sunburn on my face. It was so hot early in the morning and I thought: Ooh there is no time for breakfast. You can do it later. Later I drank my best glas of orange juice! It tasted sooo good after the ride. :D

I took a shower and we went to school. Adrian and I took our subjects. He wanted to play american football and stayed his first time with the football team. Wow! My brother is a football player! That's cool, isn't it?!
I took: English 3; Algebra 2; U.S. History; Art 1; Guitar; PE 3 A; Spanish 1; AP Biology. My High School is the Florence High School. The mascot is an buffalo. I like the school and I hope I will have a good time at school.

Okay, we left Adrian back. He joined the football team for practise and I went into the pool with Haley. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed it! She's a great girl.
Oh, I forgott to write something about my new cowboyhat. It's a strawhat. I love it! I want to upload a picture.

So thats enough. Dinner was good but it's hard to explain wat it was. Bread from an burger with meat and tomato sauce and potatoes with corn. I have eaten it with salad.

Nighty night and sweet dreams.
Luv ya all!

Time's running

Time's still running,

a look at the clock told me that it's already 8pm. Why is time running so fast? I think because I'm feeling so comfortable in Texas. I have met my local coordinator Leslie and her host daughter Carmen. Carmen is from spain and both are soooo nice. I enjoyed the trip to McDonalds and I can tell you: The Chicken McNuggets in Germany are better. ;) Joke ^^ There's no diffrence.
Later we got into the swimming pool. With me I mean Adrian, Haley and me. It was a lot of fun. She was really unpolite to us. Every time she splashed water into our faces. That was so funny! We played a lot of games. Haley is a great little sister and I like to swim with her and Adrian. The day was great. Leslie, Carmen and all the other familie members. Thank you. I'm glad that I met you and I hope we'll see each other again.

Wish you all a good night in Germany,

First Ride :D


I woke up at 9am and have eaten one blueberry waffle, banana and an apple. Than we drove to the church. It was great! You can make noises with your hands, say something like 'Love Jesus' and 'Amen' all the time. It's great to see how they believe. It's so diffrent from the german churches. But it's better. They're allowed to have fun and they have fun!
Back at home I talked with some german friends and told them how I'm and that everything is okay. Sharon invited me to come into the pool. So we got into the swimming pool. It was great! The right thing against the heat. After swimming we made the horses ready. First I rode Chance. He's a kind horse. Than I rode Kimmey. Both horses are palominos. I like Kimmey. She's fast and tried to figure out how good I'm. After riding I've been swimming with Adrian. It was fun. In the evening we ate pasta with a tomatoe-meat-souce. The pasta tasted really, really good. Jam jam ;D
It was a great day. The best thing was my first riding lesson. Sharon said it was good. I'm excited what is comming next time.

Best regards from Texas,

Sorry, but the video is not working :(
but there's a picture of Kimmey & me

Samstag, 7. August 2010



now I'm in Texas. The arrival was great! Sharon, Haley and Adrian picked me up. Haley is so sweet and Adrian is a great brother. Sharon and Sam – there're so nice. All my worries were baseless. They picked me up and we drove to the SINGING TREES RANCH. It's beautiful there! We're living in an house which is over 100 years old. I like my bedroom and the funiture in the house.
Just a few minutes later we drove to MAXDALE COWBOY CHURCH. There was a event with bull riding and barbecue. It was so exiting and the people were so friendly. Everyone gave me a hug and seemed happy to see me. I don't know how to explain it but a church in America is like: Right, Family. That is the word. It's like family. The food there was good. Someone teached me how to act with a rope and I tried to ride a bull. It was a lot of fun. Thank God & you all for this evening!

This day I woke up early. Sharon found a old table with 8 chairs and we drove and picked them up. I love to drive with a car because we hear country music all the time. :D
On the way back we ate Tacos. They were not so delicious. Than we bought a lot of food. Fruit, vegetables, a cake, cookies and all the other things. It was a lot and amazing to see this 'little' (I think it was a big one ;D) store. The evening was really nice. Adrian and I tried to act with the rope and feed the horses. Sharon cooked dinner and we have eaten it together watching a movie. The only bad thing is my head set. It's not working...

mhhm xD
Luv ya all,

At the airpot...


I'm sitting at the airport. Had a good time in New York and want to say thank you to: Anja, Elena, Lisa, the other Lisa, Annika, Lefke, Jaqueline and all the other exchange students and CIEE coordinators. New York was great! The hotel was nice and I had a great time. Thank you! ;D
Woke up at 6am. Got ready in 10 minutes, forgot my passport and ticket first. It was a stressful start in the day. Now It's 9am and I'm writing my blogg and I'm thinking about both families. How is everything going on in germany? How do my parents feel? At this point I want to say: Miss you all a little bit. ;) Mom, Dad, Jerry, Marius, Hjördis, Regina, Patrick, Doris, Grandma, Mäx, Nadine and Kristin. Best regards to Germany. I love you all and God bless you all. I'm sure you have a good time without myself.
On the other hand I'm thinking a lot about Sharon, Samuel, Haley and Adrian. I'm so excited to see them. At less there're 6 hours between us. How was Adrians flight? How is the ranch? How is the church? How will the first meeting be? How are the horses? ;D Oooh I want to be in Texas. Not at Newark airport. So I will make a break. Stop writing and thinking. I want to watch High Stakes Poker. ;)

Seeya, Sunny


Ich sitze gerade am Flughafen. Hatte eine wirklich gute Zeit in New York und möchte danke sagen: Anja, Elena, Lisa, die andere Lisa, Annika, Lefke, Jaqueline und allen anderen Austauschschülern und CIEE Koordinatoren. New York war toll! Das Hotel war schön und ich hatte eine gute Zeit. Danke Euch! ;D
Aufgewacht um 6 Uhr morgens. Fertig gemacht in 10 Minuten, Flugticket und Passport zuerst vergessen. Es war ein stressiger Start in den Tag. Jetzt ist es 9 Uhr morgens. Ich schreibe an meinem Blogg und denke an beide meiner Familien. Wie läuft es in Deutschland? Wie fühlen sich meine Eltern? An dem Punkt will ich sagen: Ich vermisse euch alle ein bisschen. ;) Mama, Papa, Jerry, Marius, Hjördis, Regina, Patrick, Doris, Oma, Mäx, Nadine und Kristin. Die besten Grüße nach Deutschland. Ich hab euch alle lieb und Gott beschützt euch alle. Ich bin sicher, dass ihr eine tolle Zeit ohne mich haben werdet.
Auf der anderen Seite denke ich eine Menge an Sharon, Samuel, Haley und Adrian. Ich bin so gespannt darauf sie zu sehen. Da sind nur noch 6 Stunden zwischen uns. Wie war Adrians Flug? Wie ist die Ranch? Wie ist die Kirche. Wie wird das erste Zusammentreffen sein? Wie sind die Pferde? ;D Oooh, Ich will in Texas sein und nicht am Flughafen von Newark. Ich werde jetzt eine Pause machen. Aufhören zu schreiben und zu denken. Ich will High Stakes Poker gucken. ;D

Seeya, Sunny

Freitag, 6. August 2010

Six Flags and the Diner :D


Six Flags was exciting! If you cry in an german roller coaster, you will die in an american. ;)
It was great! The girls were so funny and we were a really funny group. We had a lot of reasons to laugh. We spend more than 8 hours at Six Flags. I drove a lot of roller coasters. Some are really fast , some drive in the dark and others are high. I wanted to drive with 'King da Kar' but it was closed. =( King da Kar is the worlds highest roller coaster and goes down so fast.
We have eaten breakfast at a diner. I ate Pancakes with sausages. Mhhm it's too heavy food in the morning. Believe me, the food is so diffrent. CIEE says: Its not bad, it's not good, it's just diffrent.

Hey, Six Flags war spannend! Wenn du schon in deutschen Achterbahnen schreist, dann wirst du in den amerikanischen sterben. Es war toll! Die Mädchen waren echt lustig und im allgemeinen waren wir eine sehr lustige Gruppe. Wir hatten eine menge Gründe zu lachen und waren mehr als 8 Stunden im Freizeitpark. Ich bin eine menge Achterbahnen gefahren. Manche waren echt schnell, manche sind nur im Dunkeln gefahren und andere waren einfach hoch. Ich wollte mit 'King da Kar' fahren, aber die Bahn war geschlossen. =( King da Kar ist die höchste Achterbahn der Welt und geht so steil runter und das so schnell. Frühstück haben wir in einem Diner gegessen. I habe Pancakes mit Würstchen gegessen. Mhhm, es ist einfach zu schweres Essen am Morgen. Glaubt mir, das Essen ist so anders. CIEE sagt: Es ist nicht schlecht; es ist nicht gut, es ist einfach nur anders.

Sunny :D